I Just Finished Popularizing Science About The Apocalypse, And The Apocalypse Was Detonated In Advan

Chapter 134: Inject All The Nuclear Weapons On Earth [New Book Is On The Shelves, Beg For Full Order

Chapter 134: Investing all the nuclear weapons on Earth [New book on the shelves, please beg for full order, second update]

"let's start!"

Jiang Xuan summoned another water droplet, and then it kept flying, and kept flying, until it flew for a full seventy-two hours, flying out of the asteroid belt and past Mars, and finally stopped at a point between Mars and the Earth. place.

The next step is to detonate Jupiter and ignite Jupiter.

The method used by Jiang Xuan is actually very simple, which is to ignite solid hydrogen and instantly turn the solid hydrogen into solid deuterium, which then triggers nuclear fusion!

If nuclear fusion can occur in solid gas, the energy produced will be beyond imagination!

The most important thing is that solid hydrogen is in the core of Jupiter, which is the innermost part of Jupiter.

Everything is more likely to disintegrate from the inside, and the reaction that occurs from the inside will be the most violent!

When the solar system and the sun first began, nuclear fusion took place from the center, that is, the interior of the solar system, and then the first sun was born. Lesson 2: The Sun

What Jiang Xuan has to do now is to imitate this process.

From the inside, solid hydrogen and solid deuterium are detonated, triggering nuclear fusion.

Why can't Jupiter be detonated when an asteroid hits it? Because it is in the outer shell of Jupiter. In the outermost layer, the asteroid ignites hydrogen and helium.

Jupiter is so big that it is obviously impossible for an asteroid to ignite Jupiter from the outside. After all, the area that an asteroid can affect is only a small area, and it cannot fully affect Jupiter and induce violent nuclear fusion in Jupiter.

But detonating it from the inside is different.

First of all, the core of Jupiter is obviously much smaller than that of Jupiter.

Once violent nuclear fusion occurs, it is likely to detonate the entire core of Jupiter.

If the entire core of Jupiter is detonated, the energy that will burst out will be unimaginable!

At the same time, Jupiter will induce a violent nuclear fusion reaction throughout Jupiter from the inside out, turning Jupiter into a sun with incredible power!

This also corresponds to the fact that the core of the sun is far more violent than the nuclear fusion reaction on the surface, and the process of the birth of the sun.

It is not easy to implement this plan.

The most important thing is to be able to enter the core of Jupiter, so that it is possible to detonate the core of Jupiter.

Then, solid hydrogen is instantly converted into solid deuterium, followed by nuclear fusion.

This step is also very difficult and cannot be accomplished with current human technology.

The most powerful hydrogen bomb currently produced by mankind is the Tsar hydrogen bomb. The energy generated by the explosion is equivalent to five thousand tons of TNT.

For humans, and for the Earth and the planet, it is already a very terrifying nuclear weapon.

But for Jupiter and Jupiter's core, it's just an itch at most, nothing more!

How did Jiang Xuan solve these two major problems?

First, through the water droplets, the passage to the core of Jupiter is opened.

Then one hundred anti-matter missiles were evenly placed in the core of Jupiter according to specific rules.

At that time, these antimatter missiles will transform Jupiter's core from solid hydrogen to solid deuterium in an instant.

According to Jarvis's estimate, approximately 30% of Jupiter's core can be transformed from solid hydrogen into fixed hydrogen.

The last step is to detonate the solid deuterium and allow the solid gas to undergo a nuclear fusion reaction.

In order to achieve the final goal, Jiang Xuan packed up all the nuclear bombs on Earth Star and brought them over.

Before setting off, Jiang Xuan had already made preparations in this regard.

Now there are really no nuclear weapons on Earth!

Among them, the biggest contributor is the United States!

King Dong watched Jiang Xuan store all the nuclear weapons in the United States into an unknown space as if by magic. His eyes were straight and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

The nuclear weapons accumulated by the United States in the past century are just gone!

The most important thing is that I have no idea where Jiang Xuan took it!

Just disappear in front of your eyes.

Afterwards, Wang knew that he had lingering fears, but fortunately he agreed to Jiang Xuan's offer.

If he didn't agree and didn't mention anything about offending Jiang Xuan, these nuclear weapons would still be taken away by Jiang Xuan without anyone noticing.

Jiang Xuan's method was so clever that it completely exceeded their imagination, and they didn't even know how to take precautions.

As for attacking Jiang Xuan, that is something they would not dare to do!

So King Wang was extremely lucky and chose to agree at the last moment.

As for where those nuclear weapons went, it was naturally in the dimension of Jiangdong.

After devouring a massive amount of power of faith, Jiang Xuan's dimension grew to a very terrifying level!

Jiang Xuan made a rough estimate and found that the size of the dimensional space is almost as big as one-fiftieth of the Earth's stars, which is 21.664 billion cubic kilometers!

In short, it is so big that it has no boundaries!

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Xuan was able to pack up all the nuclear weapons on Earth Star and take them away.

In order to deploy these nuclear weapons in the core of Jupiter, Jiang Xuan damaged thirteen Iron Man suits, which was regarded as paying an extremely heavy price.

And this is Jiang Xuan, it would be impossible for anyone else to do it!

At the same time, the Earth and Stars are also paying attention to the situation on Jupiter.

Although there is a delay of more than 90 hours, Dixing has received the live video from Jiang Xuan.

The Earth-Star side was about four days late and saw everything Jiang Xuan did on Jupiter.

This is also the first time that humans have observed the giant planet Jupiter in the solar system so closely.

Countless astronomy enthusiasts and astronomers were so excited that they stayed awake for several nights. They stared at the pictures transmitted back with their big eyes, unwilling to miss any moment.

Geologists, astronomers, cosmologists and other related scientists are all studying the images of Jupiter transmitted back.

This is the closest observation of Jupiter by humans. It can be said that it is of great significance for humans to understand the conditions of the solar system!

At the same time, relevant footage was also broadcast live to the world.

All mankind knows that Jiang Xuan, the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom and the patron saint of human civilization, is about to do something earth-shattering!

Especially when they saw Jiang Xuan placing nuclear bombs one by one in the core of Jupiter, everyone was so shocked that their eyes almost dropped.

First of all, people are surprised, why does Jiang Xuan have so many nuclear weapons?! (Okay)

Then people were surprised, how did Jiang Xuan create these nuclear weapons?!

And most importantly, what does Jiang Xuan want to do by placing so many nuclear weapons in the core of Jupiter?

Scientists from all over the world are also thinking about this issue, especially the last question.

Finally, they came up with the answer: Jiang Xuan was preparing to bomb the core of Jupiter to induce a nuclear fusion reaction in the core of Jupiter!

Ordinary people cannot judge the hundreds of anti-matter missiles that Jiang Xuan first deployed, but scientists from Earth and Star can judge them.

Then based on the known data, they calculated continuously day and night, all night long, to arrive at the results of Jiang Xuan's crazy plan!

Ten percent success rate!!!

Even though Jiang Xuan had made so many preparations and paid such an astonishing price, the final success rate was only 10%!

Although this 10% probability seems very small, before this, the probability of Jupiter being ignited is zero, which is an impossible event!

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