I Just Can Score

Chapter 788 I do what I say!

"Raul, it's Raul who scores the goal, hat trick!"

"Raul scored his third goal and completed a hat trick against Zaragoza!"

"The last time Raul completed a hat trick was against Sevilla last season. At that time, Real Madrid did not have Zhen Shaolong or Ronaldo. Now, many people say that Raul's condition has declined, but he can still perform a hat trick, which is quite impressive. Fantastic performance, he is still the King of the Ring for Real Madrid!"

The Spanish commentator gave Raul the highest level of praise, and Real Madrid fans were also happy for Raul's hat. Some fans couldn't help shouting Raul's name.


These are all symbolic.

When Raul completed his hat trick, the commentators and fans felt that they should send blessings to Raul, but more people still paid attention to Zhen Shaolong. After praising Raul, the commentator also turned the topic to Zhen Shaolong, "Let's come Look, Zhen Shaolong ran to the sidelines, he seems to be ready to leave the field."

"Zhen Shaolong!"

"Raul's goal just now can be said to have been given up by Zhen Shaolong. Zhen Shaolong had already brought the ball to the goal line. He could have scored with just one kick, but he gave up the opportunity to Raul. Probably hoping to let the goal pass. Raul completes the hat."

"It seems that their relationship is very good. The significance of Raul's hat-trick is indeed more important than Zhen Shaolong's ordinary goal."

"Zhen Shaolong..."

"He quickly dribbled the ball away from Zaragoza's defense. Several players failed to stop him, including Zaragoza's goalkeeper. He successfully threw away the goalkeeper and slowly moved forward, just waiting. Come up with Raul."

"This is a testament to friendship."

"For any player, scoring goals is very important, even for Zhen Shaolong. Of course, for Zhen Shaolong, a goal may not be anything, but Zhen Shaolong's goal bonus has accumulated to hundreds of thousands for a single goal. Euros, what he gave up was not just a goal, but hundreds of thousands of euros."

"I gave up hundreds of thousands of euros with one kick. I believe that Zhen Shaolong is the most generous professional player."

When the Spanish commentator was analyzing the handicap, everyone on the field, including Real Madrid players, fans, the head coach, referees, and other personnel on the field, all focused on Zhen Shaolong.

Some people praise Zhen Shaolong’s greatness;

He actually gave up the goal.

Some people praise Zhen Shaolong's skills. He can personally break through Zaragoza's entire line and even leave the goalkeeper behind. It must be quite remarkable.

Some people... are almost furious!

For example, the Zaragoza fans who came to the Bernabeu with the team.

For example, Zaragoza players on the field.

"Are there any bullies like this? We have already brought the ball to the goal line. Wouldn't it be great to score a goal?"

"The results of it?"

"He even passed the ball to his teammates!"

Zaragoza stared angrily at Zhen Shaolong. Even though their number was small, there were still two thousand fans who came.

Feeling the glare, Zhen Shaolong simply rushed to the bench and said to Pellegrini, "Coach, it's time for me to get off the field."

Pellegrini smiled wryly and informed the fourth official of the substitution.

Exit Zhen Shaolong.

Enter Higuain.

Zhen Shaolong had no intention of talking about it next. He knew how much impact what just happened would have on his opponent.

That's an insult!

If he were a Zaragoza player, everyone would be furious, especially Zaragoza's defender and goalkeeper.


"low profile!"

"I haven't done anything, I haven't done anything. What you see is just an illusion."

"Even if I did it... look, I took the initiative! Yes, I didn't mean it, I just wanted Raul to finish the hat!"

"So...if you want to blame, just blame Raul!"

Thinking about it from this angle, Zhen Shaolong suddenly felt much more comfortable and could cope with the enthusiasm of his teammates. Alonso gave a thumbs up and shouted, "Zhen, that's great, the ball just now."

Zhen Shaolong laughed, "I just hope that Raul can complete the hat. I said it before the game, and I will do what I say."

Others immediately followed, "Raul really got into the hat!"

"Three goals, you gave him three assists!"

"It's all your assists!"

"Zhen, we are friends, right?" Ronaldo also came over, "When will you give me an assist and give me a hat?"

c-Ronaldo is too jealous of hat tricks. He has been performing well. He has scored nine goals in the league so far. Compared with the position of a full-back, it can be said to be quite remarkable. He also ranks fourth in the scorer list, second only to Zhen Shaolong, Messi and Villa, but so far, he has not scored a hat trick and only scored two goals in the game.

If he can complete a hat trick, he will definitely get higher recognition from the media and fans. By then, the media will not definitely put Messi above him.


In the eyes of the outside world, Messi is better than Ronaldo. The main reason is that Messi is the core of Barcelona, ​​while Ronaldo is only the 'second superstar' of Real Madrid.

Zhen Shaolong looked at Ronaldo and said hesitantly, "How about three hundred thousand euros for one assist? Friendly price! At the beginning of the next game, we will change positions and you will play forward. I promise to give you more assists!"


c-Ronaldo carefully calculated that a goal assisted by Zhen Shaolong would cost 300,000 euros, and his weekly salary was more than 200,000 euros.

You can’t lose money when playing football!

c-Ronaldo’s eyes were full of resentment. He thought that he and Zhen Shaolong had known each other first and had always been friends. They should get along well? At least it looks good on the surface, but Zhen Shaolong would rather sacrifice his own goals to assist Raul to complete the hat trick than give him more passes.


"How can human interaction be so complicated!"

c-Ronaldo is very depressed.

On the field.

Zaragoza players were very angry when they thought about the goal just now. What was even more angry was that they could not vent their anger because they made their opponents angry and simply walked off the field.


"He actually runs fast!"


"Wait for the next round and let him know how powerful he is!"

Many players in Zaragoza still find it difficult to wait until the next round. "A gentleman's revenge is never too late" does not work in football matches. Most players will find ways to vent their emotions.

Real Madrid players became the target of their venting, and Raul, standing in the frontcourt, attracted most of Zaragoza's firepower, because it was Raul who scored the ball in the end.

Zhen Shaolong is the first person responsible.

Raul is the second person responsible at the accomplice level.

After the game restarted, Raul was not only tightly defended. When he got the ball, he would be bumped into by the opponent, and the opponent would even directly tackle him, looking at the action, it was aimed at his legs.

Even if Raul doesn't have the ball, the opponent's defensive actions are still quite big. They are the friendliest in pulling the jersey. When running, they even throw their arms and hit with elbows.

Raul was also very depressed after being fouled continuously. He naturally knew the reason why the other party did this and could even understand what the other party did. He didn't know whether to thank Zhen Shaolong or blame Zhen Shaolong.

Thanks, of course.

It is not easy to score a hat trick. An average of one in a season is good. Especially this season, it is not easy for him to score goals in the league, let alone complete a hat trick.

However, what fans remember deeply about the game is definitely Zhen Shaolong's pass. When fans talk about this hat in the future, they will also say, "That was brought by Zhen. He even took the ball to the goal line without kicking it in." To assist Raul!"


Now being severely targeted by the opponent, Raul also began to look to the sidelines frequently, hoping that the head coach would see the situation and replace him. There is no point in continuing to stay on the court.

Pellegrini also noticed Raul's situation. After several waves of offense and defense on the field, he replaced Raul and replaced him with Xabi Alonso.

This is an adjustment to a different position, but based on the game situation, it actually doesn't matter at all.

Real Madrid already have a six-goal lead.

With such a big score, the rest is garbage time. Pellegrini is more worried about player injuries. Fortunately, Zaragoza coach Marcelino did not get carried away by anger. When he found that the situation was a little out of control, He immediately substituted three players in a row and then yelled for the players to calm down.

Zaragoza received two yellow cards in a row. The referee also warned the other two players for their actions. If they continue, they may get red cards. Even yellow cards will affect the subsequent games. Zaragoza will definitely If he loses, he doesn't want Zaragoza to be unable to form a normal starting lineup after the winter break, which will definitely greatly affect the relegation situation.

After Marcelino stepped forward, the situation on the field became much better. Both sides also lost the desire to fight. The field was just normal offense and defense.

The final score was fixed at 6-0.

Real Madrid defeated Zaragoza by a huge score to win the last round of games before Christmas.

After the game.

Zhen Shaolong and Raul became the focus together. Raul became the focus because he completed a hat trick. The Madrid media made a big deal about it, especially the second 'zero angle arc', which was a wonderful goal. The Madrid media even more Claimed, "Raul's condition has not declined at all and he is heading towards a new peak."

While Raul became the focus, Zhen Shaolong could not be avoided. Raul's three goals were all assisted by Zhen Shaolong, especially the last goal, which was completely given up by Zhen Shaolong.

A large number of media reporters wanted to interview Zhen Shaolong on this matter. The reporter of "Marca" obtained the opportunity to interview by virtue of his good relationship with Real Madrid Club.

Zhen Shaolong was interviewed and continued to talk to his teammates, "I said before the game that I would pass more passes to Raul."

"I do what I say!"

The last sonorous and powerful words have become the core of the "Marca" report. 'Do what you say' is a very positive word, giving people a very powerful feeling, and it also adds some justice and firmness. After the report, Zhen Shaolong's image has been improved a lot, and its impact is that more female fans have expressed support for Zhen Shaolong.

An embarrassing thing also happened, that is, a lot of female fans went to Zhen Shaolong’s Twitter to leave messages. His Twitter was quickly taken over by female fans, including many public actresses, models, and even a certain player. Girlfriend and the like.

The media wrote a lot about this incident, and all kinds of tidbits were flying all over the place.

"A certain actress publicly expressed her love for Zhen Shaolong!"

"A certain supermodel: Zhen Shaolong is a truly manly man!"


Probably Christmas is coming soon, with all the gossipy news outside, and a lot of media are still bored to analyze who Zhen Shaolong will spend Christmas Eve with.

It turns out.

That's not boring.

A large number of fans participated in the discussion on the Internet, and even a senior researcher made a list of people who might spend Christmas Eve with Zhen Shaolong, including several famous Spanish actresses, even though Zhen Shaolong has never even met her. Saw it.

"This is the trouble with being too popular!"

Zhen Shaolong shook his head with emotion.

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