"Lord Lund that..."

Leonard's instant defeat caused the scene to suddenly fall into silence.

This is one of the four strongest knights in the Kingdom of the Divine Tree, and he can't even hold a single move in front of Jack? ! "Don't be distracted! Gather the fire!"

"Although he is powerful, his flexibility is definitely not as strong as ours!"

There is no perfect ability in the world. Although Jack's strength is terrifying, but with such a large body, his flexibility is definitely far inferior to them.

The soldiers gritted their teeth, raised their guns, and frantically pulled the trigger at the huge mammoth in front of them!

Yale pulled the longbow into a full moon, and the Colored Arm poured out domineeringly, wrapped around the bow and arrow, and shot at Jack's eyes fiercely.

Jack noticed the oncoming attacks, but Yale guessed right, because his body was too large, Jack had no way to completely avoid these dense attacks.

So he just swayed a bit, and Yale's long-charged bow and arrow were staggered and landed on the top of his head, rubbing a small wound, and then getting stuck by the thick skin.

As for other attacks, he didn't care at all, and let those bullets fall on his skin, shooting sparks one after another. "With such a little power, I don't even need to hide!"

Jack roared, his feet suddenly lifted, and he stepped on the ground hard. The violent vibration spread to the entire island, and cracks formed under the feet of many soldiers. "Go back!"

Yale's face changed greatly, he let out a roar, he kicked hard on the unstable ground under his feet, and shot towards the side.

Those soldiers had just heard Yale's reminder, and before they had time to react, a black shadow like a hill enveloped them. "boom!"

The huge mammoth incarnated by Jack slammed into it, the ground under his feet was violently lifted, and the giant pillar-like trunk swept through the crowd, and a huge pit appeared on the battlefield.

The soldiers fell into the ground before they could react, and they didn't know if they were alive or dead.

As for those who were swept, not to mention, they were all covered in blood, and 03 lost consciousness. "Moo!!!"

Jack screamed in excitement, Yale's face was ashen, but he didn't dare to rush forward.

"Even if you put all your strength together, it can only be enough to pierce his skin, what should I do..."

Yale took another step back, and a huge boulder fell from the sky and landed where he was standing, causing a puff of smoke. "Hahaha, who can stop me?!"

Jack rolled up rocks with his elephant trunk and threw them out continuously, destroying the bunker on Rock Island. All the soldiers fled wildly. Facing such an enemy, they had no desire to fight at all.

A swarthy cannon barrel stretched out from a bunker and aimed at Jack, who was wantonly destroying the ring. "Let me go, blow up that ghost!" a soldier yelled hysterically. "boom!"

A cannonball flew out, Jack didn't dodge, he stood up straight and looked at the cannonball. "boom!"

Lundna suddenly rushed out of the ruins, waving the long knife in his hand, and rushing towards Jack at the cost of his life. The flames were mixed with black smoke, and everyone watched intently in the middle of the smoke. A huge black shadow appeared, and Jack was unscathed. "If you only have such a little strength, then you should just wait to die." The thick elephant trunk swept across suddenly, and the entire bunker was razed to the ground in an instant. "I fought with you!"

The knife flashed, and the knife slashed Jack's fart. "Moo!!"Jack was in pain, roared, and threw his tail fiercely, fanning Lund away.

Turning around as hard as a tank, he stepped down with his feet overwhelming. Leonard was already injured at this time, and he didn't have the energy to escape again. "go to hell!"

Jack's eyes were scarlet, apparently the pain just now completely brought him into a state of destruction.

The name [Drought] is by no means a false rumor.

Leonard held the long knife tightly, but could only wait for Death under this foot.

Yale in the distance was distraught. Although they were the same four knights, Lundna was much older than them and had always been similar to their elders. At this moment, facing such a desperate situation, he couldn't help feeling sad.

A rope suddenly flew from a distance and caught Lundna's ankle with precision. "It's Al!"

Lund's heart was shocked, the rope shrank suddenly, and he was pulled out at the fastest speed.

The mutilated armor and ground friction produced a lot of smoke. "boom!"

Jack's feet fell, another huge pit was created, and Lundna's body was almost on the line, out of the range of Jack's attack. "Little ants, how dare you run?"

Jack was furious, and his red eyes looked in the direction of Lund's escape.

A boy's arms stretched out, and Lundna was lying in front of him panting heavily. "El, why are you here?"

Lund looked at the young man in front of him. Although he took his life, he was not very excited because Jack's strength was so powerful.

Powerful to their despair.

"The king asked me to come, they are already in the emergency shelter."

As the last of the four knights, El took on the task of protecting the king, but in this situation, if he didn't come to help, he couldn't stop Jack at all.

In other words, even if the four knights shot together, it would be difficult to stop Jack.

While speaking, the rope that he had put on Lund's body had changed and became his own palm. "Devil Fruit Ability? Still have to die!"

Jack was in a frantic mood, and attacked them again. The exhaustion of his physical strength after such a long fight was not a drop in the bucket.

He might be able to fight with the two dukes of the fur tribe as a man for ten days and ten nights!

There is no way that this level of battle can make his state drop in the slightest.

Just as Yale and Al were about to fight to the death, several figures suddenly fell from the sky. "I didn't expect to meet you here, [Drought] Jack." Roy and Anilu suddenly appeared in front of Jack.

Jack temporarily stopped the offensive and narrowed his scarlet eyes.

"Crow, Baiyun, Treant, you are Roy from Shichibukai?!" Jack didn't completely lose his mind, and immediately recognized Roy's identity.

"It's down.

Roy smiled and forehead, did not expect that this time he happened to meet Jack in the attack on Valloc Island.

This reminded him that there seems to be a scene in the original book where Kaido jumped off the empty island and tried to commit suicide, but he failed but met poor Kid and others.

And here happens to be the path to the sky island. Could it be that Kaido boarded the sky island through Jack's news?

After all, for Kaido's dragon form, it is not difficult to fly along this path to the sky. "Seven Wuhai..."

Hearing Jack's words, Yale and Al's slightly relaxed hearts were raised again.

Shichibukai is also a pirate!

For them, pirates are not a good thing, if a three disasters and a Qiwuhai reach a cooperation. That undoubtedly made things worse. "What are you doing here?"

Jack's nose spewed air, and before Roy could answer, he continued arrogantly: "These are my prey, if you dare to stop me, I will kill you together!" A murderous intent out of him.

Roy's mouth twitched and he shook his head slightly. "I forgot, you depend on the ship king." Roy sneered. "what?!"

Although Jack didn't know what Roy meant, he still saw dissatisfaction and disdain from Roy's expression. "Death to me!"

Jack didn't hesitate any longer and threw his huge nose at Roy. "court death."

Anilu stretched out a hand, and a thick thunder crashed down, covering Jack. "Roar!"

A scream came from the thunder curtain, and a huge wave of air swept away towards the surroundings.


El's face was turned pale by the lightning. "Fortunately they are not together..."

There was a hint of happiness in Yale's tone. If these two guys shot together, they would have no chance of winning. "Damn..."

Lei Zhu blasted a hole in the ground where Jack was, but Jack quickly climbed out of it.

A faint arc of electricity flickered on Jack's rough skin, and his eyes became more and more violent. "Is it alright?..."

Anilu's eyes jumped. Although this move was only his most common move, there were not many people who could carry it with flesh and blood, not to mention that Jack didn't seem to feel anything at this time. "You really pissed me off!"

Jack waved his spear-like fangs and charged towards Anilu.

Although the blow just now did not cause much damage to him, the paralysis and pain made him very irritable.

Seeing this, Roy quickly jumped back, avoiding Jack's attack range, while Al and Yale, who were standing behind Roy, saw Roy jump away, and hurriedly ran away with Lundna. "Be careful, he will also be domineering with Colored Arm."

Anilu narrowed his eyes when he heard the words. After Roy's introduction, he already knew the classification of domineering in this world, and the Colored Arm domineering was undoubtedly the one that most restrained the natural Devil fruit ability.

"Oh, he can touch me and say it again."

Anilu smiled disdainfully, and he read Jack's mind very easily through the heart outline, and his body instantly turned into lightning and flashed into the air. "Boom!"

Jack destroyed the ground once again, but there was no sign of Anilu in it.

The huge elephant trunk rolled up and threw a rock towards Aini Road, which was in the air.Anilu did not dodge or evade, and once again turned into electric light and let the boulder pass through. "Hehe, Thunderbird!"

With a contemptuous smile, he stretched out his hand and tapped the drum behind him. A huge thunderbird flew out of the drum, flashing with extreme lightning, and dived towards Jack like a giant eagle preying on it. "La!!!"

The arc condensed into a ball of energy on the ground, and then exploded again.

Because of Jack's huge size and the lightning speed of Anilu was too fast, he had no time to dodge, so he could only endure this strike again. "Damn it!!"

Jack roared again, the trunk shook off the smoke, kicked all fours, and rushed towards Anilu.

It's a pity that such a clumsy attack has no effect on Enel, and if he doesn't have a heart, he might be careless.

Now Jack's every move, Anilu can predict in advance a few seconds in advance, with the terrifying speed brought by the thundering fruit, Jack can't touch Anilu at all. "If it's a king, there may still be a chance." Roy stood aside, watching the battle in front of him leisurely.

The other two knights are keeping a distance of about 20 meters from Roy. Although this guy 867 is helping himself at present, he is a pirate after all, maybe it is also for the Adam tree? "50 million volts. Thunder beast!"

Anilu kept dodging Jack's attacks, and after finding that the 30 million volt Thunderbird didn't do much for Jack, he increased the power again.

A giant thundering beast about the size of Jack rushed towards Jack. "court death!"

Jack has already lost all his sanity at this time, and now there is only one thought in his heart, that is to tear this Damn it bug that will only keep running away!

The giant nose fell, tearing the oncoming thunder beast in half, but the thunder didn't stop, turning into an electric current that enveloped Jack's body.

Another thunderbolt sounded, and after the electric light passed, a giant elephant with some charred skin rushed out again. "It's really rough and fleshy."

Seeing this, Anilu also had a headache. The physique of this broken giant elephant is really so terrifying that even 50 million volts can't help him.

Once again, he turned into electric light and bounced in the ruins, and at the same time, he continuously released electric current to stimulate Jack.

"Bugs, bugs that only run away!"

Jack completely ran wild, waving his tusks and elephant trunk and running wildly, crushing everything in front of him like a super armed tank.

Even his subordinates are no exception. Those who dare to stand in front of him are the only way to die! "Run! Lord Jack is crazy!"

Countless Pleasures rushed towards the Quartet, fearing to die under Jack's hands.

Many more plan to escape back to the ship and leave the island. "These guys can't let them go."

Roy touched his chin, and if he let them go and tell Kaido the information here, Kaido's temperament would probably not let it go.

And Roy doesn't plan to face Kaido so soon, that is one of the four emperors who are known as the strongest creatures in the world, Roy is not arrogant enough to think that he can match the four emperors now. "Hey, those two over there, what should you do? Just watch here?" Roy policeman turned to Al and Yale. "Roy... Your lord, what do you mean?"

Yale hesitated for a while, but still used the honorific title of an adult. Now it is not suitable to have an additional enemy. "You can't just watch these guys run away."

Roy pointed to the members of the Beast Pirates who were fleeing everywhere. "That Kaido..."

"Let us deal with this guy. If the news of Adam's giant tree reaches Kaido's ears, the next time it will come will not be the Three Calamities." Roy reminded with a smile.

As an IQ person, Yale naturally knew what Roy meant, and hurriedly nodded. "clear."

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