I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 123: [Only play once]

In this silent wilderness, a cold current blew away strangely from east to west, and the stubborn weeds on the rocks were also blown by the cold wind like ocean waves.

In the long highway, the hearse gently blown by the wind is like a solitary boat in the sea. It seems to be swallowed up in the next wave at any time.


Several cracks were sharply drawn on the body of the spirit that was supposed to make dozens of monks frown!

The turbulence inside the car!

"What happened?"

"Are we attacked?"

"What the **** is going on!"

The students yelled in panic! The violent vibration awakened the students in the carriage. Wen Chengjie and others were naturally awakened without exception!

The five little ones looked at Li Zhongkai for the first time!

After getting the other party's signal, he immediately organized the students present, one person in charge of several people, so that they can quickly settle down.


"Calm down! We will be fine if we have a teacher!"

As soon as this remark came out, the students calmed down a lot.

"Yes! Senior Xuanfeng hasn't taken any action yet!"

"He will surely protect us!"

Compared to Li Zhongkai, who was stubborn and speechless, the students clearly believed in Xuanfeng, who had the bones of Xianfeng Dao, more!

Another cold wind blows!

Several people appeared in the deserted wilderness in an instant!

The hearse began to make a crunching sound, as if it was under tremendous pressure, and was finally overwhelmed at this moment.

At this time, Xuanfeng had just noticed the true face of the enemy!

"Wizards, samurai, righteous spirits, knights of the round table, ninjas..." Xuanfeng couldn't help exclaiming!

The systems of all sects, a little touched by spiritual energy, are now coming out!

Is this student of their car really worth the other party's fight like this?

The leading wizard walked out slowly, using magic to communicate smoothly: "You... are too high-profile."

"Auras should not be divided up wildly, you must control the extraordinary amount! You can't monopolize all the auras!"

"It must be compromised!"

Xuanfeng almost yelled at him!

It sounds nice, but aren't you also taking advantage of the chance of aura recovery to expand your sphere of influence aggressively?

It's nothing more than seeing the great power of Daxia!

Come and add a block!

Let's talk about it again! Anyone can say this sentence! Only wizards can't do it!

Wizards usually not only study magical girls! They also study the low-level practitioners of the major systems!

For example, the monks of other countries who are now mingling with him may just be for blocking! But the wizards are different, they must be eyeing this car of students!

In the eyes of their lunatics, there is nothing that can't be material.

Xuanfeng has not forgotten how the profession of wizards started! Each step of their development history has more blood and tears than other professions!

"You go, they stay!" The wizard pointed his finger at the students in the car!

It signaled that monks like Xuanfeng could leave, but the students should stay behind.

The students who had finally settled down became horrified again, and looked at Xuanfeng worriedly, for fear that the other party would directly abandon themselves and others.

Now anyone can see that this celestial grandfather is not an opponent of the opposing group at all.


Above the wilderness, the hearse full of students was forced to stop abruptly.

The wind was blowing, and the invisible killing intent spread everywhere.

"It's impossible for me to hand over the students to you!" Xuan Feng looked at them vigilantly.

"What's more, you are entering the country without authorization! According to my cultivation method, it can be cut!!"

The current situation is weaker than people.

The other party entered the country without permission. Logically speaking, Xuanfeng has the right to kill the other party directly without taking responsibility!

However, the combined strength of these people is clearly far superior to Xuanfeng, let alone accountability! Even self-protection is a problem!

I can only watch the other side enter the country without permission, and do nothing!

The wizard frowned upon hearing this!

He didn't kill the opponent, but he didn't want this monk to fight back to death, causing casualties on his side. The best result is to be able to succumb to others without fighting.

But if Xuanfeng insisted on death rather than surrender, then they would gather in groups and attack them, minimizing their own casualties as much as possible!

He secretly winked at several partners and motioned for them to come together!

Xuanfeng is also an old world. Seeing that the situation is not right, he immediately said to Li Zhongkai: "Hurry up and move the soldiers! Here I will stand up first."

Li Zhongkai didn't pay attention to him, but slowly stood up, letting the violent wind disturb his hair bun, standing in the wind in a white robe, like an immortal descending into the world.

"Go back." He whispered.

The whispered voice can clearly reach everyone's ears.

"Go back? Do you still want to go back? Now that you have done it! Then don't both of you want to run!" The wizard grinned and gathered his magic power.

Li Zhongkai slowly raised his head, and said word by word: "Go back."

"I'm talking about letting you go back."

"I entered the country without permission..."

The wizard laughed, and even the magic power gathered just now almost dissipated with a smile! He is too lazy to talk nonsense now! It is vain to say more to such a person who can't see the situation!

wizard! Righteous Master! Knights! Ninja! warrior! Magician!

The energy gathered by several people will light up here in an instant!

Energy rages into the wind! Enclose the wilderness completely!


With Li Zhongkai's softly humming, several extraordinary figures were instantly frozen in the air like a picture!

The students who were originally frightened in the car saw this magical scene, and their inner shock did not know what to say!

The beauty of the world under the static time and space is suffocating.

Even if it is a drop of water dripping into the air, or a hummingbird flapping its wings, it has a unique sense of beauty!

And the original deadly energy storm condensed by the extraordinary, the picture frozen in the air at this moment is also amazing! It's like a beautiful painting!

"This, this..." Xuanfeng pointed to those people who were frozen in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ their fingers were trembling, and even the mouth seemed to be knotted!

This ability! He has seen it!

That was the woman who slaughtered half of the Bureau of Investigation!

This is the unique ability of that woman!

It was a nightmare that was lingering in the hearts of all centenarian monks!

Xuanfeng had never fought with him, just like a student now, watching the battle far away, his cultivation level is not enough! I can only watch the battle!

But that battle was so deeply imprinted in his mind.

Li Zhongkai looked back at the excited five little boys and said with a smile: "You did a good job just now! When the compatriots are in trouble, they stand up in time! It is worthy of praise!"

"It's a reward! Look good!"

"Fist, I only hit it once!"

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