Conghu No. 1 High School is a provincial model high school with a good school spirit. In addition, it is 2014 and it is a high school in a small county, so girls basically don't wear makeup.

Cheng Xuanyu at this time is also the same. She doesn't wear makeup, but her skin is pink and perfect like a beauty blockbuster, highlighting her natural beauty.

Especially when she smiles, her dimples are shallow, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most beautiful look of youth.

Xu Anruo is facing the sun, and her eyes are a little unscrupulous.

I can't help but sigh in my heart. It's no wonder that this woman who occupied my entire youth in my previous life has a beautiful face that is truly beautiful!

Then, Xu Anruo looked at the distance outside the school gate. On the side of the road, a red Mercedes-Benz e was parked. The window was slowly rolled up, and then it started and drove away.

Xu Anruo was familiar with this car. It belonged to Cheng Xuanyu's mother Zhang Hongzhi.

Students like them who live in the county usually choose to go to school and live at home. During the three years of high school, Zhang Hongzhi has been driving Cheng Xuanyu to and from school.

In the first year of high school, she drove a white A4. Last year, she changed to this Mercedes-Benz E. I heard from Cheng Xuanyu that it cost less than 700,000 yuan.

In addition, her father Cheng Qigang drives a Mercedes-Benz M-class off-road vehicle, which costs more than 1 million yuan.

So Cheng Xuanyu is already a white, rich and beautiful woman in this small county.

In thought.

Cheng Xuanyu walked towards Xu Anruo in small steps, with her ponytail swinging.

When she came to her, her watery eyes blinked and glowed, and her dimples smiled sweetly, as if she was very happy to see Xu Anruo.

"Xu! An! Ruo!" The girl spoke word by word, her voice crisp.

"Hello, Cheng Xuanyu, I just sent a message to ask if you have arrived?" The fat man on the side hurriedly greeted and poked Xu Anruo at the same time.

But Xu Anruo's emotions did not fluctuate, his eyes were very calm, and even had a bit of scrutiny, and he did not speak.

This was obviously inconsistent with the past.

So Cheng Xuanyu's pretty face in front of him quickly showed a trace of surprise.

Even the fat man frowned, looking up and down at Xu Anruo, wondering if his good buddy had taken the wrong medicine, and was about to say something.

But at this time, there was another shout outside the school gate:

"Cheng Xuanyu!"

It was a male voice.

Xu Anruo glanced and laughed.


An Adidas suit.

Isn't this Wang Chen, the class monitor?

Wang Chen's family is considered to be in the system, a civil servant in a small county, so Wang Chen at this age has a mysterious sense of superiority.

He was the monitor for three years in high school. He was even more powerful than the teacher in managing the class.

At this time, Wang Chen, wearing Adidas, ran over and ignored Xu Anruo and the fat man. He said to Cheng Xuanyu with shining eyes:

"Cheng Xuanyu, you came so early. I just sent a message to ask where you were. I'm waiting for you!"

"Why are you waiting for me?"

Cheng Xuanyu frowned and looked at Wang Chen.

Wang Chen was embarrassed immediately. I couldn't say anything.

However, Cheng Xuanyu didn't pay much attention to him. Instead, she turned around and looked at Xu Anruo.

She wrinkled her nose and moved closer. Her thin eyebrows frowned deeper. Obviously, she smelled the smoke.

Then, Cheng Xuanyu pretended to be angry, raised his face, stared at Xu Anruo, and said:

"Xu Anruo, although the college entrance examination is over, it does not mean that you can relax yourself. There is still university behind, and college students are also students, you know?"

This tone again!

Cheng Xuanyu in the previous life especially liked this.

She is beautiful and has a good family background, so it is inevitable that she is a little arrogant. When she gets along with Xu Anruo, she will control Xu Anruo with a fake mature attitude.

It's just that Xu Anruo at that time was not annoying, and even had a happy illusion of being cared for.

But looking back, it was just an illusion after all.

There is still a little resentment, so Xu Anruo is now very annoyed by Cheng Xuanyu's tone.

He looked at Cheng Xuanyu and felt that he should say something, but he didn't know where to start.

In the previous life, a whole youth, but fortunately, the rich life experience later diluted many things, so Xu Anruo didn't have too much throbbing in his heart at this time.

This should be considered a good thing.

A story without a conclusion should end early, right?

In the previous life, the four years of college seemed to have been wasted. Nothing was missed. Xu Anruo regretted it. This was Jiangda University, a Jiangda University with so many beautiful seniors and juniors.

After thinking for a while, Xu Anruo said calmly:

"This has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Xu Anruo, you, what did you say?"

Cheng Xuanyu was suddenly stunned, and looked at Xu Anruo with his eyes wide open.The fat man next to him turned pale. He had been holding back his words just now, but now he couldn't help it and asked Xu Anruo:

"Xu Anruo, what's wrong with you? Why do you have this attitude?"

"What's wrong with my attitude? I'm going to college soon, and she and I are not in the same school. Maybe we won't have the chance to meet and contact each other in the future, so I really have nothing to do with her?"

Xu Anruo said so.

That's all I can say.

As a result, the fat man was the first to get anxious when he said this.

"Fuck you, Xu Anruo, did you take the wrong medicine today? How could you have nothing to do with Cheng Xuanyu? Have you forgotten what you said before..."

"Stop, stop, the past is the past, and what's the relationship? Tell me, what is the relationship between me and her now?"

"You, you two..."

The fat man was suddenly speechless.

As a good brother, he knew better than anyone that Xu Anruo liked Cheng Xuanyu.

Although the two have not been together, Xu Anruo has told him more than once that if he can't get her in high school, he can continue to pursue her in college. If college still doesn't work, he can pursue her after graduation and work. Anyway, he will marry her in this life.

But when the fat man was asked to talk about their relationship, he was confused and didn't know what to say.

He was big-headed and not necessarily smart. He couldn't understand Xu Anruo's attitude today, and he was anxious now.

But there was one person who was happy.

Yes, Wang Chen.

At this time, Wang Chen could hardly hold back the smile on his face.

It doesn't matter?

It doesn't matter!

Xu Anruo has nothing to do with Cheng Xuanyu, so doesn't that mean he has his own chance?

In the three years of high school, Cheng Xuanyu was only close to Xu Anruo. She was polite and indifferent to other boys, and even kept a distance from herself, the class monitor.

So Wang Chen hated Xu Anruo.

He thought Xu Anruo was just taller and more handsome than him, and had better grades, but what else? Nothing else, right?

He was from a cadre family, was the class monitor, and was wearing Adidas fashion, cool and tasteful.

Wang Chen felt that his chance had come.

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