"Speaking of civilization and fostering a new style?"

The high-level officials looked at each other in blank dismay, but they knew the words, meaning they really didn't understand.

Chen Tianxing said solemnly: "Our Tianmo Sect has been teaching for so many years, and those canons and dogmas have long been outdated, so the leader of the sect has specially established new regulations. The detailed rules are here, you can take a look."

As he spoke, he raised his hand again, and another piece of white paper flew out lightly, and Luo Beihai was so scared that he quickly caught it.

"New canon?"

Everyone was even more confused now.

Okay, what's the new rule?

The Great Elder Huang Quan came out more and more, frowned and said: "Master, the canon of our religion was established by the founder of the religion, and it has been around since now..."

"That's right, that's why the leader said it's outdated!"

Chen Tianxing didn't wait for him to finish, pointing at Luo Beihai, "You guys read it before we talk!"

Huang Quan stopped talking, and huddled together with the high-level executives to look at the blank paper.

"The first rule of the Heavenly Demon Canon: Do not kill at will..."

"Rule number two: Do ​​good things..."

"Rule 3: Be polite to people..."

"Article Four..."

This, this, this!

The higher-ups stared wider and wider as they watched, with expressions of seeing a ghost on their faces.

"How about it, is it easy to understand?"

Chen Tianxing is proud, the secret channel buddy was in the student union back then, and the basic skills of writing these rules are still very solid!


Great Elder Huang Quan became anxious, gritted his teeth and said, "We are the Demon Cult!"

Chen Tianxing took it for granted: "That's right, my leader doesn't have amnesia, why are you yelling so loudly?"

The Great Elder's face was ashen, "What kind of good thing does the Demon Cult do?"

"No no no."

Chen Tianxing shook his fingers and said earnestly: "The Great Elder's words are wrong."

Looking at everyone, he said in a deep voice, "You didn't have a choice before, but now that you have this opportunity, don't you want to be a good person?"

These words silenced the Heavenly Demon Palace for a while.

After a long while, the Great Elder seemed to come back to his soul, and said with an ugly expression: "I don't want to!"

"Hey, you..."

Chen Tianxing didn't force it, and turned his gaze to Luo Beihai, "What about you?"

Luo Beihai trembled in fright, his mind went blank, "I, do I want to?"

"Yes, do you want to?"

Luo Beihai was about to cry, not daring to look at the elder's murderous eyes, tremblingly said: "I... think about it?"


Chen Tianxing slapped his thigh, then looked at the others with gentle eyes, "What about you?"


The Great Elder couldn't bear it any longer, he stood between Chen Tianxing and the top leaders of the Devil's Cult, with anger already in his words, he shouted: "I really don't understand the intention of the leader's move, please explain it clearly!"

"The great elder is confused!"

Chen Tianxing was heartbroken, but turned to Luobei

Haidao: "Vice Hierarch Luo, today you led the crowd to chase after the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, right?"

Luo Beihai's eyes widened. This is going to be hard, isn't it?

I can only bite the bullet and say: "Yes, yes."

"very good!"

Chen Tianxing nodded and asked, "Then according to what you have seen, what is the strength of Sanctuary?"


Luo Beihai was startled, he didn't expect Chen Tianxing to ask such a question suddenly.

After thinking for a while, he finally said: "Honestly speaking, the power of the Sanctuary is not weak. If we didn't have the leader's Bliss Heaven Demon Art, the strength of the Jitian Demon Realm would be inferior to that of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary."

He is not flattering Chen Tianxing, but the fact is.

In the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, Chen Laomo's cultivation is the only one. More importantly, the blissful Heaven Demon Art's effect on demon cultivation can be equalized or even surpassed by the Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

Therefore, he had to use the banner of Chen Tianxing to lead the crowd to chase after the sanctuary troops.

At the same time, it was also the reason why he dared to take advantage of Chen Tianxing's serious injury to breed his ambition.

In the Heavenly Demon Sect, only the leader can practice the Ultimate Bliss Heavenly Demon Kung Fu.

Chen Tianxing asked again: "Then what do you think, why would you be inferior to Sanctuary without this leader?"

Whether Luo Beihai is the deputy leader, he still has this kind of strategic vision. Hearing this, he said without hesitation: "The area of ​​the Zhongzhou Sanctuary is not inferior to that of the Jitian Demon Realm, but there are only five sects and seven sects, while we have one hundred and eight sects." The Demon Sect has a large number of people, and the scheduling is too cumbersome, not as efficient as the Sanctuary."

"in addition……"

He paused and said again: "The five sects and seven sects are strong because each has a large formation of guards, such as the Tianyan Sword Formation of the Tianyan Sword Sect, and the Taiyi Devil Demon Formation of the Taidao Sect, all of which are powerful in attack or defense. An outstanding lineup."

"On our side, one hundred and eight Demon Sects are strong and weak, while the people in Demon Realm are so brave and ruthless that it is too late to kill each other. I want them to hone a large formation that requires tacit cooperation..."

"It's hard."

Luo Beihai shook his head and sighed, he was naturally aware of Moyu's weaknesses.


Chen Tianxing said loudly: "The deputy leader's analysis is very good, this is indeed the reason why our demon domain is not as good as the sanctuary domain."

The topic changed, and he said again: "But have you ever thought about why the area of ​​the two domains is not much different, and the sanctuary only has twelve sects, while we are all scattered, and we have a total of one hundred and eight demons?" Door?"


Luo Beihai's voice trembled, "Could it be because of them..."

Looking up at the banner, he gulped down his saliva, "Talk about... civilization, and establish a new style?"

"That's right!"

Chen Tianxing slapped Luo Beihai's shoulder, and said with satisfaction: "The deputy leader is really open-minded, and the problem can be seen at a glance!"

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Hai wiped off his cold sweat, and thought to himself, could it be that the old man's handle was held in your hands, so he could only follow you?

"The leader means..."

The Great Elder frowned, "Want to integrate the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm?"

"But even so, there is no need to establish another canon!"

Chen Tianxing shook his head and said: "The Great Elder is right, this sect master has this in mind, so it is even more necessary to establish new regulations."

"As the saying goes, conquer people with virtue!"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, where is this common saying?

"With the strength of our Heavenly Demon Sect, it is not impossible to forcibly integrate the Demon Realm, but has the Great Elder ever wondered why the previous leaders did not do this?"

"This is because……"

The Great Elder was also very clear, "Does the leader say that he can't convince the crowd, even if he barely subdues all the magic sects, he can't gather the strongest power?"


Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "Forcibly integrating the Demon Realm is nothing more than turning the one hundred and eight demon gates into one hundred and eight halls in the Tianmo Cult. There is no substantial change."

"If you want to fundamentally change this problem, you must first change the Demon Sect."

"Only when others admire you from the bottom of their hearts can you have enough reputation to do this, right?"

What he said left the Great Elder speechless. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong after a while.

"All right!"

Chen Tianxing waved his hand, "That's the decision. From today on, our Tianmo Sect will establish a new dogma, and the specific implementation will be handed over to the Deputy Hierarch of Luobei Hailuo."

"Ah, this?"

Luo Beihai was stunned and felt a headache.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Chen Tianxing frowned.

"No, no, this subordinate... this subordinate should do their best!"

Luo Beihai nodded quickly.


Chen Tianxing tilted his head to look at him, "The teacher will test you to see if you are listening carefully."

"Master, please speak!"

Luo Beihai looked serious.

"It was just now that the leader of the sect said that he should conquer people with virtue."

Chen Tianxing said slowly: "Then may I ask the deputy leader, what is the last sentence of convincing people with virtue?"

Luo Beihai was dumbfounded.

"This... this..."

In the Demon Realm, this was the first time he had even heard of convincing people with virtue, so he didn't know what nonsense to say.

Chen Tianxing was furious, "I know that your thoughts are not here!"

"Master, I..."

Luo Beihai was about to cry again, this Old Demon Chen was too vengeful, he couldn't stop beating him!

"Listen well, the leader will say it one last time!"

Chen Tianxing glared at him coldly, "The last sentence of convincing people with virtue is, as the saying goes!"

Luo Beihai: "..."

Great Elder: "..."

The high-level members of the Heavenly Demon Cult: "..."

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