There was really no other way, Xu Anruo directly took the cutting knife from Tan Zijin's hand.

Tan Zijin stood there at a loss, and finally raised his head. His eyes through the thick black-framed glasses were slightly red.

Xu Anruo glanced at him and was stunned.


There was no other way, he sighed and said:

"I don't mean anything else, you go back and change your clothes first, I'll help you cut for a while."

Tan Zijin was stunned and shook his head.

"Then let's waste time." Xu Anruo didn't give her the cutting knife.

Tan Zijin shook her head quickly, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.


Obviously she can speak!

But fortunately, she didn't freeze for too long, and she walked to the ridge silently.

But she didn't leave after going up.

Just stood there and looked at Xu Anruo.

Xu Anruo waved the cutting knife twice, and when he turned around, he found that she was still there, and was about to speak.

Then he glanced at Tan Zijin's bare feet covered with mud.

Tan Zijin was wearing a school uniform, but his hands and feet were not rolled up, and his two trouser legs were directly dragged in the mud, so after he came up, only his two feet could be seen.

Xu Anruo was a little puzzled.

Why didn't he roll up the muddy and watery clothes?

"That..." Tan Zijin whispered.

"Well, what do you mean?" Xu Anruo was actually a little excited.

As a result, Tan Zijin stopped talking again.


He waved his hand directly!

"I... I said I would listen to you and go back to change clothes, but you don't... don't have to help me cut the rice."

Tan Zijin finally said a complete sentence.

Xu Anruo thought she was being polite, so he said:

"It's okay, don't be polite to me!"

"I... I don't mean that, it's you, you can't do it..."


Xu Anruo turned his head, his eyes wide open.

How could he agree to this?


What's wrong with me?

How can a man say no?

Xu Anruo didn't agree!

Then he got angry, waved his sleeves, and said:

"Stop talking nonsense, go back and change clothes, this little rice, I'll contract it for you!"

Then he buried his head and cut.

But after a while, Xu Anruo began to be dumbfounded.

"Damn, what kind of broken knife is this? Why is it so difficult to use?"

"Damn, why is my leg so itchy?"

"Hey! I don't believe it!"


People passing by looked at the big fool standing in the field, straightening up and bending down, cursing all the time.

Xu Anruo regretted it a little.

He had seen rice harvesting before.

When his grandmother’s family was still farming, he followed his father to the fields.

In addition, when he saw Tan Zijin’s agility, he thought it was not easy.

But now Xu Anruo realized that this job was really tiring!

Especially tiring for the waist.

What’s worse is that he is tall.

So he had to stand up and straighten his waist after a few strokes.

But suddenly.


Xu Anruo, who was harvesting with his butt sticking out, heard a slight sneer from behind.


He stood up and looked back.

He saw Tan Zijin lowering his head and blushing as if he had received an electric shock, and trotting towards the other end of the ridge in a panic.

Xu Anruo saw that she found her slippers and walked towards Xiaotan Village, so he gave up.

So, she laughed just now?

Xu Anruo shook his head.

Turning back, he looked at the vast rice field in front of him.

Then he was speechless.

I came here today to celebrate my grandmother's birthday, why am I standing here cutting rice for no reason? And he said shamelessly that he had contracted all the work? !

It was too late to regret.

After all, the words were out.

Xu Anruo gritted his teeth and continued to bury his head.

After a lot of trouble, he became more skilled and did a decent job.

During this time, he couldn't help but think.

What's going on in Tan Zijin's family?

Where are the adults in the family?

Why let a girl do these jobs?

And she has such good grades and is a beautiful girl, how can they bear to do this?

After a while.

Tan Zijin came back with a changed outfit.

It was still a long-sleeved dress.

And the style was very old-fashioned.

Xu Anruo could tell at a glance that it was the kind of rural girl's style her mother wore when she was young.

In addition, there were two people following her.

One was a little girl about six or seven years old with the same short hair.

There was also an old lady who was about the same age as Xu Anruo's grandmother.

However, this old lady's body was obviously not as strong as her grandmother's. Her waist was obviously hunched, her steps were not so steady, and she was very thin.

Tan Zijin was carrying a large bundle of straw ropes.

The cute little girl was jumping around.The old lady behind was carrying a shoulder pole on one shoulder and a basket on the other hand.

Xu Anruo watched.

Her heart skipped a beat for no reason.

Could it be...?

Tan Zijin walked very fast and soon arrived in front of Xu Anruo, seeming to be anxious to see Xu Anruo.

But when she arrived, she just lowered her head and didn't say anything, looking completely at a loss.

Xu Anruo looked at her and asked:

"Is that your grandmother?"


Tan Zijin nodded.

Then she pointed at the little girl who was jumping around and said:

"That's my sister, her name is Zipei, Tan Zipei."

"Zijin Zipei... Well, that's not the point. I want to ask you, where are the other adults in your family? Are there only three of you to harvest such a large field?"

Xu Anruo asked in a low voice.

Tan Zijin didn't seem to understand what Xu Anruo meant by this question, but nodded.

"Where are your parents?"

"My mom is gone, and my dad is working outside."


Is that so...

He glanced at Tan Zijin's grandmother.

The steps were still so slow, and there was still some distance to go. Although the little girl Tan Zipei was lively, she didn't dare to stay too far away from her grandmother.

Xu Anruo took a deep breath and asked again:

"What should we do with these? How do we get them home after cutting?"

"Cut... After cutting, bundle them up, and I will carry them back."

"You carry? Can you carry them?!"

"It's okay to have a smaller bundle. I... I have been carrying since the first year of high school. I am tall and strong... not small!"

Tan Zijin obviously heard the meaning in Xu Anruo's tone, and she explained with all her strength.

But Xu Anruo didn't speak.

He didn't know what to say.

He even didn't dare to believe his ears.

Xu Anruo suddenly thought of Cheng Xuanyu, and then thought of the senior schoolmate You Ya whom she met in Lucheng yesterday, and then looked at Tan Zijin who was looking down at a loss.

Cheng Xuanyu lives in the best lakeside garden villa community in the county. When she was studying, her mother often drove a Benz to pick her up from school.

You Ya's Ducati alone cost four or five hundred thousand.

And what about Tan Zijin?

She had to wait until she went to college to get a mobile phone.

She wore a set of school uniforms to school and to work in the fields.

She also said... something about the rice bundles being smaller, because she was tall and strong, and she had been doing this since the first year of high school.


It's fucking this day and age, can such a situation still exist? !

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