I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 164: 【Mingzhe protect oneself】

I reopened my life directly https://

Early the next morning.

Tianshui City is peaceful and peaceful.

The city has just concluded the Reiki Academy’s college competition, and many tourists who have come here are attracted to it, and they have not left immediately.

Rather, I am looking forward to meeting some star players participating in the competition on the street.

Tianshui Lingxiu Technical College.

"Welcome, welcome! Professor Mo!" Zhong Yuanhong immediately stepped forward and greeted Professor Mo.

He was entrusted by Li Zhongkai to welcome Professor Mo here.

In order to conduct research earlier, Professor Mo came to Tianshui City almost non-stop.

"Hey, I finally have a chance to see the true face of the Institute of Spirituality!"

Professor Mo was a little bit emotional, and some unspeakable envy, after all, this is the place where geniuses reside, and it is somewhat incompatible with people like him.

"Teacher! Teacher!"

A student quickly ran over to call away Zhong Yuanhong, "The school faculty has a meeting! Teacher Wang Huihao asked me to call you."

"This..." Zhong Yuanhong frowned and looked at Professor Mo embarrassedly.

I usually don’t see meetings. Whenever something happens, there will be meetings and small meetings!

"Sorry, it looks like something is urgent over there."

Professor Mo waved his hand indifferently, "Go ahead, I can just walk around by myself!"

After Zhong Yuanhong heard the words, he immediately flew to the teaching building of the conference room.

Seeing that the other person came and went freely, Professor Mo looked down at his calf.

"Hey, these monks are really amazing!"


"No! I don't agree!" Xuan Feng patted the table.

Others bowed their heads in contemplation and did not respond, and Zhong Yuanhong, who had just entered, did not dare to speak.

"This is also helpless! Xuanfeng! Human abilities have limits!"

Said the Dean of Tianshui City Spirituality Academy, one of the peaks of monks.

"This time it was too sudden, and we can't help it!"

The wizards of Gerdana somehow mingled with the few remaining members of the Truth Society.

The attack was launched this morning.

By the time the teachers in Tianshui City found out, it was already too late.

Dozens of wizards exuded an ominous aura, and their bodies were deformed into monsters. With their lives and magic, they launched an irreversible magic-"God's Extinction Flood"

This is a secret technique that the Truth Association has studied for a long time in life sacrifice, and dozens of wizards who are close to the eighth level of base building.

It is not difficult to solve this magic. The difficulty is that the indescribable aura mixed in it, no one dares to touch it.

The current situation is that, let alone saving ordinary citizens, even if they run slow, they will probably die here.

Because the wizards also used magic to set up barriers, but fortunately, there is no indescribable aura in the barriers.

So the teachers still have no problem running by themselves, and even the time is more than enough.

So now there are three schemes: upper, middle and lower.

The best policy: The teachers flee collectively, at least the extraordinary strength of Daxia Kingdom has not weakened.

Zhongce: Bring the students and the seeds of the future. But the wizards also set up barriers, and it may be possible that none of them can escape.

The next move: think of a way to stop this "God's World Destructive Flood", but it is easy to lose the wife and break down.

"At least...at least bring the students..." Xuanfeng fell into the chair all of a sudden.

Swordsmanship teacher Liu Jianbo lowered his head and remained silent. Formation teacher Wang Huihao also clenched his fists and said nothing.

In the past half month of teaching, many teachers have also become fetters with their students, saying that it is impossible to even care about students.

But what about these tens of millions of ordinary people in Tianshui City?

"That's it, just take the contestants and students in this competition, so that won't affect your participation in the competition of the three colleges in the future, how about it?" the dean suggested.

Only the contestants?

What about the rest?

Liu Jianbo's eyes widened in disbelief.

But when I looked around, I found that most of the teachers were silent. Obviously they agreed with this plan.

Xuanfeng immediately stood up and retorted: "Can't you take away those with poor grades? Their parents sent them to Tianshui City, not letting them die!"

"You really can't control it, or you still don't want to control it!"

The more Xuanfeng said, the more excited he became, "I'm just a second-tier foundation building. I know my strength! I also know everyone's strength!"

The foundation-building realm can already be called a cosmic powerhouse.

In the game, the so-called cosmic emperor is nothing but ninety-point physique. Anyone who builds a foundation can blow him up.

The indescribable is powerful, but how much indescribable aura can those half-way wizards mobilize into it?

"To put it bluntly, we are going to stop the tsunami now, and everyone can work together to win at least 70%. The people standing here are all the top monks in the monk class today!" Xuan Feng said impassionedly.

"But do you know what the consequences will be if we fail?" a voice said grimly from the other side of Xuanfeng.

"Now I'm leaving. After the big deal, all the guilt can be transferred to the wizard, and the contradiction can be easily transferred!"

"Stopping magic is completely different from saving people under magic."

"It's okay for us to stop magic, and we even have a lot of wins, but we can't save everyone under this flood. How will the relatives of the dead people blame us afterwards! Do you know?"

"They will attribute all the guilt to our inadequate ability ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This has been pointed out.

Everyone doesn't want to pack themselves with insufficient strength.

Although able to save, but to take risks.

If it is not saved, then this tsunami is an unexpected attack.

If you want to save, not only is there a probability that you can't stop it, but even if it succeeds, it is estimated that it will not end well.

This is the reason why everyone is reluctant to get ahead.

When the teachers in Tianshui City were hacked by the entire network a few days ago, they had already experienced that feeling. Now they naturally want to protect themselves.

After the big deal, go to Jerdanah to get revenge.

When Xuanfeng heard this, he was immediately hit hard, so he got up and walked out alone.

"what are you going to do?"

Someone quickly stopped him. People may prefer to fall together.

"I dare not ask you anything, but I can ask myself. Tianshui City is not considered the nearest tourist. There are probably more than 23 million people living here..."

"Even if I can only save one percent, this number is amazing enough..."

Having finished speaking, Xuanfeng stopped paying attention to everyone, and just walked out.

Tianshui City had just been shrouded in the enchantment, and he couldn't escape.

He wants to contact the official organization of ordinary humans and evacuate the masses together, and can only hope that the protective cover of the spiritual school will play a little role at that time.

"Irrational! Too irrational!" Someone among the teachers sipped.

"It is!"

Some sigh, some disdain, some remain silent.

"Huh? Have you seen Senior Li reopening it?" A teacher suddenly lit up.

He is the only Golden Core Realm here! If he can give the final order to evacuate, then everyone will naturally agree now!

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