I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 129: [Brother, you know how to download Gu? 】


The teachers were at a loss and looked at each other!

They haven't made any effort yet, so how come the students decide on their own teachers?

Zhong Yuanhong hesitated a little, and asked Li Zhongkai: "Brother, are you proficient in Gu technique?"

This must know a little bit!

High and low have gushed the students!

"These students are all from Jiangyang City. I just happened to **** them, so I got a familiar face." Li Zhongkai explained indifferently.

So this is ah!

The teachers breathed a sigh of relief.

If this is the case, it really makes sense, after all, they all escorted students from the same city to come over!

It is normal for students to choose familiar teachers!

However, Zhang Wenlong, the alchemy teacher who had just spoken, suddenly changed his face and gave Li Zhong a deep look.

One of his friends Xuanfeng also escorted Jiangyang City.

Although Xuanfeng's cultivation base is not high, his theory of alchemy is even better than him! Otherwise, I won't be elected as a teacher with the three-tier foundation!

However, after escorting the students in Jiangyang City, Xuanfeng voluntarily resigned and let him Zhang Wenlong take office.

Saying that his strength is only worthy of being a deputy, he should let Zhang Wenlong, who has a higher cultivation level, take the post of alchemy teacher!

Xuanfeng had mentioned to him that there was a master in the teacher's quota this time! But he didn't elaborate on who it was!

It now appears that this master is probably Li Zhongkai!

Zhang Wenlong thought about it and planned to quietly observe Li reopening.


Another student awakened from the illusion!

Still exactly the same situation!

Before the teachers could show their talents, the students took the initiative to choose Li Zhongkai!

"Oh, this is also from Jiangyang City." Li Zhongkai continued.

The teachers looked at Li Zhongkai suspiciously! But only Zhang Wenlong was more certain of his judgment!

Because even if they have a teacher they are familiar with, students will not make jokes about their future!

I must have seen Li Zhongkai make a shot! Knowing that Li Zhongkai is strong, he would choose him.

Moreover, it is precisely because the students in Jiangyang City have been attacked, so they will be more vigilant about everything around them! Compared with other students, it is easier to get out of the illusion!


"I choose Teacher Li Zhongkai!"


"Um... I also choose Teacher Li Zhongkai!"



"This is from Jiangyang City!"

"Oh, that one too!"

"Yes, this is too!"

Li Zhongkai defended one by one.

Teachers: "..."

Zhao Tenghe smiled and said without a smile: "Hehe, you Jiangyang City is really outstanding!"

Zhong Yuanhong, a good old man with a good temper, had a slight change in his expression at this moment.

There are already thirteen students in a row!

"Brother reopen, I remind you. Using magic tricks on students is illegal." Zhong Yuanhong said with a serious expression.

I said that the next Gu was just a joke!

But if someone really casts magic spells on the students for the sake of mere lingering veins, then they will definitely be overwhelmed!

Seeing that the situation is not good, Zhang Wenlong quickly got up and asked Li Zhongkai: "Your Excellency, what went wrong with the student **** this morning?"

"That's it." Li Zhongkai nodded, "There are indeed a few superhumans from overseas who are harassing..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the teachers who were originally suspicious of Li Zhongkai changed drastically.

They have heard of it!

It is said that it was a fishing behavior decided by the leader Jiang and the elders.

There are three baits in total!

Two hooks, one straight hook!

The two hooks were watched by Director Jiang and the principals of the three major schools in person! The principal of their school is the pinnacle of foundation building, half a golden pill!

Three half-step Jindan guards a hearse, and there must be no return after going there!

This is the hook!

There is also a straight hook that is said to be used to confuse the enemy, and one will be selected from the teacher.

So...Is Li Zhongkai selected?

"I heard that this time it was Gene Markuen, a wizard and a scattered group." Liu Jianbo said suddenly in a quiet atmosphere.

Wizards and disbands?

The expressions of several teachers instantly became solemn!

This is a notorious mixed team, a private team trained privately by a certain country!

The personnel inside are complex, with various genres. Relying on the diversity and cooperation of occupations, a single monk will die if he meets the golden core of half a step.

It is really extraordinary to be able to escape from such a team!

The teachers admitted that when they learned about Li Zhongkai's cultivation base, they underestimated him.

After all, no matter how young it is, it is useless until it develops. Everyone was just out of recognition of his talent, and did not embarrass him.

But now he is truly recognized.

"There are only two building foundations that cooperate with each other, and they can take the students to escape. It's really not easy!" Liu Jianbo said with emotion.

Zhong Yuanhong also nodded, and said, "Indeed, Brother Reopening blocked a knife for us!"

Zhang Wenlong was silent for a while, and said silently: "The other foundation building is Xuanfeng."

What? Xuanfeng?

Didn't this wave add one more person to the other side?

Xuanfengcai is famous, after all, it is a master of alchemy, so I can't ask for more!

The combat power is almost known as the base-building khan brother!

It is simply lucky to be able to escape with such a baggage!

Liu Jianbo wiped his cold sweat: "Fortunately, it wasn't me who was going to be a direct hooker, otherwise I would not be able to come back."

"It's really not easy to escape!" Zhong Yuanhong said with approval.

Zhong Maomao's eyes lit up, here it is! The opportunity to take revenge on the backstab is here!

"Escape? Escape? Just those stinky fish and prawns! Teacher Li Zhongkai, that is not a punch!" Zhong Maomao changed his low-key style before shouting.

No one in this world can live low-key!

"No! Isn't it just a few stinky fish and prawns? Wouldn't there be teachers who beat them to escape?"

"Hmm..." Zhong Maomao wanted to continue, but Wang Qisi covered his mouth.

You said Wencheng Jieyong before! I think you are the bravest one!

The teachers on the stage closed their mouths instantly. They were going to sigh their luck, but no one dared to speak out anymore. UU Reading www.uukananshu.com

I wanted to pretend to be a big guy, but there was a real big guy!

"Here, reopen...Senior, are you really building the basement level?" In the end, Zhong Yuanhong, who had spoken to Li reopened before, said it.

All the teachers reacted, and Li Zhongkai marked the first floor of the foundation building in front of him.

But there is one thing they have been neglecting before! That is, they have not seen Li reopened the real cultivation base.

The people who were originally here have similar cultivation bases!

So it's normal that everyone can't see through the cultivation base! Subconsciously neglecting that there is a foundation building level among them, and I can't see through it!

Now think about it carefully, it's not right!

Why can't you see through the first floor of the base building?

How dare you!

Isn't this a proper boss pretending to be cute?

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