I Just Can Score

Chapter 739 Barcelona’s method of forcing

"The first mission goal was easily achieved..."

Zhen Shaolong stood on the playing field, watching the goals rolling in the door, thinking about the game mission in his mind. The mission had two goals. The first one was for Ronaldo to assist two goals.

He originally thought it would be difficult because Ronaldo didn't pass the ball, but he didn't expect it to be achieved easily.

"The system's temporary skills are quite effective..."

Zhen Shaolong thought about it carefully and found that the effect of the skill was not useless, but it was very useful. Two of his goals were assisted by Ronaldo, and one was a kick-off with a big foot forward, because the correction effect was very good. , the football rushed directly in his direction.

The goal just now was a supplementary shot.

It sounds like it is the same as before, but what needs to be considered is that the routes of the two balls have been 'corrected'. There is no correction effect of the temporary skill. There is a high probability that the first ball will not rush towards you, and the goal just rebounded. It may also be towards the other side. Even if "Prediction" helps him know the route, he will have no time to run over to grab the point, let alone complete the goal.

The effect of the system's temporary skills is mainly reflected in the 'continuous correction'. As long as Ronaldo performs well and gets the ball and plays the ball more often, more balls will be 'passed', and some of the balls will be beyond the opponent's reach. Unexpectedly, he will naturally have more opportunities.

This is different from the previous skill effects.

The previous system task was to improve individual abilities and skill effects, while now it is to improve the chance of catching the ball. However, scoring goals still depends on individual performance. It is difficult to judge which method is more beneficial to scoring goals.


Zhen Shaolong feels that he still likes the previous method. By improving personal abilities and skill effects, he can control the completion of tasks in his hands instead of relying on the performance of his teammates.


He has no choice.

Although the first mission goal was achieved, it was still not easy to complete the task. The second mission goal was the most difficult - to lead Real Madrid to defeat Barcelona with three goals or more.

This is so difficult!

The difficulty is mainly reflected in the opponent's performance and the defense. No matter how many goals he scores personally, he can't handle the defense conceding too many goals.

Now helping the team score two goals,

Real Madrid was only leading by one goal, but it was very helpless. "We still need to score more goals! Look for more opportunities!"

Zhen Shaolong sighed and gave Ronaldo a hug, "Thank you for your assist. The shot just now was great!"

Thumbs up by the way.

C-Ronaldo's body froze and he couldn't keep the smile on his face, 'Great shot? What's the meaning? If my shot is great, will the goal still be yours? ’

C-Ronaldo is really depressed!

Although it was nothing if the shot hit the post, especially if his teammates scored the goal, it was Zhen Shaolong who scored the goal, which made him feel very unhappy.

Mainly... to save face!

Everyone in the club knew that he said he would not pass the ball to Zhen Shaolong during the game, but he gave out two assists before halftime?

What do your teammates think?

What will the club think?

"I, Cristiano Ronaldo, am the one who does what I say!" C-Ronaldo thought through gritted teeth, even if it was just for the sake of face, he was determined not to pass the ball to Zhen Shaolong.

C-Ronaldo was just doing it for the sake of face, while Barcelona felt the crisis.

1 to 2!

Barcelona fell behind again.

The players on the field in Barcelona were very depressed. They hoped that someone else would score the goal, because Zhen Shaolong's goal was tantamount to proving their failure in defense. One Alves couldn't help shouting, "Mark him!" Keep an eye on him at all times!" Alves joined Barcelona last year with a transfer fee of 32 million euros. He can be said to be Barcelona's biggest defender at present.

Of course, Pique is not bad either.

Although Pique was worth only 5 million euros when he moved to Barcelona, ​​being able to compete for a main position is enough to prove Pique's strength.

In terms of status within the team, Pique is not bad at all.

Hearing Alves' reminder, Pique replied unhappily, "How about you guard and I go to the wing?"

Alves fell silent.

Pique curled his lips in displeasure. If Zhen Shaolong scored a goal, the responsibility must fall on him, but he didn't want to defend Zhen Shaolong yet!

When Guardiola assigned defensive tasks before the game, Pique took the initiative to ask others to guard him closely. He recommended the defense general Puyol, but Puyol's refusal was, "I am old and have some physical strength." Can’t keep up.”


If you can't keep up with your physical strength, just don't show up!

Pique still hoped that others would defend, but Xavi and Iniesta had offensive tasks, and Yaya Toure was not suitable for his position, so he could only take over the task, and in his heart he just sighed, "Damn Busquets ! If you don’t get hurt sooner or later, you get hurt at the critical moment. This guy must have done it on purpose!”

About a week before the game, Busquets' ankle sprained.

Although Busquets' injury is not serious, it still requires several days of recovery. Yesterday, the team doctor said that he had just recovered from the injury and his playing status was definitely not guaranteed, so Busquets just sat on the bench.

Pique looked at Busquets from a distance and thought to himself, "I might catch a cold before the next derby!"

"Or...a headache?"

"Yes! You have a headache before you catch a cold. If I tell you I have a headache in advance, I will definitely get some rest time. Then I can watch the game in the stands. I will also win the praise of 'coming to the scene to support the team despite being sick'!"

Pique was looking forward to it.


Guardiola looked at the game on the field and frowned deeply. He knew that Barcelona played very well and achieved the intended results in both offense and defense.

On the offensive side, he played very steadily, constantly controlling the football, and speeding up the pace when he found the opportunity to pass forward, which posed a sufficient threat to Real Madrid's goal; defensively, he did not give the opponent many opportunities, letting C-Ronaldo go from the wing. The strategy was also executed quite well. C-Ronaldo's breakthrough just now to find an opportunity was an accident. After all, top stars perform well and anything can happen. Maradona even broke through several people in a row and then broke through the goalkeeper to score the ball.

There is no way!

However, it is still very difficult to win!

The opponent has a top striker like Zhen Shaolong, who can score the ball almost whenever he finds an opportunity. The score is the biggest proof. Barcelona has many opportunities, but the goals are still unable to catch up with the opponent. It is likely to be the same if it continues.

"what to do?"

Guardiola knew that the choice before him was a difficult one. He hesitated for a long time. When he saw Messi breaking through and being blocked by the opponent, he finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind——

Step up the offensive!

Make the game faster!

Without being able to completely restrict Zhen Shaolong, Barcelona could only have a chance to win by making the game faster and forcing the opponent to engage in a real goal battle.

This decision is very difficult.

When the tempo on the court is forced to become faster and a goal battle begins with the opponent, it is almost as if the outcome depends on luck.

Guardiola did it anyway. He stood on the sidelines and shouted. After attracting the attention of some players, he raised his arms with a serious face and pushed forward hard, which basically meant, "Press forward! Press up!" "

Then he called Harvey.

After some serious instructions to Xavi, Guardiola took a long breath and returned to the coaching bench.

Then it’s up to the players.

Although there are only ten minutes left in the first half, for a fast-paced game, ten minutes is enough to do a lot.

Barcelona's formation moved forward, which put great pressure on Real Madrid's defense. They had to retreat and continue to strengthen the blockade of the penalty area. However, the opponent's continuous forward passes and siege from the outside forced Real Madrid to fight. Come out, otherwise if the football reaches the outside, there is a high probability that it will be grabbed by the opponent again, and then a continuous attack will start. Real Madrid will be very passive by then.

This is how Barcelona press.

This method is also effective against the top giants, especially Real Madrid, Barcelona's mortal rival.

Real Madrid cannot let Barcelona continue to attack while their own side passively defends in front of the goal. Even if they win the game, it is equivalent to losing. For El Clasico, the score does not represent everything, and the game process is also very important. Using defense to win the final victory itself means 'surrender', and even Real Madrid fans will be very dissatisfied.

This is the difference between a derby and an ordinary game. : :


Even in the most ordinary games, Real Madrid will attack for the sake of face instead of passively defending. Real Madrid fans are very picky. They not only require results, but also beautiful football.

This is the direct reason for Capello's resignation.

Even if Capello can lead Real Madrid to win the league championship, the Real Madrid he leads has always played defensive football, and it is difficult to have a good game and cannot get the support of many fans at all.

Real Madrid fans believe that Real Madrid has many stars and should play the most beautiful football in the world.

As a membership club, fans can be said to be the owners of the club, and their demands must be effectively implemented. Capello can only leave sadly in the end. Those who can stay must be those who can lead Real Madrid to play beautiful football and lead the team. Real Madrid gets good results from its management.

This is the case with Florentino. He has brought superstars one after another and given Real Madrid hope for the future.

Pellegrini is still being questioned, and he is trying to convince the fans with his results.

The current situation on the field is that Barcelona uses a formation to suppress and force Real Madrid to attack. Real Madrid also quickly opened up the formation, and the midfielders and frontcourt players went to fight for the opponent to prevent the opponent from easily getting the ball from the outside.

When most of the players on both sides are near the midline and the formation is slightly forward, the battle in the midfield suddenly becomes fierce, and the frequency of ball possession changes also accelerates.

In order to better control the ball, the passing between players becomes faster.

The pace of the game suddenly accelerated greatly.

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