I Just Crossed, My Younger Brother Is Doflamingo

Chapter 522 Somersault Cloud's Ascension

Leaving Angel Island, Roy galloped away again with somersault clouds and Golden Crow Fusang, and the destination was the White Sea.

The old woman who bypassed the gate of heaven, Roy crossed the waterfall of three thousand meters and fell into the vast white sea again.

The arrogance of seeing and hearing quickly spread out towards the surroundings, and a huge purple snake head suddenly jumped out of the white sea, opened its fierce mouth like a sharp blade, and bit Roy fiercely.

Before Roy could act, Golden Crow burst into flames, and a golden flame roared out, turning the entire giant snake into a huge pillar of fire.

A strong burnt smell emanated from the giant snake.

The somersault condensed a cloud hand, and easily pushed the giant snake, which was already charred black, away.

This is its promotion place, how can others be disturbed!

I will be able to catch up with the Golden Crow after today!

The somersault is extremely excited, and the bottom layer of Yunmin is finally going to turn over and become the master, how can this make people not excited?

Roy raised his eyebrows, and the domineering look of the overlord poured out, and the terrifying power suddenly descended on this white sea.

The giant beasts in the cloud, who were hiding in the white clouds and waiting for an opportunity, widened their eyes one after another.

As for the far away, it was like encountering a natural enemy, with a quiver all over his body, and then quickly fled to the distance. The intuition of the beast told them that if they stayed here, they would probably die.

A second later, near Roy, the sea beasts that had been stunned slowly surfaced to the surface.

Roy nodded and cleaned up these guys before he could concentrate on advancing to the fifth rank for Somersault Cloud.

He slowly took off his gloves, once again showing his golden index finger, and slowly tapped it on the head of the somersault.

"Do you spend 2000 ability points to turn somersault clouds to fifth-order?"

The familiar system beep sounds.

Roy nodded, and the energy points consumed a lot were transformed into rich golden light and poured into the somersault body.

Fire wings grew out of his back, temporarily leaving Somersault Cloud's body.

Golden Crow grabbed the fusang and flew quickly.

With the absorption of the golden light, the somersault cloud quickly gathered into a small round ball, and the well began to spin rapidly.

Its speed became faster and faster, causing the clouds in the White Sea to start to rotate, and a huge vortex appeared in just ten seconds!

The world changes color!

"It's really spectacular."

Looking at this scene, Golden Crow exclaimed in amazement. Just like before the soaring ocean currents appeared, the vortex churned by somersaults was shocking.

The golden light was quickly consumed in the somersault body, and at the same time, the water clouds in the white sea were also quickly absorbed by the somersault with the rotation of the whirlpool.

Compressed and condensed in his body, the Emperor Cumulus, which was originally capable of carrying ships, became more solid.Because the cloud amount absorbed by the somersault is too large, Roy can clearly feel that the density of the cloud sea in this area has decreased a lot.

If a ship accidentally sails past here, it is likely to fall from here...

And it's at an altitude of 7,000 meters...

Bi Kuan White Ocean is different from Blue Ocean.

Under the huge volume of the blue ocean, even if a lot of water is consumed, there will be water sources elsewhere to supplement it.

The White Sea is different. The density here is limited, and the water exists in the form of clouds, which is not as fluid as ordinary water.

So this invisible trap is likely to take a long time to be fully replenished.

In the process of Roy's thoughts divergent, the speed of the huge cloud sea vortex has gradually slowed down, and somersault cloud's swallowing of the cloud layer has come to an end. "Hey, my uncle has finally been promoted to the fifth rank!"

A wave of joy emanated from the center of the gradually calming vortex below, and the somersault cloud rushed towards Roy, giving Golden Crow a provocative look. "Somersault, you have just been promoted to the fifth rank, and I am afraid that you are not the opponent of Golden Crow now."

Roy slapped, otherwise this tough boy might have to face another beating from Golden Crow. "Hmph, I don't believe it, even if you are the boss, you may not be able to beat me now."

The somersault cloud still said sternly, and then its body expanded rapidly, and the surrounding clouds were once again absorbed, revealing a huge cavity with a diameter of several hundred meters.

Roy can even see the blue sea below through this big hole...

The somersault quickly transformed, and his sturdy limbs were transformed by him, turning into a giant of the cloud with a height of more than fifty meters!

Somersault's massive body now firmly blocked the sun, pulling down a majestic shadow that enveloped Roy.

Roy raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, the new ability of the fifth-order somersault was somewhat similar to Fusang's. They were able to absorb the surrounding substances, and change their own shape and body shape at will according to the absorbed substances.

Fusang absorbs sunlight and nutrients from the earth and turns itself into a giant, and the ability of somersaults looks a bit similar, relying on the huge amount of clouds and water vapor it absorbs to turn into a giant of clouds.

Roy opened the panel and saw that somersaults had changed. Somersault Cloud: Fifth-Order Ability: [Shape Transformation] Master the shape of your body at will.

【Condensation Cloud】Convert ordinary water vapor and clouds into special condensed clouds, which become more stable and firm.

Roy is not surprised by the ability of [Transformation], after all, like Golden Crow and Fuso, they all have this ability.

Fuso's [Wooden Giant] evolved from this ability, and now we need to add the somersault [Cloud Giant].

However, the battle of the cloud giant may be quite different from that of the wood giant. After all, one has a real body, and the other is just an ethereal vapor...

The key is to see what this ability called [Ning Yun] is.

"Boss, in this state, even you and I dare to fight!"

The arrogance on Somersault Yun's face couldn't be hidden.

Of course, this does not mean that it wants to fly solo, but it is just the inexplicable confidence of a junior high school boy after his strength suddenly soared.

"Somersault, throw a full punch at me."

Roy wanted to see how strong the fifth-order somersault was.


The somersault face moved with excitement, and it just wanted to show its current terrifying strength.

"Well, then the boss!"

It shouted, huge cloud hand toward overwhelming hit Roy, Roy will be a great fight to fly out of momentum.

Roy also not neglect, arms flung into a dragon arm, Colored Arm domineering and flame wound on it.

He will kill four star aunt of pirates, Charlotte. After Snug, Colored Arm has been close to five bands domineering, and then just kill a few enemies Colored Arm domineering master, should be able to Colored Arm domineering promoted to the fifth order.

As for the progress of knowledge domineering color is slower on many, after all, not based on knowledge Snug color famous.

[Inflammation] Alondra!

Roy Qu palm into a claw, and firmly grasping go toward cloud of overwhelming.

Talon flame and clouds of giant fist fiercely collision, terror blast broke from between the two.

Roy, his face showing a trace of surprise, his paw did not even able to defeat somersault for the first time with the new ability to gather special out of the clouds.

Both deadlocked, Roy wings startled, take advantage of the giant fist away, is a clawed hand side of the cloud, not his expectations, the strength of the clouds than on the front side of the weak many.

Under the rapid collapse of the inflammatory paw Roy, bulk gas stirring white opened.

"Damn it, or actually beat the boss!"

Somersault Guijiao heard, it seems own pride was a huge blow.

But it did not choose again shot, because it knows that Roy can now show far from all of his combat power.

Roy just blow it to spend a fifth-order physique and increase the ability of the flame obtained from the fifth-order Golden Crow body.

He really developed that battle mode may not have not really out of it.

Since the constitution to achieve the fifth order, Roy alone already has opened all combat modes include a large cloud [Lux] [Wang], including inflammation.

Strength has been an unprecedented increase, just blow only his quanliyiji in the normal state only.

Of course, somersault can blow Dangxia Roy has made a very unexpected.

After all, somersault cloud is never a positive output in the positioning of his mind, but by virtue of the characteristics of cloud elusive enemy harassment, as well as assist their own battle.

For example, Roy imitate Luffy second gear developed steam [people] and [Lux] is the use of a large cloud of steam push to enhance own speed as well as strength.

Real collision or rely on own body and Colored Arm domineering.

So somersault cloud just to show the kind of body has enough strength that surprised him.

"Somersault, you might have the ability to play better way.

Roy's eyes light flashed, his body squeezed somersault cloud now, this has been fully able to catch up with the kind of density clouds Angel Island. Somersault cloud watching exposed surprised expression, Roy then asked: "? When you restore the prototype of these clouds will disappear." "I do not know ......"

Somersault lifted his huge arms scratched his skull, but is such a simple action actually set off a wave of wind, so that the surrounding clouds burst of shock. "You try to restore the prototype."

Somersault although somewhat reluctantly, but obediently changed back to the original diameter little cloud about two meters.

As it just condensed out of the cloud giant is slowly collapsed, again into a mass. "You put these clouds to gather together: density the bigger the better, as far as possible and rounder." Roy told Road, somersault do not know why Roy wanted, but still did.I saw a wave coming out of the somersault, and the white cloud in front of me began to move slowly, forming a huge flat cloud layer with a diameter of about one or two hundred meters.

Because these clouds are solidified and compressed, there is still a ring-shaped hole around it, which looks like a moat that can be excavated from an ancient city. "Yes, it is like that."

Roy smiled and nodded, and Golden Crow and Fuso also came back to his side. "Boss, what's the use of this thing?"

This time, it was the taciturn Fusang who spoke, and he could feel the joy in Roy's heart, but he didn't know why. "How long can this cloud last if you don't control it here."

Somersault fell into thinking, and its ability to control the clouds after being promoted has reached an unprecedented height.

"Well... as long as it doesn't suffer huge damage, it basically won't disperse. Even if it does, it will take a very long time." This is a more reliable answer given by somersault. "That's good."

Roy smiled slightly.

"Don't you think the structure of 853 is very similar to the clouds below Angel Island we saw above?"

Roy stepped onto this cloud layer as he spoke: the touch under his feet was very obvious, although it was much softer than on land, but there was no sign of it breaking away at all.

That is to say, it is feasible to use this cloud to carry people.

Golden Crow and Fusang also set foot on this white cloud with a diameter of about 200 meters.

"It's really possible to stand on people, then can you build a house on it like Angel Island, quack!"

Golden Crow seems to know a little Why Roy is so happy, if you can build a house on it, then somersault will have the ability to create an empty island!

"However, this thing seems to be a little unsteady, somersault, go to the Cloud Falls!"

Roy suddenly thought that the density of the clouds on the other side of the Cloud Falls seemed to be higher, and even without somersaults, it could reach a density that was enough to stand on.

If you can extract those clouds, can you really create a new empty island artificially!

Roy's heart was hot, and he dropped the white cloud with a somersault and flew towards the leaky cloth.

Under the ability of somersaults, the clouds near the Cloud Falls began to quickly become hard, even a little firmer than the clouds on Angel Island.

"If it is this kind of cloud layer, a new empty island can definitely be established!"

Roy secretly rejoiced that there are many empty islands in this world, but most of their positions are not fixed, because things like clouds are easily affected by the wind direction.

That is to say, the composition and scale of this piece of Emperor Cumulus are too huge to keep it from being dispersed.

But generally speaking, it still moves with the wind. If Roy jumped from here now, it would not be a strange thing even if he fell into the new world.

However, since somersault has mastered this skill, and it can move towards the clouds, Roy will be able to purposefully create a sky island that meets his own requirements in this sea of ​​clouds.

It is even possible to create a true sky empire from the island of God, Angel Island and other places as the center!

Next, Roy made somersaults to condense a cloud road, which is the white road used to connect the cloud waterfall through Angel Island and many empty islands.

Ordinary ships can pass on it.

And the cloud road condensed by somersaults is much more stable than those made with cloud shells.

"If we can probe out of a stable, secure road to reach the island from the empty blue ocean, sky and perhaps the Empire is not nonsense ......"

Roy has a touch of light eyes filled with ......

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