It's just playing with Burning Heaven Ancient Toad, not to the point of making Chen Tianxing go all out.

So ever since he and Yue Qingling left Qingyuan Mansion, Chen Tianxing has never let go of his monitoring of Xiao Mohe.

Although Xiao Mohe never left the inn, he asked his assistant to buy a lot of medicinal materials for him.

Qingyuan Mansion is the headquarters of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and the abundance of elixir resources in the city is far from comparable to other places.

It's just that an inn boy can buy it, and of course it's just some common medicinal materials.

So Xiao Mohe has been playing with these medicinal materials.

Chen Tianxing found out that he picked and picked, and threw half of them aside, while the other half was refined into mud with a small medicine cauldron.

This move made Chen Tianxing think for a while before he understood Xiao Mohe's caution.

Even if it's just an ordinary medicinal material, Xiao Mohe doesn't want anyone to notice his true intention.

Therefore, only half of the things he asked his buddies to buy were what he wanted, and the other half were just used to deceive people.

At this point, Chen Tianxing probably guessed Xiao Mohe's purpose.

This guy is not an impulsive player as he thought before.

Before, he thought that the reason why Xiao Mohe would run back to the sanctuary impatiently for revenge as soon as he recovered his cultivation was because the hatred that had been suppressed in his heart for many years could no longer be controlled, so even though he knew he was going to die, he still came.

But now that he has obtained enough information, Chen Tianxing knows that it is not.

Yue Qingling said that in two days it will be the day of the Shenyi Medicine Sect Examination Conference.

Then Xiao Mohe came to Qingyuan Mansion in a hurry, naturally because of this assessment meeting.

This is the reason why he has to come back at this time after traveling day and night.

Therefore, everything points to the assessment conference.

Chen Tianxing was extremely helpless.

Whether it was Xiao Mohe's purpose or the disappearing Yue Qingling, these two people would appear in the assessment conference.

Xiao Mohe stopped talking.

That Yueqing Ling was originally a disciple of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and the idea of ​​attacking the Fentian Ancient Toad was also because he wanted the ancient toad's scale armor as a medicine guide.

This will definitely take part in the assessment.

what about me?

After thinking about it, he might have to wait patiently for another two days.

How boring!

After these two failed experiences, he was also tired and didn't want to go to work in vain


I simply found an all-night restaurant, picked two girls who didn't have any white light on their bodies, and went to enjoy life.

The next day, Qingyuan Mansion was still lively.

On the third day, Qingyuan Mansion was even more lively.

Almost all the sects who came from all over the sanctuary to participate in the assessment conference had arrived.

Five sects and seven sects, after five days, the high-level people gathered again.

Chen Tianxing, who was enjoying his life, didn't realize that hidden under the excitement was a big net that was in full swing.

The purpose is to catch him, a big fish.

On the fourth day, the much-anticipated Shenyi Medicine Sect Examination Conference finally opened.

"Master, come again next time!"

Early in the morning, Chen Tianxing, whose footsteps were a little flimsy, was sent out of the restaurant where he stayed for two days by two girls with heavy makeup.

"It's easy to say, hey, easy to say!"

Chen Tianxing had an idiot look on his face, and casually threw an ingot of gold, causing the two girls to be reluctant for a while.

Only then did he walk away with two dark circles under his eyes.

Walking to a corner where no one was around, he took a slight breath, and the magic power in his body was in the dark.

The slump on his face disappeared in an instant, and the whole person was full of vitality, without showing any signs of fatigue.

"It's finally about to start!"

He muttered to himself silently, putting his perception on the transformation demon outside his body.

These two days, Xiao Mohe went out for a trip.

Just last night, he finally stopped playing with the lump of mud and quietly left the inn in the dead of night.

Xiao Mohe should be very familiar with this Qingyuan Mansion, even Chen Tianxing wondered if this guy lived here before.

With all his twists and turns, he even touched the range of the outer sect disciples of the Shenyi Medicine Sect. With his powerful strength in the stage of transforming into a god, he captured a deacon elder without anyone noticing.

Then he was taken to a secluded place, killed, and buried.

After finishing all this, Xiao Mohe returned to the inn.

Not idle, took out another Yirong Pill, rubbed it on his face, and then his appearance changed again.

It turned into the person he just killed.

After finishing all this, Xiao Mohe packed his things and came out of the inn overnight, but returned to the residence of the deacon elder.

He was also a man of high art and boldness. He killed the other party and even turned into the other party's appearance.

Chen Tianxing has been paying attention to Xiao Mohe.

His actions confirmed the previous speculation.

Xiao Mohe came to Qingyuan Mansion just for this

Assessment meeting!

In the past two days, he didn't concentrate on enjoying life, and he should pay attention to it.

Through the two more magic eyes released, Chen Tianxing discovered that there were quite a few sanctuary experts who had come to Qingyuan Mansion in the past two days, including his deadly rival, Tai Dao Sect.

It's just that Ye Changsheng didn't seem to come.

In addition, he searched all over Qingyuan Mansion but could not find Yue Qingling's whereabouts.

This little girl seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Of course, it is also possible that it is the inner sect at the core of the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

Chen Tianxing didn't investigate that place carefully.

In the past few days, there are too many great powers in the sanctuary of the inner sect of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and it is difficult to guarantee that no one will notice his external transformation.

While summarizing the information obtained in the past few days, Chen Tianxing walked towards the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

Qingyuan Mansion is very large, divided into inner and outer cities.

The outer city completely encloses the inner city, and the inner city at the center is the most important part of the entire Qingyuan Mansion.

There are two major forces in the inner city.

One is the state capital established in Qingyuan Mansion by the Tianxuan Dynasty, which belongs to the imperial power.

The second is where the sect of the Shenyi Medicine Sect is located.

Even the Shenyi Medicine Sect occupies most of the inner city, which shows its detached status.

Chen Tianxing followed the crowd towards the inner city.

He had already checked it out.

This assessment meeting is divided into two stages.

The first stage is that all disciples of the Shenyi Medicine Sect can participate.

The location is at the square outside the inner city gate.

Because of the large number of people, the assessment at this stage does not require the disciples to refine the elixir on the spot, but to display the elixir that has been refined in advance, and the elders of the Medicine Sect will be in charge of judging, and forty-nine of the outstanding ones will be promoted to the second place. wheel.

However, this is just an opportunity given by the Shenyi Medicine Sect to ordinary disciples.

Those with truly outstanding talents have long been pre-determined and will directly participate in the second round of assessment in the inner city.

The first round of assessment is open to everyone, and anyone in Qingyuan Mansion can go to the square to experience it.

But the second round was set in the inner city, and only members of the Shenyi Medicine Sect, as well as monks from the Sanctuary of the five sects and seven sects who came to watch the ceremony, could enter.

Chen Tianxing was naturally not happy to applaud those little disciples in the square with ordinary people.

What's more, under his surveillance, Xiao Mohe, who has changed his face again, is already making preparations in the inner city.

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