I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 236: [Long night is difficult to understand]

Wish to snake along the coast.


   Two people, one big and one small, pull each other.


   Li Changye chose a place with good feng shui and built a wooden house.


   "This is all the wood I have collected so hard! Ahhhhh! You robber bandit!" Obviously, he grabbed the corner of Li Changye's clothes and wanted him to stop his violence.


   That is what he used to make wooden tools. I don’t know how long it took to collect it here.


   He also imagined that one day he could build a raft and leave here through the Snake Sea.


   But the man in front of him only met for a short while, and just after introducing himself, he walked away his "treasure"-these woods in two sentences.


   "You cheat even children, you are not human!"


   Li Changye was dragged by the corner of his clothes, and turned helplessly to hold Ming's head.


   "Listen, kid. They should be used to do more meaningful things than to make toys out of wood, such as...saving the life of a middle-aged man's dog. You don't have a toy, it's okay, I don't have a house to live in."


   "Ah ah ah, you are a bandit! A thief! I have to build a wooden boat to get out of here! You ran out of my wood!"


   "Want to get out of here by boat?" Li Changye looked at the Snake Sea over there, and then at the wood. "Do you mean taking a boat on the Snake Sea? I think you still dream faster."




   The cry of the bear child made Li Changye cover his ears. His tinnitus disappeared not to listen to the bear child's roar.


After    called out for a while, Ming moved away the hand that was holding Li Changye's clothes corner, and hugged himself and squatted on the ground.




   Her ears suddenly became pure, making Li Changye still a little uncomfortable.


   "What's the matter?" Li Changye was a little curious as he watched Ming squatting on the ground without speaking.


   "...... Am I really unable to get out?"


   has a muffled voice, crying secretly while holding his head.


   Li Changye couldn't help but have a headache, his daughter is much more sensible than this bear kid.


   "Yes, I can't get out! Stay here forever!"


   A bowl of poisonous chicken soup is poured in quickly! Suddenly it was much quieter!


   Aha! No interference from the bear kids!


   Li Changye hurriedly worked overtime to build a house while the bear children were not making trouble.


   As for comforting others? Just kidding, Li Changye thinks the house is more real.


   "Well then. I hope you can explain the source of the wood to them in this way later..." The little boy's voice came from afar.


   "Huh?" Li Changye raised his head in confusion, and found that the boy who had just cried had already run away.


   look at the other side.


   A bunch of strong men are coming here menacingly.


   "Damn it, it turns out he stole our wood during this period. I finally found it this time!"


   "Stop! Don't move!!"


   People came first before they arrived, and they were still far away. After losing the cultivation base, Li Changye couldn't see how many people were on the opposite side, but only knew a lot.


   "Well, the big liar let the little liar cheated..."


   Li Changye waved his hand, and left in the opposite direction where the little boy ran.




   Forbidden City forever.




   "Uncle! Do you see how much this thing is worth?" The little boy held a mobile phone, which was just taken down from Li Changye.


   "Let me see." The uncle took a magnifying glass and looked back and forth pretendingly for a long time. "Oh, this is a tattered thing that you don't want in the secret realm. It's not worth a lot of money. This stuff is everywhere."


   The little boy lowered his head in disappointment. Then he asked quickly: "Can I change a rope? It's like..."


   "Long like a crack?" The uncle took his words.


   Everyone here knows that there is a little boy who doesn’t need to have such a dream.

   "Yes, yes!" The little boy nodded hopefully.


   "Hahahaha! You should change one! We don't have one here."




   The little boy was quickly thrown out.


   And the phone was not returned to him.


   Destroyed, he walked towards his base area with no one's mind. It was an abandoned garbage dump that no one wanted.




   "Ming. You finally came back."


   Countless children surrounded him as soon as he came back.


   "Um...I, I'm back." The little boy lowered his head in shame.


   The corner of this garbage dump is cold and humid, not like a place where people live, let alone children live.


   But there is a group of children living here.


   Except for Ming, the children here have tentacles on their chins. And this prison is precisely the place where the tentacles are the most inferior, and the children who are not capable are naturally more unlucky here.


   "Ming, what's wrong with your eyes? Aren't you hit by someone?" the children asked distressedly.


   The boy turned his head immediately, "Haha, I accidentally fell. How could I be beaten? I don't even have tentacles, so I won't be beaten here."


   The children breathed a sigh of relief.


   "Let me just say it! You all think too much. It means he is so good that he won't get beaten!" A boy immediately retorted.


   But how can you not get beaten?


   has no strength, no tentacles, and will only be beaten harder here.


   "How is it? How is the boat built today?" the children asked hopefully.


  Ming is their only hope to leave here.


  As long as the ship is built, they can leave here and return to the outside world.


   Ming was asked this way, and his eyes flinched for an instant. He wanted to say that this was all in vain, but he couldn't open his mouth even when he reached the corner of his mouth.


   "Oh, let me see what I found?"


   Just then, a voice came.


   turned around sharply, only to find that Li Changye was standing at the door of their garbage dump.


   This man is playing with a cell phone-the one he "sold" to the downtown area.


   Ming bit his posterior molar, **** it, it seems that he has been being followed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The children suddenly started talking.


   "...Is a needless adult..."


   "What is he here for?"


   "There will be nothing wrong, right?"


   Hearing the sound coming from behind, Ming turned around and looked at the panicked children behind him, gritting his teeth and digging out a bit of courage from his heart. "It's nothing more than a fight!"


   His legs and feet were trembling, and he deliberately pretended to be an adult: "Come on at me! I know what you want!"


   Ming quickly turned around and explained to the children: "It's okay, I don't have tentacles. This is some personal matter between the two of us. Don't worry, I will go back."


   He hurried to Li Changye's side and said in a low voice:


   "Please, let's go out and talk first. At least outside..."




   Li Changye deliberately shouted loudly: "Have you not been beaten enough during the day? You wood thief!"


  The voice echoed here.


   The entire garbage dump fell silent.


   Ming's eyes widened in disbelief.


  At this moment, he felt that something was broken—that was the responsibility he had always shouldered, and the dignity that he had to hold up in front of his partner even if he was beaten.

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