Everyone stopped chatting and began to speed up their legs.

After a while, they saw Luffy who was running forward, Roy was ecstatic and shouted at Luffy.

"Hey! Luffy—"

Luffy heard the voice, looked at Roy subconsciously, and said in surprise, "Haha, why are you? Could it be that you have finished searching over there?"

Roy quickly caught up with Luffy and said slowly, "Yes, I have found Gina and Usopp over there, and there are a lot of monsters over there, which have been destroyed by me. "

At this moment, Gina ran over and said unconvinced, "Roy Big Brother, what are you talking about? Those monsters were obviously killed by me!"

Roy was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head in shame, and responded, "Haha, I'm sorry, it was my slip of the tongue just now, I didn't kill it, it was Gina, this girl is really amazing."

"Because Usopp saw the monster at that time, he left Gina and ran away first, and then Gina killed all the monsters in it."

Hearing this, Luffy couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and said, "Wow! Gina, you are too good, right? You can do this? Did you know? Even me, I met those monsters in 493. At times, it will be very scary.”

"I didn't expect that you were not only not afraid, but also hit a group of them alone!"

Gina listened, smiled lightly, and said, "Hey, what is this, let me tell you, anyway, I am also a pirate with a reward of over 100 million."

After listening to Luffy, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Breaking 100 million? Isn't that higher than me?"

Gina nodded confidently and said, "Actually, those monsters are not as powerful as you think."

"Let me put it this way, as long as you are not afraid of them, their combat effectiveness is not very strong, and they are stronger than their appearance, which makes people tremble, understand?"

After listening to Luffy, he nodded quickly and exclaimed, "Haha, so that's the case. After hearing what you said, I suddenly felt that the monster wasn't that scary anymore."

Everyone was running and talking. After a while, a familiar figure appeared in front of everyone. Yes, it was Sauron and the others!

Seeing this, Roy hurriedly accelerated, and in almost a split second, he came to Zoro's side. Zoro and Nami were lying on the ground at this time, seemingly unconscious.

Before Roy stepped forward, he gently stretched out his hand and placed it on Zoro's nose.

After a while, Roy said slowly, "They shouldn't have any problems, they just fainted after seeing the monster and being tired."

"Usopp nodded, and then said, "By the way, Lord Roy, have you seen Robin? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became tense in an instant.

"Robin? Yes! How did I forget her? By the way, why didn't I see Robin?"

At this time, Gina stepped forward and said coldly, "I think she left Nami and Sulong and ran away by herself?"

Roy thought for a moment, shook his head lightly, and said, "No, I don't think Robin would do such a thing."

Gina listened, sneered, and said, "This is really uncertain, after all, people's hearts are complicated, besides, Robin has only been on the ship for less than two days, and before that, wasn't she your enemy? ?"

Gina said, looking at Luffy and the others.

Luffy scratched his head and said slowly, "No, I still choose to believe in Robin, let's wait and see." After that, Luffy walked to Zoro, looked at it, and said , "Sulong, can you wake up?" After that, Luffy stepped on Zoro's body.

This kick was quite forceful, and after Sauron received the force, he immediately shouted, and immediately came to his senses. (adag) Roy froze for a moment, scratched his head, and said in surprise, "My God, this is such a violent way of shouting."

After finishing speaking, Luffy walked to Nami's side again, he sneered and said, "Hey, this guy Nami always bullies me, this time, it's my turn to take revenge on her, right?" , Luffy also stepped on Nami's face.

The force of this foot is lighter than Zoro, but, again, because Nami is a girl, the salty force of this foot caused her considerable damage.

Nami groaned in pain, then woke up.

She looked around for a while, and finally set her eyes on Luffy, and said angrily, "Just now, who hit me?" Luffy scratched his head and said dumbly, "It's me."

Na Guan was stunned for a moment, she never imagined that the person who hit his own would confess himself so frankly.

Luffy's actions really made Nami not knowing what to say for a while.

She walked to Luffy's side, stomped her feet angrily, then stretched out her fist and punched Luffy in the face.

However, Nami originally thought so, well, the fist was about to hit Luffy's face, and when Luffy's cheek was still a centimeter away in the fist, Luffy suddenly dodged back.

This time, Nami was directly surprised, because she didn't stand firm, Nami suddenly threw herself into Luffy's arms. Luffy looked at Naguan and said with a smile, "How is it? This time is your reward for hitting me earlier!"

After speaking, Nami's cheeks suddenly turned a little blush, and then she struggled out of Luffy's arms, and said angrily, "You, you guy, why did you shake me suddenly?" Luffy scratched his head, silly Silly said, "Because I'm afraid of pain!"

Nami was stunned for a moment, and asked with a puzzled face, "Pain? How is that possible? Your body is rubber, how could it be so confusing?" Luffy smiled and replied, "I don't know, anyway. Nami's beating hurts!"

Roy looked at the two of them, smiled, then walked to the middle of the two of them, and said slowly, "Okay, the two of you should stop arguing, we still have business to do now, no? Is it?" After that, Nami nodded slowly, "Well, yes, then okay, Luffy, I'll let you go first this time!" Roy looked at Zoro and asked slowly Said, "Sauron, are you okay?"

Zoro twisted his neck, looked at his own limbs, and then said cheerfully, "It's nothing, I can't die."

"Very well, then, I want to ask you two a few questions now, and I hope you can answer me truthfully, okay?"

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