I Just Finished Popularizing Science About The Apocalypse, And The Apocalypse Was Detonated In Advan

Chapter 83 This Time, Prepare To Shock The World! [New Book Is On The Shelves, Please Order It All,

Chapter 83: This time, prepare to shock the world! [New book is on the shelves, please beg for full order, second update]

"I understand, Your Excellency, why do you say this?"

Although his heart was filled with shock and turmoil, the Great Elder still tried his best to keep himself calm and calm, not revealing the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

"If you hadn't come into contact with extraterrestrial civilization, how could you have known in advance that an extraterrestrial crisis was approaching?!"

The man on the other end of the communicator, Wang Ding, had sharp eyes and was pressing forward step by step.

"Didn't I say that our satellite accidentally discovered something, but we don't know what it is. We were worried that it would be dangerous, so we cooperated with you?"

The great elder frowned. So far, he still didn't know why the king knew that the Dragon Kingdom had been in contact with alien civilization.

"Are you sure that's the case?!"

The king of understanding seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said inscrutably.

That asteroid had just entered the solar system, and it was impossible for Dragon Kingdom's satellites to detect it. Dragon Kingdom's statement was clearly lying.

Why did Long Guo lie?

The answer seems obvious!

"if not?"

The Great Elder already felt that King Understanding was digging a hole for himself, but he really didn’t know why King Understanding knew that the Dragon Kingdom had come into contact with alien civilization, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to make it up.


"You mean, you discovered a crisis in the outer world?!"

The great elder suddenly reacted suddenly.

The reason why the King of Understanding was able to see through the lies must be because he made a discovery in monitoring the universe.

"The response is not too slow!"

"The Voyager 1 probe took a set of photos three days ago. A 30km asteroid is heading towards our planet!"

(PS: Downloading the information sent by the detector is only about 1kb per second, so it was several days before the United States received the information!)

"When will Dragon Kingdom's satellite be able to explore the edge of the solar system?!"

The king of understanding asked rhetorically.

"A 30km asteroid is heading straight for our planet?!"

The great elder exclaimed.

The news was so shocking that it ignored Wang's real problem.


Mr. Liu and others were also shocked.

An asteroid hitting the Earth actually happens, and it is an asteroid with a diameter of 30km, which is three times larger than the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs!

The harm caused is far from just three times, it will increase exponentially, at least nine times more than the harm caused by the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs!

Although the level of human civilization is indeed higher than that of dinosaurs, it is not that high.

Once an asteroid really hits the Earth, human civilization will be wiped out in an instant!

"That's right, so when will your Dragon Kingdom's satellite be able to explore the edge of the solar system?!"

King Dong asked again whether Long Guo had had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, which was the focus of his attention.

"That's it for now, I'll call you back later!"

The great elder's mood was completely confused at this moment. He was no longer under control, and he actually hung up the call to understand the king!

Lala coffee press

Listening to the busy signal that interrupted the call, Wang Ding was stunned for a while, with disbelief written all over his face.

This is not an ordinary phone call, but a dialogue between the presidents of the two countries. It is extremely impolite to hang up the phone call suddenly like this, and it can easily lead to conflicts between the two countries.

And he understands the king, the president of the United States. When did anyone dare to hang up on him?!

At the same time, Pang Guo was also in trouble.

Mr. Liu and others never expected that the extraterrestrial threat Jiang Xuan was worried about turned out to be an asteroid with a diameter of 30km!

This is a real world-ending disaster!

"Mr. Liu, contact Jiang Xuan quickly, tell him about the asteroid that is about to hit the Earth, and ask him if there is anything he can do!"

The Great Elder and others couldn't help but urge Mr. Liu, this matter is too important, big enough to destroy human civilization!

"Okay, okay, I'll ask now!"

It is related to the survival of all human civilization, and Mr. Liu is also anxious.

"By the way, didn't Jiang Xuan say he had planet-level weapons?"

"Ask if his planet-level weapons can destroy this asteroid!"

"If that doesn't work, ask him if his alien spaceship can help!"

"Anyway, we can agree to anything as long as we can destroy this asteroid!"

The great elder and others spoke to each other one by one, and all the old men were in chaos, losing their usual composure.

Under everyone's anxious gaze, the call was finally connected.

"Jiang Xuan, something bad is going to happen. There is a 30km asteroid heading straight for our planet!"

As soon as the call was connected, Mr. Liu spoke directly and impatiently.

"A 30km asteroid?!"

Jiang Xuan was slightly confused.

According to the historical records of the Earth, an asteroid over 10 kilometers like this will hit the Earth only once every few hundred million years!

The most likely last impact occurred 67 million years ago, which caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs at that time and indirectly caused the Ice Age to arrive early.

All the creatures on the planet were killed and injured as a result.

Only 67 million years have passed. According to the probability, it is impossible for an asteroid over 10km to hit the Earth at this time.

However, the universe is so big and vast that this kind of thing cannot be calculated completely based on probability. Moreover, this is only the probability of human civilization, and it is not necessarily completely correct.


*30km asteroid!”

"Jiang Xuan, can your planet-level weapons and alien spacecraft destroy this asteroid or cause it to deviate from its orbit?"

Mr. Liu said with an extremely nervous expression, fearing that the word "no" would come out of Jiang Xuan's mouth.

If Jiang Xuan can't do anything, then human civilization can really only watch the asteroid coming and destroying all mankind!

"Don't get excited, it's just an asteroid!"

320 "It's up to you, are you sure you want to use the only one-star weapons to destroy this asteroid?"

Jiang Xuan was not too nervous.

It's just an asteroid, even if it's really an asteroid that hits it, Jiang Xuan has a way to break it.

The ten-shot super sniper cannon is not just a decoration!

The sniper cannon snipers on various planets. Asteroids with a distance of 30km are just a piece of cake for the super sniper cannon!

"Just an asteroid?!"

Mr. Liu and others were frightened by Jiang Xuan's shocking tone.

But soon they realized it, and joy began to appear on their faces. Jiang Xuan's meaning was very obvious, it was just an asteroid, and it could be destroyed "at will"!

On the contrary, it is up to them whether they want to directly use the only one-star weapon this time!

Mr. Liu, the First Elder and others looked at each other, everyone nodded at the same time, and said extremely firmly.


In addition to the matter of the alien spacecraft, Mr. Liu and others have been thinking about how to maximize the use of that star weapon.

Now that an asteroid is approaching, this is an excellent opportunity!

It’s time to show off to all the countries in the world. The Dragon Kingdom is no longer what it used to be. The Dragon Kingdom can destroy asteroids on its own. Which other country dares to compete with the Dragon Kingdom for the number one spot in the world?!

Mr. Liu and others have begun to look forward to what kind of shock it will bring to countries around the world when planet-level weapons destroy asteroids under the watchful eyes of people from all over the world?

Let’s see if the United States still dares to jump in front of the Dragon Kingdom!

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