I Just Can Score

Chapter 806 Difficult Decision

Latest website: Zhen Shaolong had dinner with Kaka’s family. Talking and laughing while eating had a family atmosphere and made people feel relaxed and comfortable. He was still in a good mood. The only thing was that he had not made any progress with Selena. .

Not to mention breakthrough progress, not even intimate gestures.

Zhen Shaolong felt like he had wasted a whole night, and then he thought of Alice, Reina and others waiting at home, and felt that he was really a bad man.

"How could this be possible?"

"I should be a standard good man... No, I am also a standard good man now, and I am equally passionate about every woman!"

"But good men can also be in trouble!"

Zhen Shaolong suddenly thought of the future.

Life is still very easy now. He doesn't have to think about too many things. The future is not certain. Everyone wants to get married. He can't be single all his life.

Even if you decide to stay single for the rest of your life, you will definitely have children in the future.

This is determined by mentality.

On very rare occasions, Zhen Shaolong will also study the philosophical issues of age and mentality. For example, his current mentality is definitely different from a few years ago. A few years ago, there was a beautiful woman who was good to him and could treat him wholeheartedly. He would definitely Will make the decision to marry the other person.

It's obviously different now.

This is because the external environment affects his mentality. He has become richer and more women like him. He cannot make a single-minded decision and can only keep procrastinating it.

"Have I become evil?"

"No, this is just the growth of life!"

Zhen Shaolong decided to attribute the change in his mentality to his growth in life, which can only mean that he has become mature.

The same goes for facing the future.

What will happen in a few years?

When you reach thirty or even forty, your mentality will definitely be different from now. You may want to have your own children, but what if there are too many women?

"Every woman I like,

They all hope to give me..."

"I want equal treatment!"

"There will be many children by then? Even if you don't get married, you will still have to pay a large amount of child support!"

Zhen Shaolong suddenly felt panic. In reality, there are many examples of bankruptcy due to divorce and child support.

European laws spare no effort to protect women and children. Even if he did not consider legal issues, he would definitely not let his children suffer and would be willing to pay a large amount of support.

Where's the money?

Where does the money come from?

Zhen Shaolong suddenly felt panic about the future. Even if it was just for a possibility, he felt that he should work hard to make money.

Earn more money!



"Damn Gonzalo (Higuain)!"

"I wonder if the club will give out the bonus for that own goal, which is 200,000 euros!"

Real Madrid returned to training the next day.

Zhen Shaolong came to the club early. When he saw his teammates, he secretly inquired about anything funny happening recently.


Guti is indeed a gossip man!

The first person Zhen Shaolong met was Gago. Gago glanced around, pulled Zhen Shaolong to the corner, and whispered about his discovery, "Do you know Luciana? The goddess of Argentina, she is also Gonzalo's girlfriend. !”


"I found that recently the Argentine media always associates it with several male singers and actors, and there is also a photo of her and two male singers entering and exiting a hotel..."

Jia Ge said and showed the photo to Zhen Shaolong like a treasure.


Zhen Shaolong asked in a low voice, "Gonzalo doesn't know, does he?"

"I don't know." Gago curled his lips and said, "Before, I envied him for being able to date the Argentinian goddess. Now... I think I should comfort him. Of course, talking about these is not good. Gonzalo is my good friend. , we are all Real Madrid players and teammates."


Zhen Shaolong was concerned for a moment, praised Guti's level of gossip, and then packed up his things. Then he saw Gago and Ramos chatting, almost the same as the scene just now.

Gago was startled.

Ramos nodded in cooperation.

Zhen Shaolong seemed to have discovered a new world and decided that he should pay attention to the low-key Jago. "I never noticed it before. It turns out that Jago is even more powerful than Guti!"

Certain teammates kept spreading gossip in low voices, which filled the Real Madrid locker room and even the training ground with a strange atmosphere. Everyone was chatting in low voices, and occasionally there were surprises and laughter, but no one talked about it openly and loudly.

"Don't tell anyone else, Luciana..."

"Don't let him know about Gonzalo. It is said that his Argentine girlfriend..."

"Don't spread the word. I'm only talking to you, Gonzalo..."


The whole team was talking about Luciana, and the only person who didn't talk about it was Higuain. Higuain felt something strange in his teammates' eyes. He suddenly became curious and asked Casillas. , "What are you talking about? You seem to be having a great time chatting?"


"I was just talking about what I had for breakfast this morning!"

he asked the others.

"The weather is so nice today!" Kaka quickly changed the subject.

Higuain looked up at the dark clouds.

"I had a steak in the morning, and suddenly I found that the steak tasted very good." Raul said about breakfast.

Higuain asked in confusion, "You just eat steak in the morning?"

"I heard that Zhen is familiar with Kaka's sister, and he went to Kaka's house as a guest especially for Kaka's sister." Granero gossiped about Zhen Shaolong's love life.

Higuain listened with interest, but he always felt that there was something wrong with Granero's eyes, and he did not dare to look at him when the other party was talking.


Why feel guilty?

Higuain didn't get it at all.

Gago is indeed a good friend of Higuain. They are both members of the Argentine national team and also play for Real Madrid. During his free time during training, he finally couldn't help but walk towards Higuain.

"Gonzalo, do you know?" Gago said hesitantly, "I don't want to hide it from you, I'm very worried. Since I found out, I haven't told anyone, but I feel I must tell you."

Higuain glanced at his teammates who were looking over from a distance, and asked strangely, "Is it my business? Not Zhen's?"

"Right? Why do you say that?"

"I heard that Zhen is dating Kaka's sister?" Higuain said about the news he heard.

Gago touched his forehead hard, "Of course, Zhen's things are also very interesting, but they are definitely not yours... I mean, you need to know this."

Gago turned on his phone, clicked on the news collected in the browser, and placed it in front of Higuain.

Higuain glanced a few times, and his face suddenly darkened. He turned his head and looked into the distance again, and found that the "crowd" did not turn around, but gave a thumbs up in this direction, as if to encourage him to be strong.

He couldn't help but ask Gago, "Are you sure you only told me?"


Gago hesitated for a moment, then nodded affirmatively, "Because I also heard what others said."

Higuain took a deep breath, noticed the gaze cast from a distance, and suddenly felt uncomfortable all over.

In fact.

He already knew this.

Luciana is a popular female model in Argentina and is praised as 'the most beautiful woman in Argentina'.

Higuain and Luciana have been dating for half a year, and they knew from the very beginning that their relationship was about getting what each other needed.

Higuain just wants to play sports with Luciana.

Luciana wanted to use his fame to rise to the top and make her own famous even more popular.

That's why Luciana publicly said she had a relationship with Messi. She just wanted to arouse the star's popularity. After Messi flatly denied it, she decided to date the slightly less famous Higuain.

The two of them are almost in a cooperative relationship.

Of course.

Even though they knew it privately and were boyfriend and girlfriend on the surface, Higuain still hoped that Luciana would be more reserved and save a little face for himself as a man.

His request for Luciana was simple, "You can do anything in Argentina, but you have to restrain yourself when you come to Europe."

Now the matter is exposed!

"How did the news about Argentina spread to Europe? Even if it was reported by European media, it would not be so popular that all teammates would know..."

"Is there anyone who pays special attention to Luciana?"

Higuain's face turned a little dark.

Only Argentinians know these things, so naturally they are private gossip, but when they reach Real Madrid, it affects their face.

"Who must have spread the news!"

Higuain gritted his teeth and began to think in his mind. The most gossipy teammate in the team must be Guti without even thinking about it.


And Gago.

Casillas is also very sinister!

Gago is the most likely. As an Argentine player, he will definitely pay attention to Argentine news. On the contrary, Guti and Casillas are less likely to pay attention to Argentine news.

Do you want to blame Gago?

Higuain was a little unsure, but it was Gago who came over to remind him. With the whole team knowing, it was impossible to find out the source. He was not Sherlock Holmes.

Higuain couldn't think of a solution to the problem, so he could only pretend not to know. He also showed a nonchalant attitude towards Gago, "I know this. I will break up with Luciana soon." "

Gago nodded in support, "It's right to break up!"

Higuain also did another thing, which was to get close to Zhen Shaolong. During the training process, he kept talking to Zhen Shaolong and even talked about gossip issues within the team.

"They are all talking about me and you." Higuain is serious.

"What did you say about me?"

"I forgot your and Kaka's sister's name. They said you were dating."


Zhen Shaolong didn't care that dating a beautiful woman was gossip, but this kind of gossip did not affect his image.

Higuain didn't think so. He felt that he and Zhen Shaolong were on a united front. Both of them were the targets of gossip in the team. They should unite and do something to retaliate against those who spread the gossip.

Higuain began to do ideological work for Zhen Shaolong, "You heard it too, right? They were talking about me! In fact, what I heard was your news."

"We should join forces to find information about other people, secret information, such as Jose (Guti), Igor (Casillas), and Fernando (Gago). I believe that things came from them. , otherwise the whole team wouldn’t know about it.”

"But they must also have funny things, but we don't know them yet. We should share them with each other..."

Zhen Shaolong felt that it made sense and nodded frequently to express his approval.

He decided to side with Higuain.


Must resist!


Real Madrid's opponent in the next round of the league is Sares, and there is basically no suspense in an away game against the newly promoted team.

2 to 1.

Although Real Madrid only scored two goals, which was lower than the season's average number of goals in a single game, they won the victory and suppressed Sares. Sares' goal also appeared in the last five minutes, and it can be said that there is no resistance.

The game itself was not very attractive, and even the Real Madrid players couldn't muster the energy to discuss the past game. Instead, there was another thing that attracted many people's attention.

Still gossip.


I don’t know who spread the news before the game, saying that Luciana will come to Spain soon and plan to stay with Higuain for a while. At work, she takes cover pictures for magazines and takes on a product advertisement.

This news is hard to find in Argentine news, let alone Spain. Celebrities’ itineraries are generally very secretive. Luciana is a spotlight female model, so her itinerary cannot be fully disclosed.

Higuain immediately guessed the origin of the gossip--


"It's definitely this guy!" Higuain said to Zhen Shaolong with an angry face, "This bastard, other people don't care about Argentine news."

Zhen Shaolong thinks it makes sense.

Real Madrid only has two Argentine players, one is Higuain and the other is Gago. He heard about it from Granero, and Granero also said that Gago whispered the news.

Higuain and Gago had several arguments that day. Gago flatly denied the gossip and the two decided not to talk to each other.

This was like a scene of children fighting, which made Zhen Shaolong find it very interesting. He had also participated in similar things, but watching other people 'quarrel', he found it really interesting.


The adult world also needs entertainment and fun!

Regardless of his relationship with Gago, Higuain still has to face reality. The whole team knows about Luciana, and there are also 'Real Madrid teammates who do not want to be named', who revealed to the reporter of "Aspen" His views illustrate his sympathy for Higuain.

Under such a public opinion situation, Higuain suddenly wanted to go on vacation, not to bask in the sun on a beautiful beach, but to ride a horse in the open prairie.

He made a decision.

"This is a man's decision!" Higuain said to many people, "I can't bear to part with Luciana. You must have seen her photos."

Many teammates nodded in approval.

C-Ronaldo nods the hardest and is known as the most beautiful woman in Argentina. You can imagine how powerful photos of her naked body are on men.

Granero swallowed, and the movement of swallowing was too big, causing Higuain to glare at him dissatisfied.

The only one who didn't react was Diarra. He said nonchalantly, "Isn't she just a blonde? I've seen it too, but it's better to see my girlfriend."



Diarra received thumbs up recognition from all his teammates and suddenly became very proud.

Higuain ignored Diarra and continued, "But I decided, really decided."

"I will obey God's will!"

"I will start the next game. If I can score a goal, I will break up with Luciana, otherwise we will keep dating for a while."

"I really don't want to break up with Luciana, but I have to follow God's will!"

Teammates around him gave Higuain a thumbs up.

This decision is really not easy.

If they were dating Luciana, it would probably be difficult for them to make the decision to break up.

That's so hard!

Why don’t we date each other for a while?

C-Ronaldo said positively, "I support you, Gonzalo, don't worry, I will pass the ball to you more during the game!"

"Me too!" Granero said seriously.


Higuain thanked him somewhat depressedly, and then heard Ronaldo say, "By the way, Gonzalo, if you break up with Luciana, you won't stop others from pursuing her, right?"

"Of course, I'm just asking out of interest. I'm not interested in Luciana."


Higuain clenched his arms hard and found that he couldn't control his fists.

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