"This Meng Hanran!"

"Where are you from?"

Chen Tianxing was furious.

This guy can really talk!

That little mouth blah, broke through old man Ye!

It was also at the peak of the transformation stage, how could the changes in Ye Changsheng's body be hidden from his eyes?

This time, the pressure increased greatly.

Ye Changsheng's breakthrough, although not yet equal to him, but the gap between the two has narrowed a lot.

What's more, this old man is currently holding the heart of death.

This is trouble!

Chen Tianxing's eyes rolled wildly, trying to think of countermeasures.

By the way, there is him!

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he looked in one direction.

On the other side, Ye Changsheng's sudden outburst of tyrannical power also shocked the sanctuary's powerhouses.

Meng Hanran was overjoyed and said, "Really, have you made a breakthrough?"

After the words fell, Ye Changsheng slowly opened his eyes, and the divine light shone in those eyes, and his cultivation was better than before.

"Sect Master Meng, thank you very much!"

Ye Changsheng bowed slightly, turned his gaze to Chen Tianxing, and said in a deep voice, "Master Chen, let's... let's fight again!"


Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "I have made a breakthrough, and I have become more rigid in my speech."


He shook his head again, "Even if you break through, in the eyes of my leader, it's still not enough!"


The cold words came from the sky, and it was the Phoenix Territory Lord.

"With us, is it enough to see?"

In other directions, the experts from the five sects and seven sects all surrounded him with stern faces.


Meng Hanran was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Okay! This is what a sanctuary should look like!"

It doesn't matter whether these people were moved by Ye Changsheng's actions, or woke up by his words, or it was Ye Changsheng's breakthrough that gave them confidence.

In any case, it is always a good thing that all the powerhouses in the sanctuary are united again.

Even if it is dead...

Meng Hanran glanced at Xiao Mohe who was guarded by Chen Tianxing, and there was a hint of determination deep in his eyes.

Xiao Mohe is only one person, even if he is to be severely punished by heaven, there will only be one person on their side.

One for one, and then kill Chen Laomo.

This deal is not bad at all!

Why don't you just let me...


Chen Tianxing stood up proudly, and said proudly: "I, Chen Tianxing, have fought countless battles to the death in my life. I have to see such a small scene several times a year. What's the big deal?"

"Devil, the tone is not small

! "

Master Lingxu Geluo reprimanded: "Then let you see how a small scene can kill a big devil!"

Without seeing how he moved, there was suddenly a mist around Chen Tianxing.


Chen Tianxing looked down.

The ethereal mist wrapped around his body, but it looked extremely dignified. For a moment, Chen Tianxing felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and his movements became extremely slow. Biqu library

"Heavenly cycle!"

Ye Changsheng also made a move at this time, took out his whisk and pointed at Chen Tianxing!

Dots of golden power imply mysterious whirling force, which stirs the misty fairy mist of Master Luo, making it more evenly cover Chen Tianxing's whole body.

With his breakthrough, his control over the cycle of heaven became more subtle, and within a short time, Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mohe were wrapped in a golden light ball.


What Lingxu Pavilion practiced was a water-attribute technique. With the strength of the suzerain Luo Li, now he can even condense the weak water of Tianhe with spiritual power!

The so-called weak water only takes one scoop of three thousand.

It's not that you can't take more, but the fact is that the weak water of the Tianhe River is very heavy!

In the legendary weak water Tianhe, goose feathers do not float, immortals and Buddhas cross over, let it reach the heavenly realm, dare to cross the weak water, there is only one end, that is to drown in the water, and be decomposed and melted by the weak water.

Master Luo's cultivation level is still a bit weak, so he can only use Tianhe Weak Water in the form of mist, which is usually used to trap enemies.

But at this moment, Ye Changsheng was added to forcibly fuse the weak narcissus fog together, and in the golden light ball, water droplets already appeared.

As long as weak water exists, why should Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mo perish in the water.

There was a divine light in Ye Changsheng's eyes, and the whisk was waving endlessly, and he was able to control it, gathering a large amount of mist on Chen Tianxing's body. As for Xiao Mohe, he was just trapped and unable to move.

This Tianhe weak water was caused by Master Luo. Ye Changsheng didn't want him to be punished by the oath of heaven, so he spared no expense in his cultivation to divide the inside of the golden light ball into two.

The effect is extremely remarkable.

Whenever a drop of water appears in the photosphere, the photosphere suspended in mid-air will sink a little.

And looking at the progress, almost when the light ball fell on the ground, the weak water inside was enough to decompose Chen Tianxing.

The other great powers were not idle either, each of them brought out their housekeeping skills, and set up heavy restrictions outside the light sphere to prevent Chen Laomo from launching a ruthless attack and rushing out of the prison.

As for Meng Hanran and the Phoenix Territory Lord, they are on the outermost side, ready to defend at any time.

Inflict a surprise attack.

Everyone in the sanctuary cooperated perfectly!

"Is this stuck?"

However, Ye Changsheng, who was doing his best, always felt that he was not stable enough.

He has fought with Chen Laomo for many years, and he knows this devil very well.

The current situation is not in line with Chen Laomo's usual arrogance?

not to mention……

His eyes were full of brilliance, and his gaze pierced straight into the ball of light like a sword.

Chen Tianxing, who was trapped by the weak water of Tianhe, didn't even seem to struggle, and let him imprison him.

Even if you break through, it's still not enough in the eyes of this leader!

Chen Laomo's arrogant words were still in his ears.

But after uttering this ruthless sentence, how did he behave like this?

No, this is not right!

Ye Changsheng was shocked, and a bad premonition spread in his heart.

This old devil must have other plans!

But what is he plotting?

A breakthrough in cultivation did not make Ye Changsheng's mind turn faster.

Just when he couldn't figure it out, somewhere in the rear, a person's scream made him suddenly turn around.

That man's voice is...

Cang Wudao!

Since the beginning of the war, Cang Wudao has been hiding behind others, and has never made a move.

Therefore, when everyone was trying their best to deal with Chen Laomo, he, the former suzerain of Shenyi Medicine Sect and the villain Xiao Mohe called, had already been forgotten.

But at this moment, it was him who screamed!

"Elder Cang!"

When Ye Changsheng turned around, he saw Cang Wudao clutching his chest and falling to the ground in pain. At the same time, his other hand trembled, pointing behind him, and gritted his teeth: "Chen Laomo...he... ran away!"


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

He hurriedly looked closely, and sure enough, he saw two black shadows flying over the roof of the Shenyi Medicine Sect at an extremely fast speed, and they were about to disappear at the end of the night.

How did he escape?

Looking at the golden ball of light in shock, it was empty!

In addition to the weak narcissus mist that is still hovering, where are the figures of Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mohe?

"Hurry up!"

Meng Hanran was short-tempered, so he opened the way with the Chiyan Xuejian first, and chased after the two fleeing black shadows.

The others followed closely behind, and most of them had already left in a short while.

Ye Changsheng frowned, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Looking at the people in the sanctuary, they wanted to speak out to remind them, but they were afraid that without him, they would suffer a lot from Chen Laomo.

In desperation, he could only follow closely.

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