I Just Finished Popularizing Science About The Apocalypse, And The Apocalypse Was Detonated In Advan

Chapter 92: Super Sniper Cannon, The Most Terrifying Ray In The Universe! [New Book Is On The Shelve

Chapter 92: Super sniper star cannon, the most terrifying ray in the universe! [New book on the shelves, please beg for full order, fifth update]

Deathly silence!

Everyone was petrified, with no time to react, and no dare to react. An unprecedented terror filled the hearts of all mankind, like some kind of soul imprint!

Many people in Western countries who were kneeling to worship various gods were all trembling on the ground at this moment. Some people even became incontinent and kept chanting Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, and Azator. Si, Satan, Odin, Zeus...

They were frightened out of hallucinations!

Many people thought they saw Cthulhu at this moment!

They were far from the only ones who were frightened out of hallucinations.

When the rainbow cuts through the sky, the light it emits is like a divine punishment that destroys the world. It makes the body and soul tremble together, as if the light is the light of death that destroys the world!

Mr. Liu, the Great Elder and others were also shocked and speechless at this moment. The red rainbow was obviously far away from them and would not cause any harm to them, but their souls were trembling involuntarily.

What kind of weapon is this?

What kind of beam is this?

It was obviously the first time for them to see this mysterious and terrifying light beam. Why were their souls trembling?!

The understanding king of Mar-a-Lago put on sunglasses immediately, but his body and soul were still trembling. The sunglasses could not block the terrifying power of this mysterious light!

Countless people all over the world knelt down involuntarily, their bodies trembling, and prayed devoutly.

The object of prayer for some of them has changed. It is not various gods, but Jiang Xuan, the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom and the patron saint of mankind!

Scientists from all over the world were so shocked at this moment that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

The beam of light that pierced the sky turned out to be Y-rays, also known as gamma rays to many people, one of the most terrifying rays in the universe!

Gamma rays, also known as gamma particle flow, are rays released when the energy level of an atom is deexcited, and are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength shorter than 0.01 angstroms.

Gamma rays have extremely terrifying penetrating power and can be used in industry for flaw detection or automatic control of assembly lines.

Gamma rays can enter the interior of the human body and ionize the cells in the body. The ions produced by ionization can corrode complex organic molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and enzymes.

Once those organic molecules are destroyed, the normal chemical processes in the human body will be interfered with, and in severe cases, cells may die.

So gamma rays are sometimes used to treat tumors.

In September 2011, a scientific research team led by John Bull's University of Strathclyde produced a beam of the brightest gamma rays on Earth - one trillion times brighter than the sun!

This kind of gamma ray can penetrate 20 centimeters of lead plate, and only a 1.5-meter-thick concrete wall can completely shield it!

But these gamma rays are completely incomparable to the rainbow that cuts across the sky!

That is the most powerful gamma ray left in the universe!

This kind of gamma ray can release extremely terrifying energy in one thousandth of a second.

If compared with the sun, the energy it releases in a few minutes is equivalent to the total amount of sunlight in trillions of years!

The energy of a single photon it emits is hundreds of thousands of times that of typical sunlight!

This is an extremely terrifying ray that can destroy heaven and earth and destroy planets.

Humanity's understanding of this kind of gamma rays only exists from observing gamma ray bursts in the universe.

In addition, some scientists discovered that 500 million years ago, relatively weak gamma rays hit the Earth's star, causing a mass extinction of all life on the Earth's planet at that time!

According to fossil records, life first appeared on Earth about 3.5 billion years ago.

And the ancient creatures discovered by paleontologists so far can be traced back to the Obabin sea scorpion 635 million years ago!

However, it was not until the Cambrian Period, about 542 million years ago to 490 million years ago, that an explosion of life was discovered, and a variety of animals with complex structures emerged on the earth and planet.

Why there was an explosion of life in the Cambrian period is still an unsolved mystery.

Consider again that the Earth star was born 15 billion years ago!

Therefore, many scientists speculate that before the Cambrian period 500 million years ago, there were actually various kinds of creatures on the planet Earth, and there were even extremely powerful civilizations.

However, under the attack of gamma rays, civilization fell and creatures became extinct, causing serious faults in the civilization on the earth and even having to start over.

Although the previous civilizations have fallen, they will eventually leave behind many biological clues and biological remains.

Under this circumstance, the Cambrian ushered in an explosion of life!

This is one of the many conjectures about the Cambrian explosion of life, and it is currently the most supported one.

It is for this reason that gamma rays are called one of the most dangerous cosmic rays in the universe.

Scientists continue to study gamma rays, but they are also extremely afraid of gamma rays. They have never thought that in their lifetime, they will be able to see such a terrifying gamma ray rainbow, emitted from the earth and the star, rushing towards the universe!

While people were stunned, trembling, shocked and confused, the gamma ray rainbow emitted by the super sniper cannon had traveled billions of kilometers and accurately hit the 30km diameter asteroid that had just arrived near Jupiter.


Under the bombardment of the gamma ray rainbow, the internal structure of the asteroid directly collapsed, and the asteroid with a diameter of 30km was bombarded to pieces.

Then they were captured by Jupiter and the satellites around Jupiter!

The asteroid with a diameter of 30km has since disappeared and will never hit the Earth again.

However, this rumbling sonic boom was not caused by the gamma ray rainbow shattering the asteroid, but from a certain desert in the Dragon Kingdom.

It is from here that the super sniper cannon launches gamma ray rainbow, one of the most terrifying rays in the universe, 3.6.

At this time, the entire desert, with a circumference of nearly 100km, could no longer see the boundless yellow sand. A huge pit with a diameter of 200km and a depth of 100 meters occupied the original desert.

At the same time, there was a armor that was riddled with holes and severely burned in most places, lying near a huge launcher.

Jiang Xuan used this Iron Man suit to successfully fire the super sniper cannon.

It's a pity that this battle was scrapped!

At the same time, there were two other Iron Man armors running towards this side.

At this time, within nearly 100km of the super sniper cannon, except for these two Iron Man armors, no creature could approach.

Strictly speaking, these two Iron Man armors are not living creatures!

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