Xuanyuan Continent, Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.


"it hurts!"

In the inner hall of the Tianmo Sect, Chen Tianxing bared his teeth and hummed.

"Fortunately, the old devil's work is not bad, and the injury is 60% healed."

Sensing the physical condition, Chen Tianxing was indignant, "I am so unlucky!"

He crossed over a month ago.

But he seems to have crossed earlier, when the soul entered the body of this world, the original owner was still healthy.

To be precise, it is killing the Quartet.

The original owner was also called Chen Tianxing, and he was the holy leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect in the Extreme Heavenly Demon Region in this world.

At the same time, the Great Heavenly Demon, who is also the co-venerator of the 108 Demon Sects of the Demon Realm, is the leader of the demon leaders.

When Chen Tianxing crossed over, Chen Laomo was leading eight thousand demon cultivators to attack the Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

That battle was brutal, and Chen Laomo, who was bloodthirsty by nature, became even more mad, and countless righteous monks died at his hands.

Chen Laomo didn't notice him, but he couldn't occupy the opponent's body either.

At that time, Chen Tianxing seemed to be imprisoned in Chen Laomo's spiritual world, able to perceive everything about the opponent, and also clearly see the battle outside.

It was also because of this that he learned the cause of Chen Laomo's death.

In his spiritual world, there is a Taiji Yin-Yang diagram. Whenever Chen Laomo kills a monk with white light on his body, the Yin-Yang diagram will start to rotate, and the number of rotations is proportional to the intensity of the white light on the opponent.

Every time it rotates around, the black part of the Tai Chi diagram will invade the white area until the entire Yin-Yang diagram turns black.

At that time, Taijitu will cause a super explosion in his spiritual world!

Even with Chen Laomo's strength, he was blown away on the spot.

His serious injury was caused by the old devil's soul dissipating and being besieged by the power of the sanctuary when his body was suddenly motionless.

Fortunately, when Chen Tianxing was in the spiritual world, he had fully absorbed the memory of the old devil. Once the old devil died, his soul immediately occupied his body, so that he could desperately break out of the encirclement and return to the Tianmo sect.

Relying on Chen Laomo's Bliss Heaven Demon Art, Chen Tianxing took a full month of retreat to recuperate, and then he got better.

What is that white light?

In addition to recuperating, he is also constantly thinking about this issue.

Originally thought that there is no balance between good and evil, and the old devil killed the righteous monks, which is why the Taiji diagram turned black.

But what I saw that day, not all righteous monks had white light on their bodies, and he even had white light on his body.

Even a few people in the magic way have seen this thing.

There have been some speculations during this period, but they still need to be confirmed.

After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth to drink lightly: "Come here."

There was a soft knock at the door of the palace, and the maid Xiao Cui stepped in tremblingly.

Chen Tianxing looked at her and said, "Xiaocui, come here."

Before the words came out, Xiao Cui's delicate body trembled violently.

finally coming?

Father, mother, daughter, I'm sorry for you!

Xiaocui's face was miserable, she closed her eyes as if she had made a great determination, and pulled the skirt of her clothes with both hands and gritted her teeth.

The long dress in the palace dress slipped off like silk, and Xiao Cui, who was only in her underwear, lowered her head, looking pitiful and red.

The maids who can serve Chen Laomo are all carefully selected, and they must have a figure and appearance.


Chen Tianxing's face was contorted, and he couldn't help but gasp.


The serious injury in his body hadn't healed yet, how could he bear this stimulation, the scurrying breath immediately pulled the injury.

How many women did the damn old demon Chen harm to make the maid have such an instinctive reaction?

But I have to say, Xiao Cui is...very good.

If not injured.

Not even injured!

Chen Tianxing sighed, he could see the slight white light on Xiaocui's body.

If it was too hard at that time, it would probably explode.

After the Tai Chi diagram exploded, it had already returned to its original form.

But at that time, he was besieged by many people, and he killed many people in a hurry. At this moment, only one fish eye is still white on the Tai Chi Yin Yang fish.

So this is why Chen Tianxing is eager to find out the rules.

Otherwise, if he accidentally killed one with white light by mistake, he would have to finish the game.

"You, put on your clothes first."

Forcibly suppressing the turbulent airflow, he said with great determination.

How dare Xiao Cui move.

Chen Tianxing swept her up and down, "Why, don't you want to wear it?"

Xiao Cui was shocked, and hurriedly put the long skirt back on her body.

His head was buried lower, and his face was even redder.

Chen Tianxing waited for her to calm down, and then asked in as gentle a tone as possible: "Let me ask you, who is the worst person in our Heavenly Demon Sect?"

As soon as this remark came out, the body of the little maid who had recovered just now trembled again like sifting chaff. Biqu library

Chen Tianxing also reacted, and added: "Except for me."

"Should...it should be..." Xiao Cui murmured, "Vice Hierarch Luo."

Deputy Hierarch Lowe

North Sea?

No, the cultivation base is a bit high.

Chen Tianxing recalled this person, he is the highest cultivation other than him in the sect, and he has already reached the seventh level of spiritual transformation.

And even though he was at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, his injuries hadn't recovered, so he might not be able to please him.

You have to pick a soft persimmon.

Body refining, condensing energy, gathering spirits, golden elixirs, breaking illusions, divine essence, tiangang, transforming spirits, returning to the void...

The cultivation base of the first three levels is too low to do great evil.

"What about the Jindan period?"

Chen Tianxing asked: "Who is the worst?"

"It's the kind that kills and sets fire and commits all kinds of crimes."

A trace of hatred flashed across Xiao Cui's eyes, she dared not answer, she gritted her teeth and said, "It should be Jiang Kui, a disciple of Sen Luo Tang."

"You call him here."

Not long after, Xiaocui led a tall, thin young man with a sinister face back to the hall.

As soon as Jiang Kui saw Chen Tianxing accepting his head, he bowed, and respectfully said: "I kowtow to the holy leader!"


Chen Tianxing waved his hand and said, "I heard that you are the worst among the Jindanqi congregation?"

Jiang Kui's body froze, and he said loudly: "I dare not say the best in front of the leader, but my subordinates will definitely work hard!"

Chen Tianxing said: "How evil is it, tell me?"

Jiang Kui was overjoyed when he heard that.

Is this the teacher training himself?

Everyone knows that the holy leader of Tianmo Sect is cruel and tyrannical, and he is the number one devil in Tianzi.

In Tianmo Sect, doing evil is just a basic operation. The deeper the sin you commit, the more ferocious and brutal you are, the more appreciated by the leader.

It seems that I have not been in vain all these years!

Excited, Jiang Kui babbled and blazed passionately after a good meal, telling all his sins.

"The one with the most murders was in a small mountain village."

Jiang Kui said flatteringly: "One day, my subordinate happened to pass by this village, and saw that the girl in the village was quite pretty, so I thought of buying it as a gift to the leader, but I didn't know that these foolish people in the mountains didn't know good and bad, so they killed all of them in a rage. All 187 people in the village were killed!"

"Very good, it's really bad enough."

Chen Tianxing nodded.

Jiang Kui was about to be humble, but the other party's next sentence made his complexion change drastically.

"Go to hell."

After finishing speaking, he flicked his fingers slightly, and a sharp devilish energy shot out from his fingers, and it penetrated his chest in an instant.


Jiang Kui fell to the ground unwillingly clutching his chest.

He didn't even think about it until he died. Was it because he had done evil enough?

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