Huang Quan Stranger!

This is a supernatural power that the great elder of the Tianmo Sect has cultivated all his life.

The reason why it is said to be supernatural powers rather than magic powers is because this Huangquan Molu does not have any offensive ability.

It's a bit like Ye Changsheng in Sanctuary's Taoist saying that the spirit shrinks into an inch, but it can instantly compress the space to achieve the purpose of changing the distance of the target.

However, Huangquan Molu's ability to compress space is not as good as shrinking to an inch, but it has advantages that shrinking to an inch does not have.

That is the aura that can affect the mind of the person being attacked, making him feel as if he is in hell, and attacking the opponent from the heart.

So if we want to say which of the two is stronger and who is weaker, it is estimated that we can only compare who has a higher realm and a better understanding of divine power.

Huang Quan, as the Great Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect, although weaker than Ye Changsheng, the great power of the Sanctuary, can still stand firmly in the second echelon.

With this supernatural power in his hands, the effect can be maximized.

What's more, the Mozun's thoughts were always on Chen Tianxing, and when he didn't notice it for a while, Huang Quan took advantage of the loophole and successfully displayed his supernatural power.

"Hahaha, old man, are you surprised?"

And just when Mozun was astonished at Huangquan Molu, Chen Tianxing was standing beside Mohua Elder at this moment.

Huang Quan is both a stranger and a fellow traveler!

In fact, what pulled Mozun and Chen Tianxing apart was the reverse action, not compressing the space but enlarging it.

That's why they can achieve the effect that both of them are in the Heavenly Demon Palace, but they seem to be separated by the sky.

And taking advantage of the stunned Mozun, Huang Quan acted again, compressing Chen Tianxing to Xiao Mohe's side.

"you dare!"

The demon king drank in a fit of rage, his thoughts frantically twitching.

However, what surprised him was that even though he had given the order to kill Xiao Mohe, the abominable demonized elder still stood still, as if he hadn't sensed his intentions.

It's because...the distance is too far.

"Damn Huang Quan, even you dare to betray me!"


What responded to him was a bone cracking sound.

Chen Tianxing went down with the Heavenly Demon Saber, directly cut off the arm of the demonized elder, and rescued Xiao Mohe from his claws.

He shouted again: "Let's go!"

After the words fell, the little black dots in Mozun's eyes changed again and turned into three dust particles.

Only then did I see that Huang Quan was indeed with Chen Tianxing.

I hate myself the most

This guy should be killed first!

But it was too late to wake up now.

With Mozun's realm, if he had been wary of Huangquan Molu in advance, then the Great Elder hiding in the dark would have no chance of succeeding.

But Chen Tianxing's strength was beyond his expectation.

So much so that Mozun was relaxed at the beginning, but later had to deal with it with all his strength, leaving him no time to take care of other things.

What's more, he would never have thought that it would not be enough to have a Chen Tianxing in the Tianmo Sect who dared to oppose him. Even the elder Huang Quan, the elder of the three dynasties, also put him together at a critical moment.


After finally breaking free from Huangquan Molu, how can there be three shadows in front of him?

The Demon Venerable was so angry that he roared again and again, and the terrifying demonic energy shook everything around him to powder, but it was in vain.

the other side.


Thousands of miles away from the Demon Cult, the pale Huang Quan suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, his body limp on the ground.

Affected by this, Huangquan Molu was released immediately, revealing dozens of figures.

It was Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mohe, besides that, even the Baiguang disciples rescued by Chen Tianxing, including the medicine hall disciples, were among them.

"Great Elder!"

Chen Tianxing supported Huang Quan, and the profound magic power poured into the opponent's body.

"No problem!"

Huang Quan's expression softened a little, he gritted his teeth and got up and said, "Master, let's go further, otherwise..."

"No need!"

But Chen Tianxing said: "The old don't dare to chase after him."

After the fight with the demon swords just now, the consumption of the Demon Lord was not small.

And when he realized Chen Tianxing's powerful strength, he would not make any plans for Chen Tianxing if he was not fully prepared.

After all, Mozun didn't know how many pills Chen Tianxing had on him.

Although the other party is not his real master, he has a lot of memories of the original owner, and he is not ignorant of the demon master's behavior style.

On the other side, Xiao Mohe was also recuperating his injuries with the help of the medicine hall disciples.

Everyone's face was sad, and many disciples had cold hands and feet, and their faces were terrified, feeling desperate for the current situation.

Even the priest...

Once upon a time, Chen Laomo's impression of invincibility was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

But today there is someone stronger than him

The devil turned out, not only crushing the leader, but even almost wiped out the Heavenly Demon Sect with his own power!

Now they escaped, but what should they do in the future?

The establishment of Tianmo Yaotang gave everyone hope.

As passers-by who are unknown in the Demon Realm, they are so excited to be able to practice alchemy with Xiao Mohe, the famous doctor of ten thousand medicines.

He even swore secretly that he would not disappoint the leader's expectations.

But now even the leader has fallen.

Where is their way out?

Not long after, Xiao Mohe finished healing first.

Although his injury was serious, it was a skin trauma, which was nothing to him.

Walking up to Chen Tianxing, he first checked Huang Quan's injuries, and then said to Chen Tianxing: "Master, Xiao owes you another life!"

Chen Tianxing delivered magic power to Huang Quan, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yixian, you don't have to be polite, speaking of it, you saved us."

Xiao Mohe: "?"

Huang Quan also sighed: "That's right, if it weren't for Xiao Yixian, the old man would not have found a chance to make a move."

Chen Tianxing added: "But to be honest, I am really surprised that you are willing to stand by me under such circumstances, Great Elder."

Only he and Huang Quan knew what happened just now.

At that time, Mozun was angry and said that he would abolish his position as leader, and would not give Chen Tianxing a chance to take the lead.

One move, Heavenly Demon Purgatory, arouses the deepest demon nature in people's hearts. Even the powerful elders can't resist it, and they are demonized one after another.

But Huang Quan is different.

There is white light on Huang Quan's body, and he will not be affected by the demon purgatory.

But at that time, how dare he show that he is fine in front of the demon king?

So I can only pretend that I am suffering from great pain, and there will be signs of demonization at any time.

After all, his cultivation base is higher, so Mozun didn't think much about it.

What's more, the Mozun's attention was still on Chen Tianxing at that time.

Then Xiao Mohe appeared and assisted Chen Tianxing in rescuing those white light disciples. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huang Quan secretly resorted to Huang Quan Molu, keeping himself away from the scope covered by the demon purgatory in an instant.

Then Chen Tianxing was furious and turned back to attack the Demon Lord, completely detonating the situation on the scene.

At that time, no one paid any attention to whether there was Huang Quan among the demonized elders.

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