I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 186: [Fooled by fate]

The aura between heaven and earth gathered from all directions, and Tianshui City was covered with a white mist in the blink of an eye.


   Just now, when countless arrays became huge, Lin Shanting fainted.


   Li reopened and hurried forward to lift Lin Shanting up, checking his physical condition. Perhaps because the bad luck was suppressed, Lin Shanting was bitten back as the loser in this fortune flow.


   On the other hand, Li Zhongkai and Wen Chengjie are fine, probably because they are the winners.


   And when Lin Shan Ting fell down, the bad luck around it began to flow again, converging towards Lin Shan Ting.


   This made Li Zhongkai breathe a sigh of relief, "The fortune didn't collapse because of this, it shouldn't be a big deal."


  【Orange talent found】


   [Orange talent has awakened]


   [Orange Talent] "Unlucky Luck": There are always things that are unsatisfactory.


  【It has been set as a permanent talent】


Um? ? ?


   Li reopened and his eyes widened.


   Can I take this thing away?


   Before he could react, in his knowledge of the sea, the two talent **** representing "bad luck" and "strong luck" were closely attached to each other.


   Even "Xiao Ji" was involved, and the three talents gradually mixed.


   A brand new talent is born!


   [Black Talent] "Destiny": Those who are fooled by destiny will eventually fool their destiny.


  Everything happened caught off guard, so that Li reopened at this moment to really understand what it means to be fooled by fate.


   "The word destiny is really elusive." Li Zhongkai shook his head and put Lin Shanting lightly in the car.


   "Teacher...when did you come?" Wen Chengjie was embarrassed.


  I ran into the head teacher the first time I skipped class. He felt that his luck today was not very good.


   Li reopened and didn't bother to care about him, now he has more important things to do.


   "Professor Mo, can you explain to me what the situation is now?" Although Li Zhongkai had guessed it, it must be the result of luck, but he didn't know how this huge formation came out.


   He has no knowledge of Professor Mo's research.


   "Uh...Where should I make up this?" Professor Mo took off his eyes. He had been staring at the formation node in the sky just now, seeing him as an old man with astringent eyes.


   "Then don't make up! Hurry up and tell me whether the situation is good or bad?"


   Li reopened instinctively that this was a bad thing, but the huge aura around him made him think it might be a good thing.


   "Probably mixed?" Professor Mo looked around, "Look at the mist around you now, these are the characteristics of the essence of aura, do you know what this reminds me of?"


   "You!" Professor Mo pointed to Li Zhongkai, "This was also the case when you tried the military version of the Spirit Gathering Formation."


   "But this time it will only be more serious, and it will reach the level you used to be in just a short while. This is not just the effect of the Spirit Gathering Array!"


   "All creatures in the city are absorbing spiritual energy spontaneously, which greatly speeds up the operation of the spiritual gathering array!"


   Professor Mo frowned, analyzing the cause in front of him.


   All creatures in the city!


   Even with Li's resolute mentality, it feels a bit bad. Even if he is a genius, he can't guarantee that he can absorb the aura at the same time as 20 million humans, not to mention that there are not only humans!


   "And, do you remember the gift that the Fairy League rewarded me at that time?" Professor Mo turned his head and asked.


"The sapling?"


   "Yes, it should be said that it is a talented sapling!"


   Speaking of this, Professor Mo spread his hands on both sides of the road, "Now, there are talented ‘saplings’ everywhere here!"


As soon as the voice of    fell, the ordinary trees around began to grow rapidly! The huge branches covered all the sunlight on the asphalt road, and the huge root system broke through the ground of the city.


   The entire city has begun to move towards the virgin forest.


   "Oh! I have to record the critical point of aura that can allow plants to evolve just now!" Professor Mo said in surprise. He didn't expect these trees to cooperate so well, just reaching a critical point.


   Li reopened and looked at the scenery in front of him, a little speechless. This is not a tsunami, and the forest is not suitable for him to play with fire. "Professor Mo, do you have any surprises to tell me? It's best to say it all at once."


   "Um... let me think about it." Professor Mo has a good mentality.


   First, it was also from the Hundred Truth Association before, what big scenes have you never seen?


   It was too bad for the second time. It's already like this anyway, what can he do? Can only be put out badly.


   "If it affects people, it's probably the pet problem!"


   "Some cats and dogs are good, even lions and tigers are good if they are well-bred, but if there are some cold-blooded animals, then maybe... well, a little bad."


  Professor Mo adjusted the instrument he just took out of the car, and slowly said: "However, there should be no major problems now. Animals also need a short time to adapt. Unless they have already turned on the wisdom."


   "Notify the Xianmeng early and let them drive the animals out. It's still too late."


   Lee has decided to reopen, so let’s reopen!


   Good guy, there is no good news!


   Every message is particularly tricky.


   He submerged his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness, and when he was about to reopen it, he saw the gate of the underworld gleaming in a foreign land on the other side of the realm of the sea of ​​consciousness.


   This reminds Li Zhongkai of the "Tiangong" that has not arrived yet.


   "If you lose your horse, don't you know what a blessing?"


   Li Zhongkai suddenly felt that this might not really be a bad thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is everything too late? right? professor. "Li Zhongkai suddenly turned his head and asked the professor.


   "Of course! But what if it is too late!" Professor Mo laughed and teased, "We have no choice but to start over what has happened. In most cases, we can only accept it silently."


   "You are right..." Li Zhongkai muttered blankly, and then his eyes became firm!


   stood up fiercely and flew into the air, absorbing the aura here wildly!


   "Shen Lingxin! Can the aura here be sent to the magic fairy castle?" He asked the curse.


   Not long ago, the magic power of the witches and the magic power of the magic fairy castle were all used by him!


   This is the price of the cup!


   Now so many auras are the time to make good use of!


   "Yes, but there is too much aura, it is estimated that the witches will overflow."


   "How much can be stuffed, how much can be stuffed!" Li Zhongkai immediately issued the order.


   In the white mist full of spiritual energy, a black mist formed by magic suddenly formed over Tianshui City! It **** the aura around it like a black hole.


   The spiritual fog that had originally become thicker and thicker, its growth rate instantly stagnated.


   First try to slow down the growth rate of aura, and then let the members of the fairy league take the opportunity to evacuate the masses!

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