I Just Can Score

Chapter 796 The Anti-BOSS

The World Footballer of the Year is a major award, and the awarding period is planned to be very long.

After the award guest Pele stepped down, Zhen Shaolong began to take various photos. He felt that he had become the background. People came up and asked to take photos, including FIFA President Sepp Blatter, the Chinese Ambassador to Switzerland, and famous celebrities. Football figures, celebrities, and invited stars who came to the scene, even Messi, Gerrard, Ronaldo, and Kaká also came to join in the fun.

C-Ronaldo was so shameless that he snatched the trophy from his hands, hugged Kaka and asked reporters to take a photo alone.

C-Ronald took a bad lead.

Next, Messi took a photo with the trophy alone, Gerrard took a photo with the trophy alone, and Kaká, Casillas, Xavi and others did not want Fes to take a photo with the trophy.

Zhen Shaolong was pushed aside and could only laugh depressedly. He suddenly thought that it would be good to start a photo business. Anyone who wanted to take photos with the Golden Globe, World Footballer and other trophies should charge a certain fee.

"It's a pity that we can't charge fees now!"

What a pity!

The commotion on the stage continued for a while. Zhen Shaolong took his own trophy and sat down again. He quickly called Jenny who was accompanying him to come in and handed the two trophies to her, "Keep them safe for me!"

Jenny put the trophy into the prepared backpack.

This is prepared in advance.

Zhen Shaolong knew that he would win more than two trophies. When he went to receive the award, the trophy was placed on his seat. No matter how he thought about it, he felt unsafe and inconvenient because there were some other awards that were awarded together with the trophy. Paper miscellaneous items and commemorative accessories could not be accommodated in his own backpack.

This scene was noticed by the camera, and the narrator couldn't help but laugh, "Zhen Shaolong has too many trophies to win!"

"The person who helped him get the trophy was his bodyguard and personal assistant."

"This female assistant does look a bit...a bit imposing! We can see that Ronaldo shrank his neck in fear."

Many fans in front of the TV were amused by the camera's close-up of Ronaldo, because Ronaldo did shrink his neck, as if he was frightened by the female bodyguard next to him.

They guessed correctly.

C-Ronaldo was really shocked. When Jenny came over, Zhen Shaolong said to C-Ronaldo, "I have a very... um... female bodyguard. How about introducing her to you?"

C-Ronaldo didn't hear the connotation of the words, but he was quite looking forward to it. On TV, he often saw some heroic female soldiers, policemen, and the like, and female bodyguards were barely involved, but they were rarely seen in real life. It was less and less, and as a result, after Jenny came over, he found that he was too naive.

Jenny helped Zhen Shaolong place the trophy and smiled sweetly at Ronaldo, which immediately made Ronaldo feel like he was in hell. It was the first time that he discovered that a woman could be so scary.

Zhen Shaolong continued to tease, "Jenny is still single."

C-Ronaldo decided that it was not Zhen Shaolong who should speak. Their relationship had quickly declined from 'barely friends' to 'strangers' and 'half enemies'. He did learn something from Zhen Shaolong, "I have been abstaining from sex recently. Maybe I should find a similar female bodyguard, it will definitely help to maintain a healthy life."


C-Ronaldo looked at Zhen Shaolong with some evil intentions, "Maybe I can recruit her with a high salary. No one will refuse the high salary, so I don't have to find anyone else, and I can also make this damn disgusting..."

On stage.

The award ceremony has moved on to the next stage.

The host announced the list of the 'International Professional Footballers League Best Team' in turn. Casillas was the first to take the stage. He was the first person on the list, that is, the goalkeeper in the best team.

Others who entered the best team include Terry, Vidic, Evra, Alves, Xavi, Iniesta, Gerrard, Messi, Ronaldo and Zhen Shaolong.

These players who entered the best team were all invited by FIFA to attend the ceremony. Naturally, they all took the stage one by one and received the trophy representing the best team from the guests.

The best team trophy is very interesting. It is a transparent football field made of plastic glass, with a silver football decoration in the middle.

Zhen Shaolong took the trophy and played with it, and found that the workmanship was very fine.

There isn't much on it, but the silver football in the middle can rotate, so it's a good ornament at home.

Others on the stage were also holding trophies with happy smiles on their faces.

That comes from the heart.

Most of the players who came to attend the FIFA awards ceremony, including C-Ronaldo, Messi, and others, felt that they would get nothing. They were just here to 'decorate' the scene, but it was not good to not participate if they were invited. I had to bite the bullet and participate.

It’s not bad to get the ‘Best Team’ trophy now. It doesn’t have much gold content, but it’s still a prize.


There are more unsatisfactory ones.

Many of the active stars who were invited were only invited because of their fame. Kaka was a representative one. They did not receive anything and could only watch others receive their awards.

Owen and Rooney are like this.

The only one from Manchester United who won the award was Vidic, and the others could only serve as foils. Owen and Rooney both thought that they might have a chance to be in the "best team", but they found that there was no chance at all, and they even had nothing to say. It can be said.

The selection for the 'Best Team' is a 433 formation. The three forwards are Zhen Shaolong, Messi and Ronaldo. There is no comparison with just one. What is worth complaining about is, how can Ronaldo be a forward?

Whether in Manchester United or Real Madrid, C-Ronaldo is the right midfielder!


After the selection of the best team, there is only one award left, which is the 'Ballon d'Or' selected by "France Football". In previous years, there was no award ceremony for the 'Ballon d'Or', but this year it was announced that it would be postponed to the FIFA awards ceremony.

This adds a lot of weight and influence to the FIFA awards ceremony.

The awards of "France Football" are naturally decided by "France Football". They invited the German giant Beckenbauer to present the awards to the Ballon d'Or winners.

Beckenbauer and Zhen Shaolong have a lot to say.

When Zhen Shaolong played for St. Pauli, he met Bayern Munich several times with the team and met Beckenbauer twice. However, the status of the two sides was not equal and there was no real dialogue at all.

Beckenbauer was deeply impressed by Zhen Shaolong. At that time, Bayern Munich's transfer work was to find talented forwards to join. They gave up Zhen Shaolong, who was emerging in the Bundesliga, and chose Cologne's famous genius Podolski.

This transfer is something Bayern’s top brass still regrets.

If Podolski's performance is not bad, let alone compared with Zhen Shaolong, he can match the departed Pizarro, which will also make Bayern Munich happy. After all, their transfer can be considered a success.


Podolski was proven to be a parallel import when he arrived at Bayern Munich. Bayern Munich gave him a chance. In three seasons, he was allowed to start more than 20 times in each season. As a result, Podolski handed over his answer sheet. Also very stable--

An average of one goal in four games.

In three seasons, Podolski's efficiency has remained unchanged.

This kind of stability is not what Bayern Munich wants, because one goal in four games is unqualified, which is a waste of time and opportunities, and even drags down Bayern's performance. In the end, they lost confidence in Podolski and simply paid the transfer fee. The original price was returned to Cologne, who hoped to get better results.

"What would have happened if Zhen Shaolong had been chosen?"

The top management of Bayern Munich will consider this issue, but what they have to admit is that other clubs just did not buy Zhen Shaolong, and they simply missed it twice. When Zhen Shaolong was about to transfer to Newcastle, they also had a chance to win it. As a result, Because there is no shortage of people on the front line, they only made a tentative offer and did not even consider making an effort to let Zhen Shaolong join Bayern.

This comes from pride.

Beckenbauer clearly understood that the reason for missing out was pride.

Bayern has always dominated the German arena and is too arrogant. Even after completing the offer, they felt that Zhen Shaolong would be inclined to join Bayern. Even if they offered an ordinary price, there was no more sincere contact.

In reality?

Zhen Shaolong is not a German player who admires Bayern. He is a foreign player playing in the German league and ultimately made a decision that was more beneficial to him.

This is not Zhen Shaolong's loss, but it is a major loss for Bayern.

"When Zhen Shaolong joined Bayern, maybe Bayern could win another Champions League trophy!" Thinking of this, Beckenbauer felt his heart bleed, but what he knew was that it was impossible for Bayern to get Zhen Shaolong. Their finances did not allow it. It is impossible to spend so much money without squandering. It is even said that with Bayern's salary system, it is simply impossible to pay such a high salary.

Beckenbauer still planned to embarrass Zhen Shaolong. He handed the trophy to Zhen Shaolong and asked with a smile, "How does it feel to win the Golden Globe Award for the second time?"

Hand over the microphone.

Zhen Shaolong didn't expect Beckenbauer to ask this. He said a little strangely, "Second time? I didn't accept the Golden Globe Award last year."

The scene fell into an eerie silence.

Beckenbauer didn't expect Zhen Shaolong to be so calm, instead of changing the topic directly, he was the one who was suddenly passive. He felt the weird atmosphere and realized that something was wrong, but he still said bravely, "Is this the first time now? How does it feel to win your first Ballon d'Or?"

It’s weird to ask that!

Although this is the first time for Zhen Shaolong to receive the Golden Globe Award, it is indeed the second time to win the Golden Globe Award. He was right to ask the first time.

Zhen Shaolong did not dwell on the first or second time. He smiled and said, "It feels pretty good! Because..."

Seeing that it was a good opportunity, he immediately picked up the microphone and announced loudly, "This is the last Golden Globe Award!"


The scene was in a state of excitement.

FIFA and "France Football" have done a good job of keeping secrets. The merger of the Ballon d'Or and World Player of the Year was only negotiated at the beginning of last month. Only a few insiders know about it. Some people feel inexplicable about Zhen Shaolong's statement. Immediately ask around about the situation.

Beckenbauer knew the news, but he also knew that the news was announced a few minutes later. The original plan was that Zhen Shaolong would receive the Golden Globe Award, give an acceptance speech, and take photos with some people before officially accepting the award. Make an announcement with the right to speak.



"But it's not bad. I changed the topic just now. People say that Zhen Shaolong has a bit of a weird personality, but he is really smart. He immediately reacted and grabbed the right to speak, making the audience forget the embarrassment just now."

"The timing was good."

Beckenbauer took the opportunity to step off the stage and was greeted by an unfriendly look from the representative of "France Football".

Although the topic just now was moved away, public opinion will definitely mention it afterwards, and "France Football" still lost a bit of face.

Originally, the matter was over, and Beckenbauer had to mention it again.

"This guy did it on purpose!"

"I should have known I wouldn't have invited him. He is German and the media he supports is Kicker. Of course he doesn't have a good impression of France!"

"Despicable Kraut!"

Everyone involved in "France Football" took the matter to heart and decided to put Beckenbauer on the blacklist. When they found an opportunity, they would hack a few waves to let the other party know that "France Football" was not easy to bully.

It continues on stage.

After most people had finished discussing, Zhen Shaolong immediately announced the news, "Starting next year, the World Footballer selected by the National Football Association will be merged with the Ballon d'Or awarded by "France Football" into one award!"

"One will undoubtedly become the most important and influential award in world football. The name of the new award is..."

"FIFA Ballon d'Or!"

After actually hearing the results announced, the audience was back to boiling, with everyone discussing the combined awards.

The influence of the Ballon d'Or is large enough, and the influence of world football is not small. Both are the most influential awards in world football. When combined together, they will definitely have a huge influence, and winning the award is equivalent to winning the world football award together. In both football and Ballon d'Or awards, he can be said to be the number one player in world football that year.

Every professional player longs for the honor of being the first player.

The eyes of many stars in the audience became fiery, but they quickly thought of Zhen Shaolong.

Zhen Shaolong won the World Footballer and the Ballon d'Or, and his performance will not be bad in the new year.

Does anyone else have a chance?


C-Ronaldo thought more than others. He thought that there would be a World Cup this year, but Zhen Shaolong's Chinese team did not seem to have entered the top 32 of the World Cup.

"If I can lead Portugal to win the World Cup, no, as long as I can enter the finals, or even the semi-finals, maybe I will have a chance..."

"Zhen Shaolong only has club performance, and the national team is a draw!"

Soon others thought of it too.

Another competitive star, Leo Messi, also looked at the stage with fiery eyes. Because the Argentina team is stronger, he is more confident than Ronaldo. "We must lead Argentina to win the championship! I will definitely do it then." I can win a prize!”

Messi is unwilling to be unwilling to be ranked second or third in the annual football award selection.

He hopes to be number one and to get honors.

The other competitive stars are much the same, everyone has become more motivated, hoping to win the first post-merger trophy.

When Zhen Shaolong came down from the stage, he noticed that the eyes of everyone looking over seemed to be full of fighting spirit?




Zhen Shaolong felt the fiery looks in his eyes, and suddenly felt that he had become a big boss, and the big boss of the villain camp.

Every ‘warrior’ hopes to defeat himself?

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