I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 151: [Success in the first battle! 】

The college competition this time is divided into individual battle phase and wheel battle phase.

  In the individual battle part, the seven-member group of each class will compete in the qualifiers.

   first sent three people to play a three-game two-win qualifier! The winning team gets one point.

After   , there will be a seven-player competition for all players. The system of four wins in seven rounds will result in two points for the winning team.

After    wins, they can almost pass the qualifiers and advance to the wheel battle stage.

   Generally speaking, individual battles also have Tian Ji horse racing tactics, and it is not impossible for a weaker class to defeat a strong one.

   But when it comes to the wheel battle stage, if a person with enough strength is enough to sweep the seven, then naturally no tactics will work.

  All the players have entered the seats, the host Xuanfeng continued: "This game will be determined by the teacher, and the first game will be the 12th class against the 7th class!"

   "It's us!" Li Zhongkai slowly opened his eyes, and he no longer closed his eyes to rest. Instead, he went straight to meet with the teacher of the opposing team.

   "Senior Li! You hid it deep enough!" The other teacher said without anxiousness, as soon as he came up, he directly exposed the hidden cultivation skills of all the members of Class 7.

   It's a pity, I got your data from Xuanfeng a long time ago, even if it is hidden, what if the results are similar to those of ordinary students, it is destined to not make it in the college competition.

   Seeing the result of this draw, other teachers gritted their teeth and stamped their feet in anger.

   Li reopened with a gentle expression, and did not refute the opponent, but glanced at the true cultivation level of the opponent's student. Then he smiled and said, "I hope you can get a good result."

   The other teacher was taken aback, but he didn't expect Li Zhongkai as an opponent to bless them.

   I was thinking that this is also a senior in the Golden Core Realm after all, knowing that I am going to lose, and I can sincerely bless others, if I change to him, then I don't have this kind of temperament.

   How about saying that they are in the realm of Jindan!

   "Tang Jingle, come on later!" The teacher decided to save Li Zhongkai, pick out the strongest of his team, and quickly send Li Zhongkai away happily.

   "No problem, teacher!"


   "Gu Chengyu, can you go there?" Li Zhongkai asked the students for their opinions.

   Gu Chengyu nodded seriously, and only said one word: "Okay."

   Wen Chengjie hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to take the initiative to ask.

   "Teacher, let me come!" He said very solemnly.

   "Oh?" Li Zhongkai raised his eyebrows. To be honest, he also wanted to know whether a strong player like Wen Chengjie could win the game.

Wen Chengjie let out a sigh of relief and said: "I was standing in the center of the arena just now. The spit of the audience made me unforgettable. It was also at this time that I secretly swear that if I get on the stage, I will win. Down all."

   "Now that the college competition is right in front of me, I must consider whether this is the only chance in my life!"

   "When Class Seven was able to get the best grades when enrolled, Teacher Li Zhongkai contributed a lot, so it is my duty to recast the glory of Class Seven!"

  As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the seventh class was shocked.

   They never thought that Wen Chengjie's ideological consciousness was so high!

   Gu Chengyu hesitated for a while, but still rejected Wen Chengjie.

   "I'm sorry, since Teacher Li Zhongkai decided to let me go, then I definitely can't avoid it. This is my kendo!"

   Zichuan also patted Wen Chengjie on the shoulder, and comforted: "Your strength is so strong, it must be used to reverse the finale. It is definitely not good to expose it too early now!"

   The two persuaded one after another, so Wen Chengjie gradually dispelled the idea.

   It's a pity, our seventh class is expected to fall into the two-win qualifiers of these three rounds. Wen Chengjie shook his head, so he can only wait until Gu Chengyu loses.

   He really thinks this is his only chance in this life.

   After all, the strength is not better than others, and the two-win-three qualifiers will definitely be withdrawn after two games.

   Then play the second stage of a seven-game four-win qualifier. If this one also loses, then the seventh class will be gone.

   One two games are all lost, and one game four is all lost.

   If you hold the mentality of one person last time, there will be six people at full play, and one person will definitely not be able to get it.

   Wen Chengjie sighed, he was going to lose anyway, he felt that as the captain, he must shoulder the responsibility.

   Just now standing on the stage, Wen Chengjie felt the pressure of public opinion, so he thought that he would be able to preserve the reputation of another player by playing himself later.

   "Please come on stage for both players!"

   With the referee's order, Wen Chengjie knew that it would be useless to change, so he found a chair and sat down slowly and began to recharge.

   "Buy is going to leave! Buying is going to leave!"

   "A reminder from the front row, Tang Jingle condensed Qi triple! And learned martial arts since childhood! Practical experience, and practice statistics are one of the strongest single players in this competition!"

   "Stop talking, I backhanded 300,000 Happy Beans!"

   "It's finally here, let me be well!"

   Two players stood on the ring, looking at each other.

   "I've heard of you, you seem to be a swordsman too?" Tang Jingle shook the sword in his hand, "I heard the teacher say, you all hide and cultivate, right?"

   "It's just a person who is afraid of the head and tail. The little cultivation base you hid may not even be in the middle of our class!"

   Tang Jingle said with a smile: "What? I dare not even reply?"

   Gu Chengyu ignored him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just put on a posture of drawing a sword, and whispered: "This time, it's really not pure enough."

   Gu Chengyu did not take the initiative to hide his cultivation, but because he used the sword to enter the Tao, the realm of the sword and the cultivation were one, and it was difficult for ordinary people to perceive it.

   The other party didn't even want to understand this point, in the final analysis, the understanding of the sword is too superficial!

   "Huh!" Seeing that Gu Chengyu had just replied without beginning and ending, Tang Jingle also felt boring, so he had to follow along with a sword-drawing action.

   Tang Jingle couldn't help but grinned, "I'll let you see my sword later!"

   "This will be the scenery you have never seen in your life!"

   Later, when you are injured, regret being an enemy of me! In this kind of duel, I can't control my sword!

   In an instant, in an instant, I can clean up the dregs of your aura introductory.

"Game start!"

suddenly! The wind blew up! A flash of light carries an unparalleled wave of air! Swept half of the arena!

   A sword touched Tang Jingle's throat and moved forward slowly, a trace of redness sliding down the tip of the sword, giving him a tingling sensation.

   A drop of cold sweat from Tang Jingle instantly dripped on his sword hilt, and his sword had just been pulled out an inch at this time!

   "You are not allowed to draw a sword."

   Tang Jingle held the tip of the sword against his throat, slowly raising his head in disbelief.

   The opponent is standing in the sun, his sword can't even be seen or touched.

   The sword and sword duel ended in an instant.

   This is a scenery I have never seen before.

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