I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 133: [Connect across 2 borders! The **** of kendo! ! 】

Cut out with one sword!

Li Chongkai can dodge successfully! Then came another deadly sword!

As Gu Chengyu said! Not a teaching sword this time!

It's the sword of life and death!

Even he can't control the life and death of the two now!

"How does it feel to be talented and intelligent at birth?" Gu Chengyu asked suddenly when he was attacking his leisure time.

Li Zhongkai once again held up this fierce offensive and said, "Not bad."

In the eyes of others, he is talented in all aspects, painting, poetry, song and even kendo. One year of effort is worth 10 years for others.

"Really? This may be the difference between me and you." Gu Chengyu closed the sword, accumulating the next sword power.

Then he opened his eyes and suddenly shouted: "I! But only Kendo!"

Cut out with one sword!

Kendo is my way!

This is all he has!

It was also the key to his belief that Li Zhongkai could not advance! Li Zhongkai's lack of purity is far inferior to his purity!

"Really?" Li Zhongkai's temperament changed suddenly.

He also slashed out with a sword!

The same sword collided in the air, sparking a deadly spark!

Gu Chengyu's pupils shrunk slightly, this is his kendo, that is, my dao?

When did you learn it?

Do not. Not at all.

Under Gu Chengyu's surprised gaze, Li Zhongkai once again assumed a sword pose.

Didn't forget the move? But still reached his realm?

how did you do that?

In this battle of life and death, Gu Chengyu carefully felt Li reopened the kendo.

"Is this your way?" Gu Chengyu slowly opened his eyes, with excitement in his tone. Li Chongkai did not stay in the realm of kendo moves, but walked out of his own way early.

Li Zhongkai did not respond to him, but continued to pose in the sword pose.

That being the case, you can only look at the sword!

Gu Chengyu performed his actions with all his strength, every sword was heartily, and every sword was not under his control to the point! This is all his strength!

However, every untracked attack can be found by Li Zhongkai to find loopholes, and every antelope horned sword skill is solved by Li Zhongkai, handsome parry, or ugly rolling.

As the two attacked each other, Gu Chengyu finally felt the other's sword intent.

What kind of sword intent is that?

Sometimes it is strong and sometimes weak, and it is sometimes a beggar on the street, but he will suddenly turn into a monarch above the court, and in the next second he will become a street vendor.

There are men and women, old and young.

All-inclusive, all-inclusive.

Every attack was like a question from Gu Chengyu, and the two kept asking and answering in this life-and-death battle.

With the constant offensive, Gu Chengyu finally felt the true meaning of this sword intent.

This is... the way of beings?

"That's it...Rather than abandoning the past, did you choose tolerance?"

Skills: [Sword Mastery] (Orange)

Again! Let me see more clearly!

With the belief that he must die, he also has to see this incomparable kendo!

Gu Chengyu lifted up his whole body, combining his spirit, energy and spirit into one! Slowly, behind him, there seemed to be a lone and independent person.

That's himself!

That is his kendo, my way!

Li Zhongkai finally gave up the sword style, because with the continuous fighting, his swordsmanship has gone one step further from orange! This is the power beyond the color limit of the skill!

He let out a sigh of relief.

And Qi slowly condensed behind him, gradually revealing the whole world.

I am all beings! I am the world!

Gu Chengyu was in a daze, as if he had seen his lonely figure walk into the world and merged into all beings.


Gu Chengyu's sword was shot off.

Li reopened the sword firmly on his neck.

"In the battle of life and death, can you also control your sword?" Gu Chengyu asked bitterly.

"Why can't you control it, isn't the sword all yours?"

Gu Chengyu was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled brightly: "I lost for the teacher."

He couldn't control it, but Li could reopen.

Li Zhongkai's sword was already one level higher than him.

He lost this battle from the beginning, and when Li reopened his way under the influence of his kendo, he lost!

"what are you thinking?"

"I didn't think much, but how could the past be easily forgotten? Whether it is good or bad, they are part of my life. Only a complete past will make up a complete me."

[Achievement! 】

[Swordsman: the sword is superb. 】

[Special Achievement]: "Black Talent": Black is a mixture of all colors, it is all things and all beings.

【Master of Kendo】(Black)

Following the announcement of the simulator, Li Zhongkai also realized that he had achieved the goal of being the leader of kendo, and probably this reopening was about to end.


Li Zhongkai suddenly woke up from the room.

There was another tree in the depths of his consciousness.

【Master of Kendo】(Black)

He became a tree by himself, and quickly surpassed all previous talent trees and grew into the largest tree.

"Hey, Gu Chengyu! Don't blame me tomorrow! Who will let me be your teacher this time?"

Li Zhongkai seemed to remember how Gu Chengyu trained him during the reopening.

At the beginning, Li reopened and gritted his teeth, relying on being able to retaliate back in reality.

At this moment, he doesn't even have the feeling of reopening Li Na, looking down at the world, looking down on sentient beings. To be alive is to be a hooligan.


the next day.

The seventh class established by Li Zhongkai officially assembled on the playground.

"I heard that there was an abnormality in our school yesterday?" Wen Chengjie asked curiously.

Zhong Maomao nodded: "It doesn't seem to be expelled. I should have just found a class to join."

"Don't be with us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's true that there is a pervert around it is quite creepy."

Xia Jie was only on the sidelines, and she didn't dare to speak out in a cold sweat.

After standing for a long time, Xia Jie felt that his passiveness would be exposed sooner or later!

He must take the initiative!

Thinking of this, he immediately broke into Wen Chengjie's small group and said aloud: "Oh, that kind of perversion is really terrible. Don't share it with us."

"Just thinking about staying with that kind of fat mansion, I have to vomit!" Xia Jie scolded.

Sorry for my dignity.

Excuse me, you are temporarily humiliated.

Who ever thought, it doesn't matter if he doesn't speak, everyone's eyes are on him instantly when he speaks.

This person...who?

All those present are from Jiangyang City! I used to be in the same car, coupled with the fact that they were all fellows, and they got acquainted with each other very quickly!

They are also a rare group of people who are familiar with each other as soon as they come up.

Even Zichen is remembered by everyone because he has been mixing with Wen Chengjie and the others.

After all, when they were in the car, Wen Chengjie and the others had been maintaining order.

It's hard not to remember them.

What are you doing? Xia Jie looked around in a panic.

No way? Only the first day of school? Do you all know each other?

Did I die again invisibly? Jumping to Chapter 134 of My Direct Life Reopening [Continuously Cross Two Borders! The **** of kendo! ! 】Green Reading-I will reopen my life directly-Novel Reading Network..., if there is no automatic jump, please click [Jump]

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