I Just Can Score

Chapter 732 Ronaldo has assist data!

"The ball is in!"

"Zhen Shaolong completed the goal with a powerful shot in front of the goal and scored his first goal in La Liga!"

"His sense of smell in front of goal is amazing! We can see in slow motion that when Raul completed the shot, Zhen Shaolong threw away Luo Bo and turned to the middle, as if he knew where the football would roll!"

"Then, kick and shoot!"

"He scored his first league goal for Real Madrid, letting everyone see what kind of performance a striker worth over 200 million euros should have in front of goal..."


The game commentator tried his best to introduce Zhen Shaolong's sense of smell in front of the goal, but he could not hide the suddenness of the goal.

If Raul scored directly, no one would think it was sudden, because Raul had a lot of chances to touch the ball, and he had passed the opponent's defensive players before, but it was different if it was Zhen Shaolong. From the beginning of the game until now, Zhen Shaolong The number of times he touches the ball is extremely limited, no more than the number of fingers on one hand. He is extremely tightly defended by the opponent, and the number of passes given by his teammates is rare.

Some people attribute Zhen Shaolong's lack of possession of the ball to running.

For example, he rarely takes the initiative to drop back to get the ball.

For example, his running did not help him find a suitable space to receive the ball, and he was constantly being closely guarded by the opponent. It was easy for his teammates to pass the ball directly and be intercepted.

Some people attribute it to tactical positioning.

These people have a certain understanding of football and have watched several warm-up matches of Real Madrid. During the warm-up match, Zhen Shaolong was also tightly defended by the opponent and did not run to create space for the ball. However, his teammates still took the initiative to pass the ball. , even if he is continuously intercepted, he still has a chance. He can occasionally seize the opportunity to score the ball. The goal number is quite eye-catching.

This one is different.

Zhen Shaolong's tactical positioning has obviously weakened. His teammates no longer take the initiative to make "dangerous balls." If he does not take the initiative to create space or retreat to get the ball, it is almost impossible to get the ball while standing in front.

Raul became the first point of fire.

Whether on the wing or in the midfield, they will cooperate with Raul and take the initiative to pass the ball to Raul's point.

This shows that Zhen Shaolong's tactical positioning has weakened.

Ten seconds before Zhen Shaolong completed the goal, the game commentator was still talking about this issue. No, it should be said that ten minutes after the game started, the commentator was 'popularizing' the tactical positioning to the fans and analyzing Zhen Shaolong's kick. Probably the tactical center, he helped Raul draw the defensive attention and gave Raul more room to play.

The narrator then goes on to analyze the pros and cons of doing so.

The advantage is that Zhen Shaolong creates more space for his teammates to play, but the disadvantage is Zhen Shaolong's personal opportunities.

"It's hard to say whether it's good or bad, because Zhen Shaolong's efficiency is very high. Even two other teammates combined can hardly match his efficiency alone..."

This is the commentator's judgment.

Many Real Madrid fans in front of the TV are disappointed. A superstar with more than 200 million euros came to Real Madrid to play as a "tactical center"?

Is this a joke?

Especially the female fans were even more angry. They believed that Zhen Shaolong had been treated unfairly, and they planned to organize a parade after the game to support Zhen Shaolong in front of the Real Madrid club. Some of them had even thought of slogans -

"Florentino, open your eyes and take a good look at the team!"

"Pellegrini, get out of Real Madrid!"

Pellegrini certainly knows the seriousness of the matter and knows how to solve the problem: The first point is that the team must perform well. As long as the results are good, everything will become easier. If the results are not good, he will return immediately. Returning to the original tactical positioning, Zhen Shaolong once again became the core firepower point in the frontcourt.

The second is to explain to the media and fans that Zhen Shaolong himself agrees with "weakening the tactical positioning".

Pellegrini believes that Zhen Shaolong is a player with a "spirit of sacrifice for the overall situation". If he is willing, no one can say anything more.

Things will go away if we start from both sides.

Pellegrini will also give Zhen Shaolong some "compensation and comfort". For example, Zhen Shaolong will take the penalty kicks and penalty kicks. During the game, he can also make temporary instructions if he has any requirements so that he can Play better.

When Zhen Shaolong made a 'significant personal sacrifice', other players couldn't even find a reason to object.


When Zhen Shaolong plays as a "tactical center", everyone thinks that his efficiency will become lower, and the first goal in the league may not appear in the first game.

The game commentator also saw it this way, "If Zhen Shaolong keeps playing as a tactical center, he will have very few opportunities. If he wants to score goals-"

The words ended here.

When the commentator analyzed this point, he saw Raul suddenly explode after receiving the ball, accelerate and throw away the opponent to complete the shot.


"Amazing Alan Zubia, he saved the ball -"

"Cum again!"

"The ball is in! The ball is in!"

"Zhen Shaolong shot hard in front of the goal and scored..."

Zhen Shaolong's goal was so sudden that many people found it difficult to accept it. For example, the commentator's shouts were a little depressing because he had just said, "It's difficult for Zhen Shaolong to complete the first goal," and Zhen Shaolong sent the ball into the goal.

Deportivo's defense is also very depressed.

They devoted a large part of their energy to guarding Zhen Shaolong, and had a "defend if you can" attitude towards Raul on the other side. In the end, it was Zhen Shaolong who scored the goal. Doesn't it mean that their defense failed?

Raul's feelings are very mixed.

Before, Raul was filled with guilt for Zhen Shaolong, but he was extremely looking forward to his personal performance. His room for performance was better than before. Zhen Shaolong helped attract too much firepower. He cooperated with his teammates and relied on his personal performance. It was not easy to find opportunities in front of the goal. difficulty.

As a result, his shot was saved, and Zhen Shaolong scored the ball with a supplementary shot.

It is estimated that after the goal happened, no one would remember that he found the opportunity. The fans only knew that Zhen Shaolong had a keen sense of smell in front of the goal and suddenly appeared to seize the opportunity and score the ball.


Raul sighed and hugged Zhen Shaolong complicatedly, thinking in his mind, "I originally wanted to comfort him and tell him that he would pass the ball if he had the chance. It seems that he does not need comfort for the time being!"


The game quickly resumed amid cheers at the Santiago Bernabeu.

Most people would not regard Zhen Shaolong's goal as luck, and the same goes for the opponent Deportivo's defense. Before the game, they had a detailed understanding of Zhen Shaolong and knew that he was the kind of striker with a very sensitive sense of smell in front of the goal.


Just now is the proof.

After the game restarted, Deportivo kept an even closer eye on Zhen Shaolong. When Zhen Shaolong reached the front, he was even followed by two defenders.

at the same time.

Real Madrid are working hard as a whole.

Zhen Shaolong's goal ignited the enthusiasm of the fans, and the cheers from the surrounding stands became louder. Everyone on the field worked very hard. Facing the first round of La Liga, everyone hoped to perform well. , leaving a good impression on the supporting fans.

Raul is one of them.

Raul was once the 'Prince of the Bernabeu', but now he has not 'inherited the throne'. The important reason is that his performance is not dominant. Among the 'Six Superstars' of Real Madrid in the first issue of Galacticos, Figo, Zidane and Ronaldo , Beckham are ranked ahead of Raul, and his reputation and performance recognition are only higher than Carlos, who has a slightly lower presence because he plays full-back.

This also made Raul a little embarrassed.

Putting aside the factors of Real Madrid's youth training background and talking only about the individual performance of the players, Raul knew that he was not worthy of the title of superstar. His teammate at that time, the "alien" Ronaldo, had become a "fat Ronaldo" , scoring goals and playing efficiency in a single season are higher than him.

Raul also hopes to score more goals and be more recognized by the media and fans. He has reached an age where his form has declined, but he still hopes to perform better. Whenever there is an official game, he will work very hard. Go in.

Same now.

There has never been a more comfortable time in the past few seasons than now.

Raul couldn't help but think of the time when he partnered with Ronaldo. Ronaldo would become the opponent's key target, and he would have much more room for display and performance. Zhen Shaolong attracts more defensive attention than Ronaldo. Firstly, he scores goals more efficiently than Ronaldo. , more frightening the opponent, and secondly, Zhen Shaolong rarely retreats, and standing in front for a long time is a target that attracts attention.

So Raul felt very comfortable playing.

In the 36th minute of the game, Raul and Alonso cooperated, and the football was passed to the left side of the penalty area. Ronaldo got the ball and was tightly defended. He simply kicked the ball out of the penalty area. Raul was in the penalty area. Outside the line, he was about to hit the ball with a powerful shot.

Raul was then put to the ground.

Felipe, who rushed to defend, made a tackle in his anxiety, but did not directly tackle the ball, but instead placed it between Raul's legs.


The referee awarded a set kick.

"If Raul had stood further forward, it would have been a penalty kick!" The slow-motion replay showed Raul's position. He was only about half a meter away from the penalty area line.

Free kick.

When the referee awarded the set kick, Real Madrid teammates all looked at Zhen Shaolong. Zhen Shaolong quickly ran to the penalty kick position and had a simple exchange with Raul and Ronaldo, "I will kick to the right. If possible, I will kick to the right." run."

"You don't have the confidence to score?" Raul asked jokingly.

"No one can be 100% sure!"

After Zhen Shaolong finished speaking, he stood at the penalty spot. Because several people had discussed it, the Deportivo players still paid attention to the Real Madrid players, but everyone knew that Zhen Shaolong had a high probability of shooting directly, but it was difficult to predict what would happen after the shot.

Zhen Shaolong really had no intention of cooperating.

He was confident that there was a wall blocking his position just outside the penalty area, and he was also ready to use his new set-piece skills that he had practiced repeatedly.

Get up!

Football rushes!


When the football rushed through the wall, there was no way to judge the direction. Deportivo goalkeeper Alan Zubia made the same mistake as Buffon. He did not find a direction at the first time, but wanted to wait and make a good judgment. Make another save.

Then he didn't move at all.

The football was in the middle when it broke through the wall. Alan Zubia simply waited in the middle. When the football clearly went to the right, it was too late to react and make a save.

The football rushed into the net from the right side of the goal.

The angle of kicking this set kick is not tricky, the main problem is the difficulty. Zhen Shaolong aimed at the blind spot, but used the correction effect of "Calibration". The football must be kicked more correctly in order to confuse the opponent's goalkeeper. Just rely on It is not easy for a football to spin in a big arc.

"You still need to practice more!"

Zhen Shaolong was a little disappointed with the level of shooting, but others didn't think so. Real Madrid teammates rushed over to celebrate like crazy, and the fans in the surrounding stands also let out amazing shouts.

The match commentator said excitedly, "Zhen Shaolong scored the second goal, a wonderful direct free kick, and goalkeeper Alan Zubia had no reaction!"

"This ball is going really fast!"

"Although the angle is not tricky, we can notice that the football rushed towards the center of the goal, but when it fell, it was rotated towards the right. Alan Zubia was probably confused by the route of the football. He stood on the same spot. The ground didn't move at all..."


Zhen Shaolong scored the second goal, making Real Madrid feel relaxed.

Many people also lamented Zhen Shaolong's efficiency. With a supplementary shot and a set kick, he broke through the gate of Deportivo twice and completed all the goals so far.

In comparison.

Raul touched the ball again and again, Ronaldo made breakthroughs again and again, and other players also had their own opportunities. In addition, Deportivo also made two good counterattacks, but they did not complete the goal. When comparing the efficiency, Showed the difference.

Others, of course, refused to admit defeat.

Players such as Raul and Ronaldo felt a little depressed because their performance was completely overshadowed. The most embarrassing thing is that until now, everyone knows that Zhen Shaolong is just a 'tactical center' and is responsible for the tactics. A player who 'draws defensive attention' and 'gives space to his teammates'.

Then the opponent scored all the goals.

"Then what use do we have?" Raul, C-Ronaldo and other players all thought so, and they could only bite the bullet and continue to work hard.

The reality is often cruel.

The third goal of the game still belonged to Zhen Shaolong. Taking advantage of a corner kick on the right, Zhen Shaolong asked Ronaldo to pass the ball to him. Ronaldo's footwork was really excellent. He kicked the ball very fast, almost It's rolling along the bottom line.

Zhen Shaolong turned around and received the pass comfortably, then immediately started the "Strike", staggering the defensive players along the baseline, and carried forward nearly seven meters.



Zhen Shaolong just swung his left foot and touched the ball, but the effect of "Must Kill" was so obvious. The ball arced right past Alan Zubia and plunged into the near corner of the goal without hesitation.

"The ball...went in again!"

"At the end of the first half, Real Madrid got a corner kick on the right side. Cristiano Ronaldo and Zhen Shaolong cooperated. Zhen Shaolong took the ball from the bottom line and staged his own classic 'zero angle goal'!"

"There is nothing La Coruña can do!"

"Three to zero!"

"Zhen Shaolong completed his hat trick in just half a game. He had a perfect La Liga debut..."

"Cristiano Ronaldo, who is also making his La Liga debut, may have no regrets because he has an assist statistic..." 8)

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