I Just Finished Popularizing Science About The Apocalypse, And The Apocalypse Was Detonated In Advan

Chapter 44: The Volcanic Winter Is Coming (Part 2) [Kneel Down And Beg For Flowers And Reward Votes]

Chapter 44: The volcanic winter is coming (Part 2) [Kneel down and beg for flowers and reward votes]

[Is volcanic winter so scary? ! 】

The audience, who had previously been extremely happy to see the United States suffer, now all looked pale and frightened.

Jiang Xuan had previously said that the volcanic winter would be terrifying. They thought they were prepared, but unexpectedly they underestimated the horror of the volcanic winter.

It turns out that the whole world will really undergo huge changes, and it can even be said to be subversive changes.

Just thinking about the ten years of darkness makes people shudder, not to mention the extremely terrifying cold.

How do ordinary people survive this extremely difficult and long decade? !

Everyone turns their attention to Jiang Xuan, hoping that Jiang Xuan can tell everyone the answer to this question and give everyone the courage to survive in the apocalypse!

As if sensing the expectant gazes of the audience, Jiang Xuan let out a heavy breath.

The serious consequences of the apocalyptic natural disaster caused by the Yellowstone super volcano eruption have come to an end here.

After adapting to this volcanic winter, highly adaptable humans will enter a new era.

I saw that Jiang Xuan's tone was no longer as serious and heavy as before, but instead gave people the feeling of surviving a disaster.

"At this point, the Yellowstone volcano has finally returned to calm, but the huge crater of this eruption will still remain in everyone's heart."

"The United States exists in name only in this horrific apocalyptic disaster. The world's crisis is unfolding, but new opportunities are also being born at this time."

"Global cooling will lead to the further expansion of some islands and reefs in the South China Sea. They are tropical areas and are natural bases for experimental cultivation of crops. At that time, automatically controlled indoor hydroponic farms may appear on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea to cultivate a small amount of fruits, vegetables, etc. Luxury food.”

"Five years later, Xia Xue, a former top student in high school, has finally become an excellent programmer. She may be monitoring the planting and growth of crops on the islands in the South China Sea."

"Also, not everyone has an extremely difficult time during this volcanic winter where the sun never shines."

"For example, in countries that originally lived in the cold zone, such as Ruidian, Hyoshima and other polar circle countries, even under normal circumstances, people in these places live half of the year in the polar night. Under the volcanic winter, the temperature in the polar circle is only warmer than before. Colder, but not fundamentally different.”

"When the Inuit built shelters under extreme cold, their seal-hunting skills would be even more useful."

"In addition, the country itself is located on volcanic geothermal heat. They can use geothermal power to generate electricity and build tomato greenhouses, and they can also use the sulfide in natural gas to create edible animals and plants."

"You don't have to worry about heating and power supply issues at all. You can even connect to the Internet to play EVE when the people of the imperial capital are feeling uncomfortable at home, and spend a lot of time blowing up big ships for fun."

"Therefore, compared to people in other countries in the world, these people who originally live in the cold zone are much more comfortable."

"It has now been 7 to 8 years since the Yellowstone volcano erupted. Most people have also stayed under the dark night of the volcano for several years, and some new inventions have emerged."

"First of all, during the Ice Age, many people would go out to work more or less. Under the long-term frost and volcanic ash, many wires would break and some roads would crack due to the low temperature. At this time, there would be people wearing cotton coats to carry out rescue operations."

"But cotton itself requires a lot of water and sunlight to grow. Once the volcanic winter comes, it is basically impossible to produce cotton."

"At this time, scientists need to develop new chemical materials, such as super-imitation cotton coats to replace existing cotton coats."

"In addition, when humans work in extremely cold weather, they will inevitably suffer from frostbite. In order to avoid this situation, the fully enclosed warm exoskeleton that wanders around the earth will play a big role."

"In addition, the application of artificial intelligence and drones will also greatly reduce the casualties of field personnel."

"After all, the British in the 19th century knew how to develop machines to replace human labor, let alone us in the 21st century who already have rudimentary artificial intelligence technology."

"In addition, given that the disappearance of the sun has caused a sudden blow to human industry, the emergence of volcanic winter may gradually accelerate the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion."

"This is very similar to the accelerated breakthrough of human beings in heavy element fusion technology after the sun ages in "The Wandering Earth"."

“When a need is serious enough, it’s not far away from its appearance!”

"Our country has solved the problem of food and drink, but at this time, people in other countries will still starve to death."

"It is foreseeable that the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano will lead to a full-scale famine in the hardest-hit area of ​​the United States. In Africa, due to low organizational capabilities and insufficient productivity, a large number of refugees will also suffer from famine."

"Two families with guns in New York might end up fighting a real-life version of Rainbow Six over a few cans."

"People in Africa may fight with weapons over a cow's carcass!"

"Under such circumstances, if only one-third of the world's 6 billion people can remain, it is considered an optimistic level."

"Already vulnerable species such as koalas and flying foxes are likely to disappear completely in this catastrophe."

"In addition to eating and drinking, there is another problem that cannot be ignored when staying at home for a long time, and that is depression."

"Evidence shows that the suicide rate in Nordic countries is higher because of long-term polar nights that lead to staying at home."

“It’s hard to imagine how many people will suffer from depression and commit suicide as a result of the 10-year-long absence of the sun and the rationing of internet and electricity.”

"But risk also presents opportunity."

"During the volcanic winter of 1816, 19-year-old Mary Shelley ran to the large villa of her future husband, Byron Shelley, and stayed there all summer."

“During this period, a group of people told scary stories, and Mary Shelley created her first science fiction novel, Frankenstein.”

"Byron's personal physician, John Glassdoorie, also wrote the first vampire novel during this period."

"At the same time, in 1816, a large number of horses froze to death due to the drop in temperature. Duke von Drais of the Dehans Cat Kingdom built a prototype of a modern bicycle as a new mount."

"It can be seen that in the face of the volcanic winter, those of us who have been staying at home for a long time must learn to adjust ourselves. Just like Zhang Beihai's father said, we must think more!"

"Perhaps during the next long period of home quarantine, Liu Cixin or Da Vinci will pop up in front of the screen."

"In fact, danger always exists. Danger will only eliminate the weak, and opportunities will always be reserved for the strong!"

"As long as we can adjust our mentality and find the right direction, we can survive the terrifying volcanic winter safely!"

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