I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 131: [Proficient in Kendo? 】

With Li Zhengkai accepting the last student, the entrance exam is completely over.

Everyone’s student ID will be arranged in the order of awakening from the entrance exam.

And after these two weeks, there will be a small competition.

Choose seven students from each class to fight on wheels! As the second bullet of the entrance exam!

This test will determine the ownership of the class for the first practice of formation!

But here is the trouble. Li Zhongkai, at first glance, received very high rankings of students!

But in fact, it was because the students in Jiangyang City were ambushed ahead of time, and they were more vigilant! In other words, the subjects equivalent to preview are related to the content of the exam!

If this reason is removed, the average per capita level in Jiangyang City is actually average!

But there are still two weeks left, Li reopened in no hurry.

Teaching students, there is time!

Li Zhongkai was not in a hurry, so he took out his mobile phone and took a look at what he was talking about on the Internet today.

Today should be the end of all physical examinations for college students.

#云洲大学 Northwest Lingshan Mountain

"This is?" Li Zhongkai frowned. If I remember correctly, Ling Yuanshan heard Senior Zhong Yuanhong's mouth today. It seems to be one of the spirit veins.

"The average student test at Yunzhou University is 100! This is too great!"

"Don't spread the rumors upstairs, it has been clarified! It is a machine problem! Our students in Yunzhou University have changed places and retested, and the data has returned to normal! We are also helpless, we don't mean to take advantage, okay?"

"Is there a baby in Lingyuan Mountain? I went there to take a look today, it seems that it has been blocked."

"You are really courageous, so you dare to look at this? Seeking truth from wealth and danger, right?"

Li Zhongkai knew what was going on. Today, the college students had a physical examination, but the scores at Yunzhou University were too high, which caused everyone to feel a little unbalanced, and the matter was put on top of it all at once.

It's just that I'm sorry for Professor Mo, and I'm going to chew on the machine again.

Li Zhongkai opened Taobao, bought a bottle of chili sauce and sent it to Lin Shuhong, hoping that this thing would help me serve Professor Mo.

Then turn back to the web page, and start searching directly in the order of several major spiritual veins.

Sure enough, other spiritual veins are also quite strange!

However, this does not explain anything, because the Reiki recovery is approaching, and there are too many fake things!

As we all know, whenever Loch Ness tourism is down, the Loch Ness monster comes out and leaks.

Now there is a great opportunity for Reiki's recovery. During the time when Li reopened his understanding, many people applied for Taoist temples.

What kind of cultivation teaching Reiki introduction, one-on-one Reiki counseling. There is no way to make money that humans can't think of.

However, Li Zhongkai knew the answer first, and then searched. But ordinary netizens are a little bit difficult, it is difficult to distinguish the real news from a pile of false news.

"Crimson red mushrooms and blue mushrooms appeared near Yongsen Lake, and the species is under investigation."

"The Tiandishan avalanche, no casualties have been found so far."

"Precipitation in the area around Zhongshan will continue to increase in the near future, and it is recommended that the general public take good measures to prevent floods and water."

Li Zhongkai thought for a while and revised the search content, including the areas near Yongsen Lake into the search range.

"Huge cockroaches appeared in the suburbs, and they were quickly wiped out by the Fairy League organization."

"The reason for the appearance of a miniature tiger in the zoo is currently unknown."

"Nearly half of the local animals have disappeared. Wildlife protection organizations are continuing to investigate."

Li Zhongkai frowned. Compared to Lingyuan Mountain, the one on Yongsen Lake was obviously more exaggerated and dangerous!

However, seeing that Xianmeng was also active there frequently, Li Zhongkai was a little relieved.

The spirit veins are slowly appearing, but the movement of the heavenly palace is slowly disappearing! When Li reopened the simulator, Tiangong was also buffering, and he didn't mean to load it out at all.

It's better to slow down! Li Zhong thought happily.

He has a hunch that what this heavenly palace brings is definitely not a good thing, and it may even be a disaster.

Li Zhongkai shook his head, and stopped bothering him. Reopen first! Strengthening is everything!

Speaking of it, this seems to be the tenth time he has reopened!

Open ten consecutive draws directly!

"Sword Mastery": You will be proficient in Kendo.

"Knife Mastery": You will be proficient in knife skills.

"Stick Skill Mastery": You will be proficient in stick law.

Um? Where's Lord's ten consecutive draws? Why are there three out? Li Zhongkai was just stunned?

He clicked on the historical information and immediately found the reason.

[Instant Sense]: Reopen ten times. Effect: At the tenth time, you will have the right to unlock the life you want to determine.

Now Li Zhongkai understood, so he clicked along. After a little hesitation, he chose "Sword Mastery".

In fact, Li Zhongkai still prefers fists to Kendo, but there is no such thing.

After clicking "Master of Kendo", three more options pop up:

"Dragon": You will be born as a member of the royal family.

"Great wealth, great wealth": You were born in a rich family.

"Bumpy Road": A bumpy background, but drifting away.

interesting! Is the tenth reopening considered a special reopening?

Li Zhongkai rubbed his hands and decided to choose "Great Rich and Noble". He was not afraid of the game being reopened. But still choose to be steady.

The next option popped up quickly:

"Born to be male": The gender must be male~www.wuxiaspot.com~Born to be female": The gender must be female.

"Random Gender": Gender appears randomly.

Li Zhongkai hesitated a little, and chose "born as a male."

Please determine the goal of this reopening:

"Leader of Kendo": Restart ends when the goal is reached.

"Fu Jia Tian Xia": The reopening ends when the goal is reached.

"Emperor's Aspect": The reopening ends when the goal is reached.

If you chose "Dragon Man" before, then the latter two goals will be much easier to achieve.

But now that you have chosen "Sword Mastery", it is natural to achieve the "Swordsman Master"!

[Whether to use the original attributes? Or choose to temporarily abandon the original initial attributes in this reopening? 】

Of course it has been used, his initial attributes are now ridiculously high!

[Reopen now! 】

[The first time another world reopens! 】

"Different world??"


Budo continent.

Li family.

"Master, master! The child is born!"

Li Zhongkai looked at his little hand silently.

what happened?

I am conscious?

It is completely different from the previous reopening. Is this the reopening that can determine your own destiny?

It turned out to be this way, it really reopened!


Sixteen years old.

"Reopen, this is the kendo teacher invited by my father for you!" Master Li touched his beard and said with satisfaction, "This is a famous kendo master in the world!"

"You have been praised..." the teacher replied coldly.

He looks like a cold person, forty or fifty years old, but he looks familiar. Li Zhong thought happily.

He walked up to Li Zhongkai and said slowly:

"My name is Gu Chengyu, and I will be your kendo teacher for the next twenty years!"

Li Zhongkai: "???"

"Pinch it!" Li Zhongkai couldn't help but complain.

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