"I, Xiao Mohe, was a hidden disciple of the Shenyi Medicine Sect back then. I believe many people here know about this."

When Xiao Mohe said this, some people on the spot looked calm, and they knew it a long time ago.

Others were stunned.

The Shenyi Medicine Sect uses pills to enter Taoism, which is a special kind among monks.

Therefore, most of the disciples of the Medicine Sect have another identity, that is, alchemists.

The reason why the Shenyi Medicine Sect has a detached position in the Zhongzhou Sanctuary is based on this.

Alchemists are very popular in the sanctuary, and people often come to ask for medicine with heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Most alchemists are naturally willing to accept it. Biqu library

As I said before, the practice of an alchemist requires a lot of materials to practice.

Some people take the initiative to provide materials for you to practice for free, and even pat your chest to protect it, even if you don't get a pill, it doesn't matter.

Such a good thing, few people will refuse.

But very little doesn't mean none.

As the saying goes, there are literary idiots, there are martial idiots in martial arts, and alchemy also has alchemy idiots.

There is a small group of alchemists who don't want their identities to be exposed, and they don't want people to come to ask for alchemy anytime and anywhere to disturb their cultivation.

Therefore, there is a hidden door.

There are very few people in the Yinmen, but they all have a common characteristic.

That is, the talent in alchemy is extremely high!

They don't need to accept requests from the outside world at all. The Shenyi Medicine Sect will provide a lot of natural materials and treasures for them to use in alchemy.

So what they need to do is to focus on alchemy cultivation.

It can be said that the Yinmen is the root of the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

The disciples of Medicine Sect all know the existence of the hidden door, and almost all the disciples want to enter the hidden door. However, the threshold for entering the hidden door is too high, not everyone can achieve it.

Xiao Mohe turned out to be a member of the hidden sect.

This news is shocking at first, but it makes sense when you think about it.

If people like Wanyao Doctor Immortal are not qualified to enter the hidden door, then this hidden door... probably is really hidden.


"Do you feel weird?"

Xiao Mohe sneered and said: "Obviously he is a member of the hidden sect, he should not ask about world affairs, why does he have such a ridiculous name in the sanctuary?"

"Because I was expelled from the Shenyi Medicine Sect by the old dog himself!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Mohe glanced at Cang Wudao who was waking up slowly.

"It was this person who was my master at Yinmen back then, but because of his

Jealous of my talent in alchemy, afraid that I would affect his status in Medicine Sect, so he found a reason to expel me from Shenyi Medicine Sect. "

"It was also after that that the title of Immortal Doctor of Thousand Medicines came into being in the Sanctuary."

"It's ridiculous that the villain who personally expelled me from the Medicine Sect found me again seven years ago."

Having said this, Cang Wudao's complexion became extremely ugly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Mohe, stop spitting blood here!"

Xiao Mohe ignored him, and continued: "The old dog came to me only for a prescription."


Outside the crouching demon formation, Zhou Baiyu, the current master of the medicine sect, couldn't help shouting: "Is my Shenyi medicine sect short of pills?"


Xiao Mohe said coldly: "Then I would like to ask Sect Master Zhou, what is the refining formula of Shengsheng Congealing Blood Pill?"


As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Baiyu's complexion also became ugly.

It took a long time before he gritted his teeth and said: "You Xiao Mohe is just the pill that you researched!"

"But what does this mean?"

He shouted: "Shengsheng Blood Congealing Pill is certainly good, but it won't be seen by the Supreme Elder!"

In front of the five sects and seven sects, Zhou Baiyu didn't want to be laughed at, nor did he want the Supreme Elder whom he had always respected to be slandered.

But this is not without reason.

At least, many sanctuary powers were nodding slightly on the spot.

The effect of Shengsheng Congealing Blood Pill is very strong, but it can only be regarded as a elixir for strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality. It cannot provide monks with instant combat power, and it will not have the miraculous healing effect of life and death.

Cang Wudao has already been famous for many years as a great power, and he has no descendants, so why does he want this elixir?

Xiao Mohe snorted: "At first I thought so too."

"Shengsheng Blood Congealing Pill is just a elixir refined by chance to me, and because of this elixir, I have been disturbed a lot."

"Furthermore, his old dog is my mentor after all. Even if he betrayed me, it's okay to give this prescription."


He looked at Cang Wudao, "It was only by chance that I learned why he wanted this pill."

"It turns out that he didn't want it himself, but was begged by others."

Someone asked Cang Wudao to ask for this blood coagulation pill?

Xiao Mohe's words made all the great powers look at each other in blank dismay.

This blood coagulation pill had to be taken when the monk was young, and it had to be before practicing.

So if someone seeks Cang Wudao for pills, it is naturally not for himself, but for his son.


But Cang Wudao was already the suzerain of the Shenyi Medicine Sect seven years ago, and with his status, not everyone can ask for it.

Speaking of which, they are the ones who have a matching identity.

"Hey Hey!"

Unexpectedly, everyone's expressions were caught by Chen Tianxing's eyes, and he sneered beside him.

"Old Devil Chen, what are you laughing at?"

Zhou Baiyu was in a hurry, and scolded: "The matter of my medicine sect has nothing to do with you!"

Chen Tianxing was not angry either, instead he smiled and said, "I'm laughing at how small you people are."

Ye Changsheng frowned and said, "Chen Tianxing, if you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

Chen Tianxing said: "Isn't this obvious?"

"Having the status and status to ask Cang Wudao for alchemy, and he is extremely concerned about future generations, his words have been said so straightforwardly, you still can't think of it?"

He intentionally paused, glanced at all the great powers of the sanctuary one by one, and wrote lightly: "You idiots, this is clearly referring to the Tianxuan imperial family!"


Hearing these words, everyone's hearts were darkened.

Yes, as the royal family, of course you can ask Cang Wudao for alchemy.

And if there are many descendants, who are ascetic monks who only know how to immerse themselves in cultivation, who can compare to the flourishing royal family?

More importantly, looking at Xiao Mohe's calmness and Cang Wudao's ashen lividness, neither of them had any intention of refuting.

So, is it true that as Chen Laomo said, it was the Tianxuan Dynasty who asked for the alchemy back then?

"Even if it is, so what?"

Zhou Baiyu glanced at Cang Wudao first, then gritted his teeth and said: "The Tianxuan Dynasty is the dynasty in my sanctuary, why not ask them to speak to the Supreme Elder?"

Chen Tianxing shrugged and motioned to Xiao Mohe: "You continue."

Xiao Mohe snorted and said: "Before the old dog, the Tianxuan royal family came to me, but the amount they want, I don't have to do anything for the rest of my life, so naturally I refused."

"The royal family couldn't help me, so they ran to find him instead."

"And the reason why the old dog has the cheek to come to the door on the premise that he knows and feels ashamed of me is that the royal family made a promise to him."

"Or, it's a deal."

Speaking of this point, Cang Wudao couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted: "Xiao Mohe, your ability to make up nonsense is stronger than that of Dan Dao!"

Xiao Mohe ignored him, and said in a deep voice: "The royal family promises that if the old dog can provide them with Shengsheng blood coagulation pill forever, they will give him something."

"This thing is... the theory of heaven!"

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