Qiwuhai, four emperors, navy.

The three forces contain and balance each other. This is the balance in the eyes of the world government.

Once there is a problem with the equilibrium, it may lead to turbulence in the world and unpredictable situations.

In this regard, the world government has always attached great importance to this issue and will make every effort to maintain this balance to avoid unforeseen impacts on the world.

And once the news of Moria's killing came out, the world government would definitely solve the problem of the replacement of Xinqiwuhai with a thunderous momentum.

In another dimension, after Crocodile's arrest, the same rules apply.

It's just that the one who became the new Shichibukai at that time was [Blackbeard] Tiki who arrested the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates [Fire Fist].

As for the way of nomination, Yan Wei is bold, that is, let Lafayette go directly to the Naval Headquarters, the meeting site of Qiwuhai, and directly propose to let Blackbeard succeed Qiwuhai.

This kind of behavior is somewhat provocative.

After all, he infiltrated the Naval Headquarters. If Lafayette hadn't shown himself at that time, there would probably not be many people in the navy who could find Lafayette.

Roy, on the other hand, was not so bold, and directly asked Crocodile to propose that he was the one who killed Moria, and the probability of becoming the new Qiwuhai would undoubtedly be higher.

However, relatively speaking, Roy did not make any guarantees for the navy and the world government, so this time Roy can only say that he is certain, not taking it as a bag.

Of course, even if there is no way to become Qiwuhai, it will only hinder the own process a little. Although the specific impact is not small, it is not unacceptable.

A week passed quietly as Roy put together the Dread Barques.

During this period, a newspaper had already flown to all corners of the world with the news of Moria's death.

On the front page, it is the famous content of the famous Wang Xiaqi "807" Wuhai Moonlight Moria who was killed by the [strongest] newcomer Roy.

The media has always liked to exaggerate, and this time is no exception. The headline of the newspaper was astonishingly: "Shocked! Newcomer [Black Crow] Roy easily slashed the head of Moria, the king, Qiwuhai, Moonlight!" "That Moria was actually killed by Roy..."

In an unknown tavern, a man who was a little drunk saw the contents of the newspaper and was suddenly surprised.

And when he reacted, the whole tavern was already talking about it.

Not just this tavern, but this issue of the newspaper has caused an uproar all over the world.

After all, the one who was killed was not an ordinary pirate group, but a king under the Seven Martial Seas!

Marine Headquarters, Marshal's Office of Marin van Dou.

Sengoku gently threw the newspaper into the mouth of the goat who was squatting at his feet, and then looked at Lieutenant General Crane and Garp below.

He rubbed his brows, and said a little tiredly: "Morlia has already been killed, consider the next candidate for the Seven Wuhai." "It was the black crow who killed Moria..."

He Zhong crossed his hands to his chin, and on the table was a newspaper with several folds. "Crack, Kick..."

Unlike the other two present, Garp with white hair lay calmly on the sofa and ate senbei. Sengoku sighed, decided to ignore Garp's existence, and turned to Lieutenant General Crane and said, "It would have been better if things had been suppressed earlier."

The Warring States period was a little helpless, because they learned the news more slowly than the people from the World News Agency!If this is not the case, then the world government will definitely suppress this matter quietly, and then secretly select the successor, and then make the matter public.

As for the reason, it has to be blamed on the small cadre of the World Economic News Agency who attended the opening ceremony of the Mendis union.

After that time, Robin established a cooperative relationship with him, and this time the information was sent to him at the first time, and he released it directly through the platform of the World Economic News Agency.

Only in this way can we bypass the interference of the World Government and force the World Government to quickly decide on the candidate of Qibukai, so as to achieve the best results Roy hopes. "I have issued a summoning order to those Qiwuhais. As for how many will come... it is still unknown." Mentioning those Qiwuhais, the blue veins in the corners of Warring States' eyes twitched again.

In the past Qiwuhai conferences, it was unexpected that two of them could come, and this time is no exception. "Kapp, do you want to attend this meeting?"

"Hahaha, I don't have anything to do anyway, let's go over and join in the fun..."

Lieutenant General Crane looked at the shards of scallops that Garp spat out as he spoke, and sighed: "If you go, I won't have to attend..." "One more thing, about the new bounty of the Giant Monster Pirates... "On the other side, in a small town in the East China Sea, thousands of miles away.

A smiling man with a straw hat on his head and a red vest is staring at the sea boredly. He kept muttering in his mouth: "When can we go to sea..."

"I don't know how Roy, Ace, and Sabo are doing now, have they become big pirates?" "It's really exciting!"

On the other side, the village chief Wupu in a floral shirt. Slap was sitting in a chair, looking at the newspapers just brought by the delivery seagull. "Qiwuhai was actually killed..."

The village chief murmured, and the rest of the people came over to see it.

Their faces were not very moved, because Qiwuhai was already a rare big pirate and a big man in this world to them.

The life and death of such characters have no effect on them in this closed world at all, and at most they have become a topic of conversation after dinner, and it can't be said to be moved.

But a look of astonishment soon appeared on their faces, because a reward was attached to this newspaper. "[Black Crow] Roy: Captain of the Giant Monster Pirates, with a bounty of 420 million Bailey!"

Roy's identity has been unknown since he was a child, so he has never had a surname. Everyone in Windmill Town is naturally aware of this.

But looking at the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar face on the reward order, and the long list of amounts behind, they inevitably had some doubts. "I said this guy, wouldn't it really be that kid Roy?!"

A thick voice suddenly appeared: Da Dan, a huge man, was biting a cigarette in his mouth, and walked menacingly with the popularity of the Dadan family behind him.

With a newspaper in his hand, it looks like he should have seen the big thing Roy just did.

Makino stood behind the village chief, her dark green hair lightly draped over her shoulders, looking extra gentle.

She also saw Roy's Bounty Order. Because Roy and Luffy often came to Windmill Town to play when they were young, and she often visited them because of Luffy's greenness.

So just by looking at it, she recognized that the man was Roy.

In her impression, Roy has always had a deep and introverted look in his eyes since he was a child, but she still did not expect that Roy would grow to this level in just one year. "Mayor, Dadan, what are you looking at!?"

Luffy saw a group of people surrounded, his eyes lit up in an instant, and he hurried over. "Is there anything delicious?" "It's your Big Brother Roy's news."

Makino smiled slightly at Luffy, reached out and handed Luffy the newspaper.

Luffy grinned, his arms suddenly lengthened, and took the newspaper from Makino.

For the ability of Luffy's rubber fruit, the people present were not surprised.

Luffy recognized his own Dage Dage at first sight, and he didn't care about other content in the newspaper, so he directly focused on Roy's bounty. "Sure enough, Roy is still going to be a pirate!" "But this bounty..."

"One hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million..." "There are 420 million Baileys!"

Luffy suddenly shouted, with a shock that could not be concealed on his face, but was replaced by a burst of excitement. "Sure enough, as expected of Roy!"

"I also have to go out to sea and catch up with you!"

Luffy's eyes were bright, but he was almost a year away from the agreed time to go to sea, which made him really anxious.

The news of Roy and Ace came one after another, which made this young man with more blood than IQ couldn't hold back his desire to go to sea.

Also on an unknown island on the Great Route.

A cheerful laughter came from the shade.

The two wooden cups collided in the air, and the mellow liquor stirred on the walls of the cups, splashing flashes of light. "Come, come, have another drink!"

The red-haired Shanks pushed a wooden cup full of wine in front of the man with the top hat and the sharp eyes of an eagle.

The man took the glass with indifference, raised his head and drank it.

Shanks drank the wine in one gulp when he saw it.


A pitch-black bat suddenly appeared beside Hawkeye, with a letter tucked under the bat's feet. "Book bat?"

Shanks raised his eyebrows. Ordinary bats don't appear in this kind of place, especially when the sun is shining. "It seems that it is for the question of Qiwuhai's succession, and the speed is quite fast."

Hawkeye still didn't look at it, opened the envelope and glanced at it, and then threw the envelope to Shanks. He got up and said, "I'll go to Yiyue."

Shanks didn't care either, and Dia opened the letter.

"Interesting, has it risen to 420 million so quickly..." The summoning order from the World Government is divided into two types: 0...

The first is a general summoning order. In this case, the summoned Shichibukai can decide whether to participate in the meeting.

The other is an emergency summoning order. Once the emergency summoning order is issued, all Qiwuhai must rush to the naval headquarters for a meeting as soon as possible.

The call to the top war is a mandatory emergency call.

And this time, the meeting to discuss the candidates for Shichibukai was nothing more than an ordinary summoning order.

However, Li Jian has never participated in an ordinary Qiwuhai meeting after serving as Qiwuhai. At this time, on a whim, he wanted to take a look.

New World, Dressrosa.

Inside the mansion of the Don Quixote family.

"Fufufu... is that kid again..."

Doflamingo crossed his legs and sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a glass of red wine in his hand as usual, and his eyes fell on a reward order that had just been sent through his sunglasses.

"That guy Moria really didn't need to be beaten. He was killed by that kid in just a few days..."

Doflamingo has been keeping an eye on Roy since the events in the Green Islands, and he had a hunch from that time that Roy might have a big surprise for him.

But I didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly..."Young Master, do you need to prepare a boat?"

Baby-5 emerges from behind Doflamingo, holding the summoning order brought by the bat in his hand.

"No need to."

Doflamingo said without looking back.

If he was traveling alone, he would be faster and more convenient than a boat to move between the clouds with the ability of the line fruit.

In a certain area of ​​​​the Great Sea Route, a naval warship is heading towards Marin Fando. "Ah la la la, is that guy already so strong..."

Aokiji was lying on his back on a chair, staring at the newspaper in his hand with blurry eyes, and at first glance he knew that he had just woken up.

The young man who had slipped away from him at that time was very popular these days, and Qingzhi naturally paid attention to it. "It seems that the decision to let you go may have been wrong." A gust of sea breeze blew, and Aokiji suddenly sniffed. "This kind of thing doesn't seem to be possible..." The island of white earth, Baldigo.

"Sabo Sabo, look at the latest news!"

The youthful Kerla suddenly ran to Sabo's office, holding a newspaper in her hand and waving, "It's Roy's news!

Sabo stopped his hands on official business, turned to look at Kerla, and smiled slightly.

Judging by Kerla's appearance, this news should be good news. "What news?" "You see for yourself."

Kerla gently placed the newspaper in front of Sabo.

Several huge bold characters came into the eyes.

"Shocked! Newcomer [Black Crow] Roy killed Wang Xia Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria!" Below is a bounty with a photo of Roy. "As expected of Roy..." 0.6 Sabo read the information in the newspaper carefully, then slowly turned his head to look out the window...

A new world, a certain sea area.

"Hahaha, Ace, you said that guy is your brother?" "Really?!"

There was a loud noise, and Brahmanke asked curiously, waving his big hammer.

Surrounded by a group of white-bearded members holding wine glasses, [Foil] Bista, [Diamond] Joz, and [Phoenix] Marco are also impressively listed.

As for the one sitting in the middle, it was undoubtedly Edward [Whitebeard], one of the sea emperors with a huge stature and a crescent-shaped white beard on his mouth. Newgate!

[Cong Yunqie], one of the twelve supreme swordsmen, was quietly leaning on his side. "Wuhahaha, kids, did you find anything interesting again?"

Whitebeard looked at the noisy deck in front of him, instead of feeling irritated, he felt relieved, because these were his children.

"Dad, Ace said that the [Black Crow] Roy, who has been in the limelight recently, is his sworn Dage. We are wondering whether to pull him onto our boat!" Marko said to Laoluo with a smile.

"Hahaha, is it true Ace?"

Whitebeard seemed to know something about Roy as well, and he burst out laughing. "Yes."

Ace put down the newspaper and looked at Lao Shen.

"But my brother probably doesn't want to join another pirate group..."

Ace knows Roy's temper well, that guy doesn't look like someone who would be willing to be under people...

"Hahaha, that's because he hasn't seen his father yet, otherwise he would be willing to be his father's child!" Marco is full of confidence in the charm of Whitebeard! .

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