I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 143: 【Washing menstruation and cutting the marrow】

"The sky is falling, I just hold it up. You don't need to care about this." Li Zhongkai explained lightly.

The students gratefully watched Li Zhongkai, and the feeling of having a teacher as a backer is indeed different in normal days.

"Xuanfeng, help open a large training room." Li Zhongkai patted the desk at the front desk of the training room.

The front desk teacher who managed the training room was Xuanfeng who escorted the students of Jiangyang City with Li Zhongkai at that time.

Also known as the man brother of the realm of foundation building.

The character is very good, but the strength is always so interesting at the critical moment.

After the **** was over, he did not choose to continue teaching the alchemy, but wanted to see how fast these real geniuses were practicing, so please transfer here.

"No problem, senior. I know you must be waiting for the opportunity." Xuanfeng saw Li Zhongkai as if he opened up the chattering box all of a sudden.

He hurriedly told Li Zhongkai of his findings in the past few days.

"Senior, I've guessed that your vision is different from that of others, and I have seen it clearly in the past few days in the training room."

"Students from Class 7 are extremely smooth in their cultivation, much faster than those with the same talent."

"And they all have one thing in common, that is, they are not in a hurry to practice, but make the body slowly adapt to the environment of skyrocketing spiritual energy. This coincides with my idea of ​​certain aspects of the alchemy."

Li Zhongkai was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect Xuanfeng's cultivation base to be low, but his eyes were vicious and he noticed a lot of details.

Xiang Shuxiang and Zichen were even more surprised. They thought that the teacher didn't take them to practice because of something.

Unexpectedly, it was for them to gradually adapt to this environment of skyrocketing spiritual energy.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed the case. Those who quit the seventh class at that time obviously had the same talent scores as others, and they were inexplicably smooth in their cultivation.

It turns out that there is still such a factor.

The people's hearts suddenly became in awe, and the original dissatisfaction in their hearts suddenly disappeared.

Teacher Li Zhongkai’s spiritual vision may have long surpassed other teachers in the school!

"The room is already open." Xuan Feng silently left the best large training room to Li Zhongkai and others.

"Thanks a lot."


Obviously, the training room was built with thought.

The futon on the ground didn't know what material was used, and just sitting on it gave me a calming feeling. The aura circulation around is also unique, which makes everyone somewhat unspeakable.

"The direction of this aura is as clever as the air duct in my computer case." Wen Chengjie couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's a wonderful metaphor.

But everyone is also used to Wen Chengjie's speaking style. He can always subtly break the rigid atmosphere.

It's already the fourth day today. In fact, everyone has heard other students tell about the appearance of the training room in a large group, but it's the first time everyone has seen a specific appearance.

Wen Chengjie's casual two sentences dispelled everyone's tension in the first practice.

"Before practicing, I want to give each of you a little gift." Li reopened a little aura in the air, and several white and silver aura ribbons quickly waved in the air.

With the high-speed twisting of the aura ribbon, it quickly turned into bright silver snakes in the eyes of the students.

"What is this going to do?"

Wang Qisi couldn't help but asked curiously.

There are just seven bright silver snakes, no more, no less! Then slammed into everyone's body! Even Gu Chengyu, the most intuitive, didn't react!

Li Zhongkai looked at everyone with satisfaction.

This is the bright silver snake that he has studied for three days, specially prepared for the students!

"Xianmai Catalogue" Pure Breath Realm Great Perfection Realm!

His current realm can no longer be called the foundation-building realm! It should be called Wusujiji!

And after the progress of "Xianmai Catalogue", Li Zhongkai can also help others to cleanse the breath, and have the effect of washing the sutras and cutting the marrow!

These bright silver snakes were made by Li Zhongkai using the purest aura.

At this moment, this pure aura is wandering around in the students' bodies, purifying the impurities in their bodies!

"It may be a little painful, please bear with me first!"

Li Zhongkai's gentle smile looked like a ghost in the eyes of the students.


"You were beaten? Who beat it!" Teacher Zhao Tenghe slapped the table angrily!

"Teacher in Class 7."

The student confessed honestly.

"Then... well, it's good, it must be for your mental health!"

"We cultivating immortality means cultivating the heart. People can be arrogant but not arrogant. Presumably Teacher Li Zhongkai is also kind to you." Teacher Zhao Tenghe patted the student's shoulder with a pair of panda eyes to comfort him.

As for why he would have panda eyes.

That's because the teacher of Luolong Lingxiu Technical College and Zhao Tenghe are old acquaintances.

However, the treatment the two have suffered on the Internet these days is very different. Zhao Tenghe is more and more angry, and more and more angry!

Their videos are all posing! Does a broken cockroach sway aura like that?

Zhao Tenghe, who was not angry, flew to Xianlai Mountain in anger, and was about to let Jiang Chi know how far the foundation-building realm was from the golden core realm!

Colleagues in the Institute of Spirituality joked: "Send sandbags for thousands of miles, courtesy is light and affectionate."

"You fart! I gave him a few fists with my face, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." Zhao Tenghe said after returning.

Then the hardest magic weapon in the cultivation world is no longer the Divine Sword Zhansu, but the mouth of my teacher Zhao Tenghe.

His mouth is really hard.

After listening to the chicken soup, the students were thoughtful and inspired. I feel that I should also care more about the teacher.

"Oh, by the way! I always wanted to ask, teacher, who hit your panda eyes?"

Zhao Tenghe's face suddenly stiffened.

"Is there such a possibility, your teacher Li Zhongkai's teachings on you may not be enough..."



The students slumped on the futon, feeling that after the pain passed, they were sore and weak.

They didn't have the impurities from traditional menstrual washing and cutting. Li Zhongkai had anticipated this a while ago, so he also did a cleansing effect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not bad. Li Zhongkai nodded in approval.

Although the students are still a little closer to the Wushen Body, they are definitely much stronger than before!

In addition, the body has already gone through a three-day aura adaptation period, and now it is definitely doing twice the result with half the effort!

The subsequent college competitions will definitely shine!

And Li Zhongkai, as a teacher, can naturally fill up the only remaining Spirit Gathering Formation in the world.

"Come on! Taking advantage of the current body is still more adapted to the movement of the spiritual energy, directly start to teach you the exercises!" Li Zhongkai clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

This world exercise is currently the most universal, and the most comprehensive is naturally the small box exercise before Li Zhongkai.

Although other teachers have been studying this exercise for more than ten days, and relying on their original cultivation base, they have also learned the exercise very thoroughly.

But at this level, how can Li Zhongkai know much.

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