I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 188: [Dogzi Wang Li reopened]

Do not! ! !


  The Great Emperor looked at the **** with his eyes wide open!


why! Why are you betraying me!


  He was born a dog, and for the first time he felt the power from the human tauren!


   Li reopened and listened to Emperor Ha's heart. This time, he couldn't help himself.


He couldn't help but replenish his brains. A pair of lovers who were truly in love with each other was confused by a turned-on Huang Mao using a mental controller. The wife regarded Huang Mao as her husband, so in front of her real husband... …




What am I thinking!


   Li reopened and quickly expelled these strange thoughts from his mind.


   "Sorry, I have no intention of offending, but the rule of a king is the same as the rising and falling of the sun. One day, the sun will sink slowly like you. And it will rise with me when I am a king."


   Li reopened and patted Emperor Ha on the shoulder, indicating that he wanted to start.


   and said that these dogs will be returned to you as soon as I use them.


   Great Emperor Ha was suddenly hit hard, and his ears drooped down.


   Perhaps it was because his concubine turned to an opponent, which made him extremely frustrated; perhaps the dynasty he had just established was dismantled by a stranger in an instant; perhaps it was his good brother who was accompanied by life and death and immediately abandoned him.


   In short, he doesn't care what Li Zhongkai says anymore!


   just hung his head down, waiting for the new king's disposal.


   Li reopened and his eyes lit up, right now!


   hastily activated his skills against Emperor Ha!


   Just now, Emperor Ha was very aggressive, and he was also a spirit beast. It was really hard to control! What Li Zhongkai values ​​most is the boss of this group of dogs, Emperor Ha.


   And what's the point of mind-controlling a wife!


   It's right to control my husband!




   "Killing the wisdom spirit beast counts one point, saving ordinary citizens counts two points, and arresting the wisdom spirit beast also counts two points."


   "Obviously, the main purpose of this time is to hope that we can save people." Zichen silently thought about the ideas of the school's questioner.


   The difficulty of saving people and arresting the wise beast is obviously not at the same level!


   It is obviously much harder to arrest the wisdom spirit beast.


   And the spirit beasts are hard to find, but there are too many citizens.


   So that's it, is this a pure rescue activity?


   "I announce that the practical course will begin now!"


   With the dean's order!


   All the students ran out of the school with enthusiasm, but as soon as they left the school, they were shocked!


  This... Is this Tianshui City?


   In the school, Mr. Wang Huihao deliberately used an array to cover his sight and perception!


   This made them realize that the outside changes are so great!


  The huge root system trees are intertwined and crowded on the usual streets, and countless green shrubs obstruct the view, making the city of Tianshui, which was originally urban, like a virgin forest!


   There are hundreds of formations floating in the sky!


   The aura in the air is almost so strong that it is visible to the naked eye, blocking normal vision!


   "This is... the school specially built?"


   "Does teacher Li Zhongkai prepare for the practical class?"


   "No way, it's such a big scene?"


   "Doesn't I feel like a drill?"


   The students stood in place at a loss! This sudden and dramatic change left them unconscious.


   Zi Chen frowned, he had already noticed, what disaster happened in Tianshui City in 80% to become what it is now!


   "Classmates! This is not a drill!"

   Wen Chengjie has been waiting at the school gate for a long time, waiting for his classmates to come out, so as to complete the task assigned to him by Li Zhongkai.


   "Follow the firefighters! Use your perception and repeat this is not a drill!"


   The students suddenly became serious one by one.


   I experienced a tsunami before, and now it’s not a strange thing to experience another strange disaster!


   What's more, after seeing Li Zhongkai resisting natural disasters before, the students had already planted this seed in their hearts!


   It’s really great that the first time I practice can focus on saving people!




   "From the third floor to the 32nd floor of Block B of Jinshan Building!" Xiang Shuxiang is the highest and has the strongest perception. At present, she is the eye of the group of seven.


   Zichen put his finger on his temple, and he is in charge of the current team of seven!


   Zichen thought, Jinshan Building is located in the flower and bird market, one of the most dangerous areas in Tianshui City.


   can be trapped from the third floor to the 32nd floor, there should be a plant that absorbs aura growing crazily there and clogging all the access channels on the bottom floor.


   "Which floor are most people concentrated on?" Zi Chen turned his head and asked Xiang Shuxiang.


   "Fifteenth floor! And everyone is on the fifteenth floor!"


   Zi Chen suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Wang Qisi, Gu Chengyu, you two, go to Jinshan Building!"


   The plant should be on the ground floor and completely sealed off the road of Jinshan Building, but everyone was concentrated on the fifteenth floor, such a floor in the middle.


   People's normal reaction is either to stay at the bottom and dig out to save themselves, or to run to the top roof and wait for helicopter rescue.


   This indirectly indicates that there may be something on the top that can threaten their lives, such as spirit beasts.


   Even the wildly growing plants at the bottom may threaten their lives and force them to the middle area.


   "Zhong Maomao, don't hide yourself! Destroy all the root systems of all plants in this area!"


  Zhong Maomao's expression is also very serious, "I won't conceal this kind of moment, you underestimate me!"


   He pressed his hands to the ground, and while maintaining the surface almost stationary, he controlled the sand to destroy all the roots of the underground plants in an instant!




   The giant tree blocking the third floor of the Jinshan Building twitched instantly!


   Although it has absorbed a lot of aura, it still hasn't escaped the limitations of the tree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the roots were crushed to pieces, the giant tree soon disappeared.


   Zichen guessed well, this giant tree obviously has some simple consciousness and is aggressive!


   This is probably the reason why people did not dare to save themselves at the bottom.


   Zichen looked at the 32nd floor of the Jinshan Building. If he remembers correctly, the Jinshan Building should be the office area for some wealthy people.


   It's really flowers!




  The top floor of Jinshan Building.


  A few animals are fighting in a chamber here!


   crocodile, python, tiger!


   Although these animals are very strange to appear here, if this is the Jinshan Building, it is not surprising at all.


   After a simple baptism of spiritual energy, although these spirit beasts have not yet awakened their spiritual wisdom, their body shape has changed very obviously!


   Especially the python! His body shape change is almost uncontrollable under the nourishment of spiritual energy!


   But it is a pity that the other two lamps are not fuel-efficient. Under the aura wave, body shape is not the key to victory!


   That is, the rich guys reacted quickly. They left these fierce beasts early and ran downstairs, otherwise these things must be cleared of humans first.

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