I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 266: [This twisted world]

The gust of wind swam above the Forbidden City, cutting and engulfing the snake of desire that was constantly impacting downward.

The people's shouts of cheering came one after another.


Amidst the cheers, tears or blood slowly dripped from the air on Li Ming's face, causing him to jump out of the cheering voices around him.

It's Ruyuan's blood.

Li Ming wiped the redness on his face and looked up.

All around wantonly praise and praise.

People can't see the wounds and blood left by the praised person.

I have seen it, and it seems that someone has been praised this way.

Li Ming inexplicably felt that the scene before him was a bit familiar.

This sense of deja vu continues to stimulate Li Ming.


When he was panicking, the excited people around him accidentally pushed him.

Time after time, the feeling of being pushed kept stimulating his memory.


Li Ming was pushed to the wall.

Almost subconsciously, Li Ming turned his head and looked at the familiar wall with words that made him familiar.

I don't know how long the chest tightness that had disappeared hit him again.

The scenes in his mind impacted him scene after scene.

"...There are always exceptions, kid..."

A man said to him.

Gradually, the man in his mind disappeared little by little, and finally turned into a boat that he could only see in his dream.

Memories gradually awakened, flooding him like a tide, and the shouting people, the dead leader, seemed incomparably similar to this moment.

Li Ming held his head in pain, alleviating the pressure on him from memory.

I remembered.

I remember it!

Li Ming raised his head and stared blankly at Ru Yuan, who was constantly injured in the sky, as if he had seen Li Changye who had been left alone in the palace.

Did I do nothing this time?

Should I keep remembering again?

Li Ming remembered it all, he remembered everything Li Changye had done, and also remembered that he had secretly made up his mind to vow not to forget Li Changye.

I still boast that I have a good memory.

While covering his head, he walked in the direction of Ruyuan with difficulty.

An anxious feeling squeezed Li Ming's chest. He covered his head in a trance and walked towards Ruyuan in the distance, but the crowd pushing back and forth on the ground kept hindering him, just like the crowd opposed to him. Same.

Why must sacrifice be necessary to save others?

Why don't we think of one more solution?


Just as Li Ming was thinking about it, Ruyuan in the sky began to be drawn by the tentacles in the sky.

That was the prelude to the chemical ship.

Li Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.

"No! Stop it!"

"Stop! Ruyuan."

"Why do you both have to be like this?"


Li Ming's roar seemed to reach Ru Yuan's ears. He looked in Li Ming's direction, smiled slightly, then stopped looking at Li Ming, and cast his spells on his own.

Simply using spiritual energy can not calm the waves of the snake sea, and turning the boat into a boat is both his helplessness and intentional actions.

Ruyuan doesn't know how long his Qingming will last, so he might as well draw an end to himself at this moment.

He understood Li Ming's feelings very well.

Ruyuan once thought, why not think of another way?

Why must you let yourself kill the same kind?

Why do they have to die, Master?

I know that success has a price, but why is the price always us?

Ruyuan has thought about it countless times.

"I can't help it. I always fantasize about what I looked like when I lost my loved ones, so I can't bear that others really lose their loved ones."

This is one of the words Ruyuan heard when he was an executioner.

And Ming has never experienced anything like this.

He still doesn't understand that this world always needs someone to burn themselves.

"Ming, it seems that I am really ahead of you."

Ruyuan smiled with satisfaction. Even though the tentacles were sucking his life at this moment and caused great pain, Ruyuan only felt that he had finally lived alive.

While the sense of mission restrains us, it also gives us unlimited freedom.

"what is that?"

"Is that a boat?"

In the exclamation of everyone, Ruyuan turned into a huge ark.

I didn't care about the people's shouts, and the ark slowly drove towards the snake sea.

The rushing Sea of ​​Snake gradually calmed down its anger when it encountered the Ark and became quiet. The raging storm on the sea gradually calmed down, and the violent snake of desire rejoined into the sea and disappeared.

But people got excited!

They suddenly realized that it was not a boat, nor was it Ruyuan, it was freedom!

So people scrambled to follow the direction of the ark and ran towards the beach.

Countless people ran past Li Ming.


"Ming!" Guo Tieping pushed the crowd, shouting Ming.

But being crowded by the crowd, Guo Tieping couldn't get close, so he gritted his teeth and ignored the others, bowed his head hard! He forced the others and rushed to Ming's side.

Ming was leaning against the corner, and all the friends in the wooden house moved closer to Ming.

"Ming." Guo Tieping breathed heavily in his mouth, with tears in his eyes, he thought of something.


"Well, no more."

Ming lowered his head, everyone could not see his expression.

Guo Tieping felt unspeakable. They remembered all the people in the wooden house.

"Will we still forget Ruyuan? Just like we forgot Uncle before?"


"We can only forget. Then we continue to live happily. Anyway, we also drank the Spring of Eternal Life." Chuanguang laughed at himself.

Yes, anyway, they are a group of immortal monsters.

After drinking the Fountain of Youth, I have been living on this island, enjoying the peace that others have exchanged for them with their lives...

Live on this safe island.

"I don't want this anymore."

Li Ming slowly raised his head and looked at everyone.


I understand what Ruyuan and Uncle did and respect their sacrifices.

But I don’t understand!

Why do good people deserve to die?

Why can't the people who have saved everyone live to receive praise and be forgotten by everyone?

I know that success has a price, but why is the price always us?

I cannot accept this twisted world.

It is even more unacceptable to forget the uncle's self in peace of mind before.

I want to make a decision while I remember everything now.

If this world is a huge sailing ship~www.wuxiaspot.com~ some people are destined to be passengers on board, and some people are destined to be self-burning oil below.

Then I will smash this bad boat.

I will find more ways to find more ships.

This time the boat will not live in a dream.

I will find it by myself.

If not, then I have to build such a ship!

"I want to go out!"

"I want to go out alive, and then screw up this twisted world!"

Li Ming grinned, spitting out word by word from his teeth.

Le Wen

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