I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 135: [Kendo teacher! 】

Gu Chengyu didn't notice.

Kendo teacher Liu Jianbo no longer regarded him as a student, but regarded him as a real opponent! This game is not to teach the sword! It's a battle of swordsmanship!

But Gu Chengyu was too arrogant, he didn't think his sword would lose from the beginning!

He never thought that this was teaching the sword, and even after suppressing the cultivation base, he did not think that Liu Jianbo would be his opponent!

To him, this is just a boring farce!

At least... he thought so before Liu Jianbo held up his sword.

"Just rely on your immature kendo!?"

Although he said so, Liu Jianbo knew he had lost!

Although now he has the advantage.

But how many years did he hold the sword? How many years did Gu Chengyu hold the sword?

One hundred and eight years! He has used all kinds of swordsmanship for decades! It took decades to find the sword path he wanted to take.

But how old is Gu Chengyu this year?

Just turned eighteen.

Liu Jianbo has all the advantages, but he is very helpless!

He thought it would be a unilateral teaching sword!

"He is right! My sword is indeed impure compared to him... I am indeed not qualified to teach him, as he said."

"My kind of semi-scared swordsmanship that I have realized will really affect this kind of genius to go his own way!"

Thinking of this, Liu Jianbo is a little sad, this is the unwillingness of ordinary people! But then he quickly cheered up!

"But I'm still a teacher! At least let me be the accusation of a teacher!"

"Your overriding arrogance and arrogance and defiance, let me correct it for you!"

Liu Jianbo's fierce effort! Defeat Gu Chengyu steadily!



When it comes to the fight of swordsmanship, Gu Chengyu's incomparable indifferent emotion began to gradually become excited.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Let me see your kendo!"

Liu Jianbo bit his posterior molars, and unfolded his kendo as much as possible!

Xiyan Kendo!

The beauty in the sunset!

That was his love and his life. He incorporated his awkward emotions into his kendo.

If the lover returns, will Kendo stay with him for life?

Like a continuous stream rushing, it was the love of his life!

So at this moment, only look at the sword!

The uninterrupted sword force envelops Gu Chengyu, making the students in the audience dizzy!

But after Gu Chengyu was slightly embarrassed, he quickly stabilized his defensive position!

"Does your half-skilled kendo only have this degree?"

To be honest, Gu Chengyu was a little surprised at first.

After all, Gu Chengyu thought that one sword could solve the battle! It's normal to think so. Under Gu Chengyu's polite appearance, he hides his incomparable emotion and arrogance.

Kendo is also the only one. Let him bring up some blood.

But now Gu Chengyu is really disappointed, this kendo is only a semi-finished product.

A genius like him, after adapting, quickly found gaps and loopholes in the opponent's attack.

"I'm telling you! Is this the only way to do your swordsmanship?" Gu Chengyu said blankly.

He is fully adapted at this moment!

Liu Jianbo was a little irritated. Gu Chengyu's defiant remarks were like blaspheming his life and pure love!

Are the stories and feelings of my life only half-hearted in your eyes?

Liu Jianbo rose up and swung his sword, the attack momentum of the sword was obviously a little bigger!

But Gu idioms resisted, but became more proficient and more careless!

He has improved! With the sword and sword duel, his kendo level has improved a bit! But Liu Jianbo is still the same level as before!

"It's time to end! Your impure sword is really embarrassing."

A few words provoked Liu Jianbo's anger again! But Gu Chengyu didn't care, because the duel would definitely end.

His sword is the answer!

His sword is the standard!

"This is the real kendo!"

Kendo is my way!

Sword away!

Time seems to be slowing down in Liu Jianbo's eyes.

"Am I going to lose?"

"It's normal... Ordinary people like me, it's normal to lose to a genius!"

The aura that was aroused by the approaching danger was pressured back by him!

Suppressing the cultivation base must suppress the cultivation base!

It's just... Liu Jianbo feels a bit pity.

As a teacher, he still failed to fulfill the students' accusations. He knew that the students had gone the wrong way, but he still couldn't stop it.

Maybe it’s a strange way for an ordinary person to talk about kendo genius.

But this is not the experience of ordinary people, but the experience of being a loser.

It is precisely because Liu Jianbo is an ordinary person that he has gone through many detours in this one hundred and eight years in pursuit of kendo!

If ordinary people like him take detours, he will endure it. But watching a genius like Gu Chengyu take a detour, as a teacher, he couldn't stand it!

"Your "My Way" should be as noble and arrogant as the snow lotus on the mountain, rather than being defiant at this moment! "

"Even if "I Dao" will inevitably go to loneliness in the end, this is not the reason for emotional indifference. Your loneliness should stem from your excellence rather than silence. "

In the sword and sword duel, Liu Jianbo heard Gu Chengyu's heartfelt voice.

He only saw the mountains in Gu Chengyu's heart, but no snow lotus.

With the tip of the sword approaching, Liu Jianbo also gave up resistance and closed his eyes.

"But I'm still a mediocre after all, I don't even have the qualifications to teach others."


Where's the sword?

Liu Jianbo opened his eyes.

Standing in front of him was Li Zhongkai. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Teacher Liu Jianbo, this is the end of the guiding sword." Li reopened his **** and clamped the tip of the sword, turning his head and smiling at Liu Jianbo.

No, this is not a guiding sword!

Liu Jianbo wanted to refute this loudly. But then he looked at the students in the audience.

Before this counterattack, what the students saw was Liu Jianbo pressing Gu Chengyu to fight.

In fact, it was Gu Chengyu who was familiar with his opponent's kendo at that time, but the students were not clear about this.

If at this moment, it is not a guide sword to say it, I am afraid that the teachers of the entire college will be questioned by the students.

"Thank you, senior." Liu Jianbo thanked him from the bottom of his heart. This is the step Li Zhongkai gave him specially.

The students in the audience also discussed.

"It turns out to be a guiding sword!"

"Even if it's a guide sword, Gu Chengyu is also very strong, okay? He can compete with the teachers at the grassroots level for so long."

"Roll it up, is this monster really the same class as us?"

"Humph!" Gu Chengyu snorted dissatisfiedly.

Li Zhongkai's use of the cultivation base to disrupt the duel made him a little unhappy.

But Li Zhongkai seemed to know what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "I didn't use aura."

"It's your sword. It's not pure enough. You can guess the direction of the sword."

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