
Deep blue flames rose from the bottom of the examination field, and the violent sea of ​​flames engulfed Chen Tianxing.

He is an elite disciple of Shenyi Medicine Sect!

The elder suzerains themselves were tricked into making an oath, but they didn't!

Alchemists are good at fire, these disciples are not strong alone, but when they are joined together, they are powerful.

"well done!"

The master of the Phoenix Region brightened his eyes, and said: "Hold on!"

The Kunpeng under his seat fanned his wings, and the fierce wind swept the sky and covered the earth.

This time, it no longer turned into a wind blade, but whizzed and circled around the edge of the sea of ​​flames.

In less than a moment, a strong wind barrier was condensed on the sea of ​​fire, enveloping all the dark blue flames.

"Practice! Practice hard for me!"

Lord Huangyu gritted his teeth, the image of Chen Tianxing turning into a puddle of blood had already emerged in his mind.

Based on the wind, the Lord of the Phoenix Region cast Kunpeng Hurricane into a huge blast furnace, and the flames wrapped in it took advantage of the wind to burn even more violently.

This move made the eyes of many elders of the Shenyi Medicine Sect shine.

If it weren't for the great enemy at the moment, they would very much want to sit down and study the method of using wind as a furnace carefully.

This method is more effective than some famous utensils and treasure tripods!

Seeing that Old Demon Chen was trapped in the wind cauldron, all the great powers in the sanctuary could not help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Immediately, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and they both saw a touch of happiness in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, the Phoenix Territory Lord did not make an oath, which helped them a lot!

From now on, don't believe a single punctuation mark in the words of this old devil Chen!

Among them, the happiest thing is Wudao.

When he discovered Chen Laomo's trick, his heart was icy cold.

It's over.

It's all fucking over!

Not only could Xiao Mohe not be killed today, even Chen Laomo had a high probability of escaping.

The oath made by heaven is just not to kill Xiao Mohe today, but he can naturally kill him tomorrow.

Cang Wudao originally thought that as long as Chen Laomo died, he would try his best to kill Xiao Mohe tomorrow no matter what.

But if Old Devil Chen doesn't die...

Unexpectedly, those disciples of the Medicine Sect who were not in his eyes would suddenly show their power, and cooperate with the master of the Phoenix domain, it is really possible to directly refine Old Demon Chen!

Even if Chen Laomo was not refined to death, Xiao Mohe should die, right?

Finally, this serious problem can be solved!

Cang Wudao breathed a sigh of relief, secretly cheering for his disciples.

pity tonight

It is destined to be a night of disappointment.

The howling wind and raging fire still couldn't cover Chen Tianxing's wild laughter.

"Want to use pill fire to refine the sect master?"

"Did you forget that there is an ancestor who played with fire here!"

The voice fell, and the mutation began!

The flames in the blast furnace suddenly spun, and all the dark blue pill fires were converging towards the center of the vortex.

In a short while, the berserk flame that could melt gold and iron was sucked down to nothing!

The natal pill fire was sucked, and all the disciples of the Medicine Sect below spurted blood wildly, and fell to the ground in disorder.

The figures of Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mohe inside were revealed.

"Hoo... ph... ph..."

Inside the furnace, Xiao Mohe bent his body and panted heavily, holding a small medicine cauldron like an incense burner in his hand.

There was a dark blue flame beating slightly at the mouth of the tripod, as if it was struggling.

With a snap, the pale Xiao Mohe tried his best to close the cauldron cover.

After doing all this, he couldn't hold it anymore, and opened his mouth...


It was heart-piercing to vomit.

Shocked, Chen Tianxing quickly stepped aside.

That big mouthful of dirt was sprayed onto the blast stove, and as the strong wind swept through, it continued to rise.

The face of the phoenix domain master turned pale immediately.

The gust of wind from the blast stove was sent by Kunpeng, and as the mouthful of dirt continued to spiral upwards, it was about to...

Gritting his silver teeth tightly, the Phoenix Territory Lord had no choice but to respond.

Kunpeng turned sideways, flapping its wings crazily, and a new round of Kunpeng hurricanes flew the stove fan that was painstakingly made into the sky.

Chen Tianxing laughed out loud when he saw it.

Now not only the fire is gone, but even the wind is gone.

Can't help but pat Xiao Mohe on the back with satisfaction, and praise: "Old Xiao vomits well!"

Xiao Mohe... has the desire to die.

Thanks to him breaking through the stage of transformation, if he hadn't been turned around by Chen Tianxing like this, his body would have fallen apart.

"Are you feeling better?"

Chen Tianxing patted him again and asked with concern.

Xiao Mohe sighed in his heart.

The leader's approach was a little rough, but after thinking about it carefully, it was the best response now.

After spitting it out, he was indeed better.

"Thank you, Master, much better."

"Okay, bear with me, let's talk after leaving here!"

The big hand lifted Xiao Mohe's collar again.

Xiao Mohe: "...?"


"Who dares to stop me!"

Chen Tianxing's magic power is mighty,

Holding Xiao Mohe, he rushed outside the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

Xiao Mohe was furious once again.

"Go away, the devil!"

Ye Changsheng's face was livid, and he didn't want to let Chen Tianxing go no matter what.

If you miss this great opportunity today, in the future...

Ye Changsheng's heart sank, and he made a decision instantly.

"Comrades, I will leave the rest to you!"

He shouted loudly, and pointed at the sky with his fly whisk!


There was a loud noise in the sky, and a golden sword came out through the clouds.

"Heavenly Dao Holy Sword!"

Meng Hanran's complexion changed drastically. This is the supreme holy sword that even the Tianyan Sword Sect could not cultivate, and it contains the laws of heaven!

What does Changsheng Daoist want to do?

Meng Hanran was the sword cultivator. Ye Changsheng, who was not accustomed to using swords, summoned the Holy Sword of Heaven. While he was shocked, he was also surprised by the opponent's purpose.

The next moment, not only him, but all the powerful people present understood Ye Changsheng's purpose.

And, the last sentence!

The Heavenly Dao Holy Sword is extremely fast, and it seems to be locked on Chen Tianxing. No matter how he dodges, he can always turn the sword head and point directly at the target at the first time.

At their level of cultivation, their perception is so sharp that they can perceive in a split second that Ye Changsheng's target is not Chen Tianxing.

It was Xiao Mohe!

How dare he?

Haven't you already sworn not to kill Xiao Mohe today?


"Longevity real person!"

Meng Hanran burst into tears, and his admiration for Ye Changsheng had reached the limit.

Ye Changsheng, this is to kill Xiao Mohe himself!

Yes, he, Ye Changsheng, did take an oath, but that doesn't mean he can't touch Xiao Mohe.

As long as he holds the heart of dying with him and exchanges his life for Xiao Mohe's, he can kill him!

Ye Changsheng is ready to disregard Tian Tian's oath.

That's why I came up with that sentence, and the rest of the matter will be left to them.

The reason why Chen Tianxing was arrogant was because he was sure that they would not dare to attack Xiao Mohe, so they had nothing to fear.

And Ye Changsheng, who is unwilling to give up this excellent opportunity to slay demons, is planning to exchange one for two!


The disciples of the Taiyi Sect wept bitterly.

"Chen Laomo, you have been fighting each other for more than ten years, let's go together today!"

Ye Changsheng had a resolute face, he had already abandoned Fuchen and pointed like a sword, and transferred all his cultivation bases into the Heavenly Dao Holy Sword.

This sword will kill three people!

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