After all, Yue Qingling did not return to Jitian Demon Realm with Chen Tianxing.

Under Xiao Mohe's sharp gaze, she walked away with tears in her eyes.

Even Chen Tianxing's nose was sore when he saw that lovely and pitiful appearance.

more importantly……

Girl, you haven't given me your white light yet!

the other side.

"Go away, the devil!"

Meng Hanran chased after the two fleeing, with the same momentum.

"You, Chen Laomo, will be chased like a lost dog one day!"

When he thought of the arrogant look of Chen Laomo before, he couldn't help but get angry.

In addition, at this moment Meng Hanran has surpassed everyone and caught up to the number one position.

His target was not Chen Tianxing, but Xiao Mohe.

Moved by Ye Changsheng's compassionate heart, Meng Hanran secretly decided to die instead of the real Changsheng!

As long as he can get rid of Xiao Mohe, the Daoist Changsheng who has greatly increased his strength will surely make the old devil fall for him!

Well, he deserves to die.

Maybe it was because of Meng Hanran's provocation that the two fleeing in front couldn't take it any longer, so they gradually slowed down, looking like they were going to fight Meng Hanran.

"Okay, this is the demeanor of a devil!"

Meng Hanran's eyes lit up, and he leaped into the air. The red sword in his hand was like a giant ax that opened up the world, and he slashed at one of them head-on.


The sword came out like a rainbow, and the sharp sword light not only split the sky, but also split the body of one of them.

One sword cuts two!

Got it?

Meng Hanran's heart beat violently.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad that my life was not long.


Just when Meng Hanran was in a complicated mood, the figure that had been split apart exploded with a bang, emitting a large cloud of devilish energy.

"This is……"

Meng Hanran was startled, but suddenly realized, and shouted, "No!"

A group of sanctuary powers also arrived at this time.

Hearing Meng Hanran's expression turned ugly, he said, "We've been fooled, this is Chen Laomo's external transformation!"

As he spoke, he slashed his sword again.

With a bang, the other figure he identified as Old Devil Chen was also broken by a sword.

Meng Hanran's strength is not bad, it's just a doppelgänger, so he can't help him.

"Damn it!"

"This old devil is so cunning!"

The rest of the great powers also looked ugly.

These people are the top forces in the sanctuary, but they were played by Chen Laomo unexpectedly.

Ye Changsheng also rushed over, and couldn't help but smile wryly when he saw the result. Biqu library


He shook his head, unable to help but say nothing.

"It's not a pity, it's because some people don't want to win!"

Meng Hanran's anger still persisted, and he glared at

The pale Cang Wudao said coldly: "Elder Cang has a good cultivation and a good mood!"

As soon as these words came out, Cang Wudao widened his eyes, "Master Meng, what do you mean?"

Meng Hanran sneered, "You don't understand what I mean, do you?"

"It's just two transformation demons outside the body, with Elder Cang's strength, how could he be injured by him?"

"I just said that these two belong to Old Devil Chen, so it's you?"

After the words fell, Cang Wudao's face turned blue and white.

That's right, the reason why everyone is chasing these two external transformation demons is because of him.

It was he who told Old Devil Chen to run away, how could the others chase after him in shock?

But at that time, he already had ghosts in his heart, and suddenly he was attacked by the demons outside his body. He was frightened and angry, and gave wrong information without elaborating.

In fact, after chasing after him, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became, but at that time he didn't dare to look back by himself, so he had to bite the bullet.


Cang Wudao clenched his teeth, "You mean, I let Old Demon Chen go on purpose?"

"Why would I do this?"

"Don't forget, that Xiao Mohe has been slandering the old man, how can I help them with the Heavenly Demon Cult?"

Meng Hanran was unreasonable, and sneered, "Who knows what your plans are, Elder Cang, shouldn't you have an explanation for what Xiao Mohe said?"

Cang Wudao said angrily: "When will my Medicine Sect explain to Tianyan Sword Sect?"

"Does Medicine Sect do something?"

Meng Hanran keenly grasped the words in his words, playing with flavor: "What a medicine school does."


Cang Wudao knew that he had made a mistake, and became angry from embarrassment: "Meng Hanran, if you continue to mess around, don't blame the old man for being rude to you!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

The red flames in Meng Hanran's hands flourished.

"You two don't get angry."

When Ye Changsheng saw it, he hurriedly floated between the two, and the peaceful and upright Taoist spiritual power escaped, trying to suppress their anger as much as possible.


Meng Hanran snorted angrily, after all, he gave Ye Changsheng face, and didn't say anything more.

On the contrary, Ye Changsheng looked at Cang Wudao, frowned and said: "Elder Cang is not to blame, but what Xiao Yixian said today, the old Taoist will definitely investigate, if there is something offended, I apologize in advance."

If it was just a matter of Shenyi Medicine Sect, Ye Changsheng might not ask too much.

But it was rumored in the Sanctuary back then that the Wanyao Doctor Immortal Xiao Mohe's family died at the hands of the Heavenly Demon Cult, and this blood debt has always been placed on Chen Laomo's head.

But today Xiao Mohe said that the person who harmed him was Cang Wudao.

in the end is

Xiao Mohe talked nonsense after joining the Demon Sect, and he was still a villain and a hypocrite. Ye Changsheng was determined to find out about this matter.

What's more, this matter also involves the Tianxuan imperial family.

If it is said that the royal family colluded with Cang Wudao, then the monks who pretended to be Tianmo Sect back then were from the royal family.

So here comes the problem.

The Tianxuan royal family is the dynasty of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, where did they come from?

Ye Changsheng felt that this matter must not be that simple.

at the same time.

"Are you sure it was the Tianmo Sect who killed your family?"

Chen Tianxing, who had already left Qingyuan Mansion, was asking Xiao Mohe.

"Not sure, maybe even sure, no."

Xiao Mohe shook his head, and then his eyes flashed killing intent, "But I can be sure that they are demon cultivators!"

"Your sanctuary also has demon cultivators?"

Chen Tianxing played with taste: "With old man Ye's stubborn temper, would he allow demon cultivators to exist in the sanctuary?"

Xiao Mohe was silent for a moment, and said: "I don't know about this matter, but it must be related to the Tianxuan Dynasty."

"At that time, I escaped desperately and entered the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm in desperation. Later, I was fortunately taken in by the leader. Since then, I have been living in Blackwood Mountain. Regarding what happened back then..."

He shook his head and sighed: "There is no way to investigate clearly."

"That's why I went to God today, no matter what, my Xiao family's affairs have nothing to do with him. Killing him can be regarded as revenge for my Xiao family!"

"It's not full, is it?"

Chen Tianxing shrugged, "Old Xiao, you see that you are already old, why are you still so impulsive in doing things?"

"You don't think about yourself, you have to think about your son, right?"

These words made Xiao Mohe's body stiff.

Difficult to say: "The leader of the Shenyi Medicine Sect once mentioned that you...know that I have a son?"

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "Little devil, isn't he? That child is quite cute."

Speaking of this, Xiao Mohe also understood.

At that time, I wanted to take revenge, so I must have ignored Chen Tianxing who was following me secretly.

But with the relationship between the two of them now, he doesn't care anymore.

He just sighed: "I know that the leader wants to persuade me, but how can I, Xiao, not repay this enmity?"

Chen Tianxing rolled his eyes.

Of course the leader wants to advise you!

It took so many things to get back this guy's sincerity. He was also afraid that Xiao Mohe would sneak away to the sanctuary for revenge if the weather was not favorable.

It doesn't matter if he dies, his granary will be gone.

"If you want to take revenge, my leader has a way, it depends on whether you are willing or not."

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