The Straw Hats' training for half a month has been fruitful.

Under Roy's guidance, Luffy already has a clear understanding of how the second gear is developed, and I'm afraid it won't be long before he will be able to comprehend it himself.

Usopp's domineering looks, and Sanji's Colored Arm domineering is gradually awakening, but it lacks an opportunity for transformation.

As for the most rewarding one, Zoro was the first to break the bottleneck and mastered the domineering Colored Arm under the guidance of Dragon Horse and later the new one or two.

On the other hand, Chopper organized his research on the Lamboo Ball over the years into notes and handed it over to Roy. This kind of research that can manipulate the Devil fruit's ability is of great value to Roy.

Nami's weather bar has been greatly upgraded, and her combat power is also a lot more Ascension.

There is also the new member of the Straw Hats, Weiwei. Without the shackles of the country's ruin, she is determined to see the vast world outside and follow Luffy and the others on their adventures.

After another few days of journey, the magnetic force of the recording pointer was full. Luffy and his gang crossed the desert and came to the port city of Rape Flowers again.

"Nami, this is the life card of Ace and I. I will leave it to you for safekeeping. I will make another life card for Luffy next time."

Roy handed Nami two pieces of paper. In this world without the Internet, phone bugs and life cards are the easiest way to transmit information.

Relatively speaking, the value of the life card is even higher, because it can not only guide the other party's direction, but also remind you of the life state of the other party at this time.

Ace's life card was made by the Whitebeard Pirates, and Roy was made by Xiali on the Chambord Islands, and she was beaten hard at that time.


"Eight-five-three" Nami nodded heavily. As for why she didn't make a life card for Luffy, the reason was that there was no one in the Mendis Guild who could make life cards.

"Kid with three knives, I will give you this knife."

Shinichi took off the samurai sword that Roy got out of the box and threw it to Zoro.

Since Dragon Horse uses a single-knife flow, this knife was handed over to Xinyi when he arrived.

In several tests, Xinyi has roughly guessed that the grade of this knife should be the level of Dayewu Twenty-one Workers.

That is to say, it is on the same level as Zoro's [Wandao Ichimon].

Of course, the ranking of famous knives in this world is constantly changing. This knife has not been born for hundreds of years, and now it is not well-known, and it is not easy to judge where he is.

But after all, it is not far from [He Daoyi Word].

The specific ranking depends on the user's operation.

As for the reason why Shinichi can't use this sword, he is now practicing his own [Ghost Blade Stream], and the [Three Generation Ghost Toru] he uses already has wisdom.

He didn't have time to take care of other knives at all, and even if he had, he should have gotten a new demon knives.

So if you keep this knife by your side, you may not have a chance to become famous. It is better to give it to those who can really exert the greatest value.

This is also what Dragon Horse thought. The last thing a swordsman can't see is a famous sword dusted in his own hands.

And Sauron's performance in the past few days has also been recognized by them.

Zoro stretched out his hand to catch the long knife. He may have clearly felt the power of this knife these days.

It is definitely a famous sword no less than [Hedao Yiwen], and such a sword is so simple to give to yourself? "Take it, and don't let it get dusty in your hands."Shinichi said lightly, and Dragon Horse nodded earnestly. "Since that's the case, I'm welcome, thank you." Zoro grinned, his eyes flashing.

Reaching out and pulling out the scabbard, the Sunshine Wine fell on the blade, like a flame. "I'll call you [Riyan] from now on."

Sauron officially gave a new name to the nameless blade that had been silent for a long time. "Ace, Roy!" "There will be a period later!"

A group of people stood at the stern of the Merry and waved at them, and their harvest was not too big.

Not to mention the update and iteration of everyone's weapons, but also received special guidance from the strong in the Mendis Guild, which is something that many rookie pirates dare not even think about.

The strength of several of them also has a very significant Ascension. "It shouldn't be worse than the original..." Roy whispered.

Zoro's rapid progress is definitely much better than the original at the same time period, and Luffy is also close to the second gear ahead of schedule.

As for Usopp, there is also Ascension, Nami and Vivi have updated their weapons.

In contrast, Sanji and Chopper did not become too strong, and there was no Robin to join, replaced by Princess Weiwei. "I hope you can walk a different path."

As Roy waved at them, he sighed in his heart that the development of the world had been changed a lot by him, and even he was a little unpredictable about what happened next. "Luffy! I put the life cards of Ace and Roy on your straw hat."

On the Merry, Nami was looking like a good wife and mother at this time, helping Luffy to sew two life cards into this straw hat with special meaning to them.

Of course, the life card has already marked the object they are pointing to, but it will not be confused. "good!"

Luffy shouted excitedly, and turned his head to mingle with the two of Usopp Chopper.

As for Zoro, he was waving his new [Riyan] with great interest, with a smile on his face. He really liked this knife more and more.

As for Sanji, he was very diligently changing his method to make various desserts to please the newly-arrived Weiwei.

"Oh, these guys."

Nagan covered her head with a headache, but soon smiled and shook her head.

"Hey, everyone, something doesn't seem right."

Sauron, who was sitting on the watchtower, suddenly snorted, and three warships were heading towards them.

"Cloth for sale, cloth for sale, Brubu for sale."

On the warship, a heroic female navy lifted her hair, slowly lifted her own sunglasses, and answered the phone in her hand.

"Well, I see."

The voice of the Warring States came from the phone bug, Tina just dealt with it a few times at will, and quickly hung up the phone after understanding the specific order.

"What did the old man say?"

The white-haired Smoker stood beside Tina, thick white smoke wafting from the cigar in his mouth.

After he was defeated by Roy, he reported this Shichibukai's naughty behavior to his superiors. As for the Warring States, after knowing that there were no casualties, he planned to make a big thing into a small thing and make a phone call to warn Roy.

Unexpectedly, Smoker suggested that the naval fleet led by Tina, who was patrolling the nearby waters, would go to St.tin Island to capture the Straw Hat Boys.

Take advantage of the situation to beat and beat the new Qiwuhai.

The Warring States also agreed to this plan after a little consideration.

"The marshal asked us to act cautiously. It's best to catch the straw hat boy smoothly, but if you encounter Roy's obstruction, don't have a confrontation with the other party."

Tina repeated the order of the Warring States period. At this time, the secret plan of the navy had not been completed, and it had not reached the level where it would be possible to abolish Qiwuhai and fight alone two years later.

At this time, the role of Qiwuhai in stabilizing the pirate forces is still very significant, and it cannot be easily abandoned.

"Damn it, that guy, what about Qiwuhai, if you dare to take action against the navy, you can take the opportunity to deprive him of his title."

Smaller said disdainfully, biting his cigar.

But Tina made a quick cut, and the meaning in her eyes was very obvious. After all, Smog was captured by others not long ago, and it is indeed a bit embarrassing to say such words now.

Of course, Smaller wouldn't defend anything on this issue. Although he was indeed arrogant, he still had the courage to face failure.

"Sir, found the Straw Hat Pirates."

The navy soldiers under him quickly reported.

When Smog and Tina heard the words, they also turned their attention to the Merry not far away.

Straw Hat Luffy, with a bounty of 30 million Bailey, is a rookie pirate from the East China Sea.

One after another information flashed through Tina's mind. In her opinion, it was just a very normal rookie pirate. After all, the straw hat group at this time did not have any major incidents.

It's not worthy of the Navy's attention at all, but because of the Faces of these old guys beside her, she should have the right to do it. Anyway, she came out with a warship to patrol to maintain the stability of this sea area.

Although this sea area is under the protection of the Mendis Guild, no pirates dare to do anything wrong.

Tina put aside her doubts and gave an order: "Go into the range and destroy their ships."

The information of Luffy's group has already been passed to the Navy. Captain Luffy and the ship doctor are Devil Fruit ability users. It is the most appropriate way to directly sink their ships and let the ability people fall into the sea. "Yes!"

The navy under his command quickly took command, and the gun on the warship moved quickly, aiming at the Golden Merry 0 in the distance...


The messenger gave an order, and the two warships at the front of the fleet opened fire at the same time, and countless shells flew out of the barrels and flew towards the Golden Merry.

And the two warships also began to spread out, heading to both sides to prepare to seal the possible retreat of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The fleet of three warships is used to capture a pirate with a reward of only 30 million, which is indeed a bit overkill.

Countless artillery shells attacked, and Zoro, Luffy and others on the ship had already been waiting seriously.

Cannonballs smashed into the sea water around the Merry, arousing heavy waves, and the Merry continued to rise and fall.

However, the fine tradition of no hits by the naval shells still played a role, and none of the shells fell on the Merry accurately. "coming!"

Usopp shouted, and several people on board quickly prepared. Of course, they could not intercept all the shells, so someone had to observe and determine which shells would threaten the ship, so as to shoot down or avoid them in advance.

As a sniper, Usopp must of course come forward at this time.

Zoro stood on the top of the boat, and [He Dao Yiwen] had been bitten in his mouth, and [Snow Walk] and the newly obtained [Sun Yan] were in both hands.

The unskilled Colored Arm domineering slowly covers the blades of the three knives. "Three knives. One hundred and eighty troubles!"

Sauron bent down and slashed with three swords, and the swords flew out, forming a tornado that flew towards an incoming cannonball.

Daomang quickly cut the shell into half, the kinetic energy on it suddenly disappeared, and the fragments fell into the sea rustling. "One more!"

Usopp groaned again, Luffy jumped up next to Zoro when he heard the words, his mouth sucked sharply, a large amount of air entered his body, and instantly propped it into a huge balloon. "Rubber rubber, balloons!"Two cannonballs landed on him, were quickly bounced off by the elastic force of the rubber, and smashed into the sea on both sides uncontrollably. "Oops, I'm going to be surrounded by them!"

Usopp's face was dignified, and he had seen three warships shrouding them in an inverted shape from the telescope. "Turn around!"

Nami took over as commander, while Usopp hurried to steer the rudder, causing the Merry to turn around.

With their current strength, it is indeed impractical to defeat a fleet of three warships.

After all, Nami's last victory against Navy Colonel Smog was still vivid in her mind, and she was a complete defeat.

But Naguan's captain and his right and left hands didn't think so.

"Green algae head, Roy seems to be saying that you can hit Smog with that Colored Arm domineering, right?"

Sanji took a sharp puff of cigarette and asked.

"seems like it……"

Sauron wrapped the turban around his head, and they had already seen Smog from the approaching ship.

0.6 "Hey, let's make a big fuss!"

Luffy shouted loudly.

"Hey, Luffy, don't mess around!"

Nami heard the voice, realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted.

And Luffy and the others didn't let him down on his expectations, they saw him stretch out his hands, rushing towards the opposite warship like a rope.


Zoro and Sanji stood on Luffy's outstretched hand and quickly attacked the warship.

"These pirates dare to take the initiative to attack!"

Smaller clenched the cigar in his mouth, his arms were elementalized, and two cloud fists attacked them.

"Heh... There's no way this kind of move can stop us!"

Sulong slashed with a knife and directly cut off the incoming cloud hand, accelerated under his feet, and took the lead in boarding the warship.

Sanji also kicked Yun's hand away, and Luffy who flew later came to Smog and Tina.

"Straw hat boy, how dare you come to the door yourself?"

Smaller took out his ten hands, and his body turned into white smoke and rushed towards them. Anyway, none of them could hit him. Smaller thought that he was completely invincible.

Luffy and the others didn't even need to look at each other, and quickly understood each other's thoughts.

"Rubber rubber, machine guns!"

Luffy threw out a fist shadow and quickly smashed Smoker's body into white smoke, but his speed did not drop in the slightest.

Sanji bit his cigarette and kicked his foot quickly towards Smog's face. Smog didn't even hide, letting Sanji make his head pop into white smoke.

Ten hands stabbed Luffy's body hard, and the latter was weakly pressed to the deck.

Before Smog was happy, Zoro savagely arrived!

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