The Heavenly Demon Cult in ruins.

Mozun sat on the throne of Nine Demons with a livid complexion.

Below him, a group of elders and palace masters knelt on the ground, and no one dared to raise their heads at this moment.

The Heavenly Demon Purgatory was lifted, and except for one of the demonized elders who were torn apart, everyone else returned to their original state.

It's just that the demonization also hurt them very much, and it won't be difficult for them to recover after a year or so.

Luo Beihai and Su Yiming didn't kneel, but they lowered their heads and lowered their eyes, not daring to say a word.

In that case, Chen Tianxing was even allowed to run away. Biqu library

Back then, the two of them were actually standing behind the two elders who held Xiao Mohe hostage, but they didn't stop them.

In case Lord Mozun blames it...

Luo Beihai's sweat had already dried up, leaving only the fear in his heart.

After finally getting Chen Tianxing down, he began to recall how terrifying and unreasonable the demon king was back then.

You know, that used to be his nightmare too!

Blame that damn Chen Tianxing!

Involuntarily, he cursed Chen Tianxing in his heart.

To be honest, before Chen Tianxing did those messy things, Luo Beihai was still living comfortably.

When he has nothing to do, he engages in small plots. Chen Tianxing will do it if he can, and if he can't, he will bow his head and admit his mistake. As long as he is honest for a while, the fooling will pass.

Although Chen Tianxing is also a cruel and tyrannical master by nature, compared to his master, he is still much easier to talk about.

The most important reason is that Chen Tianxing is arrogant!

He is so arrogant that he doesn't take anyone seriously, so he doesn't think anyone will pose a threat to him.

It was this arrogance that saved Luo Beihai, who had a different heart at the beginning.

As for Mozun, his moodiness is even higher than that of Chen Tianxing, and once he senses that anyone has the slightest possibility of threatening him, he only follows one principle, that is...

I would rather kill my mistakes than let them go!

Working under Mozun is really much more difficult than following Chen Tianxing.

For a short while, Luo Beihai felt regretful in his heart.

If, if it weren't for the new bullshit rules, why would he live comfortably and invite the Demon Lord back?

The new canon...he really couldn't stand it anymore!

So, now it can only be endured.

"The old man has not been teaching for more than ten years.

In 2010, you didn't make any progress at all. "

When the atmosphere was suppressed to freezing point, Mozun finally spoke lightly.

In just one sentence, everyone lowered their heads.

"Tian Xing, but the old man didn't miss it."

"But unfortunately..."

Mozun's eyes flickered.

Almost all the elders present were from the Tianmo Sect, but Su Yiming was the only one who had experienced the horrors of those years.

They couldn't be more clear about what Mozun was thinking.

This is already extremely strong killing intent.

But it's a pity. On the one hand, it's a pity that Chen Tianxing has such strength, but he wants to escape from the evil way.

On the other hand, it is a pity that he was allowed to run away.

If this child is not eliminated, it will become a serious disaster.

Both the demon venerable and everyone present are well aware of this.

With Chen Laomo's temperament, he suffered such a big loss today, how could he let it go?

In the future, if he makes another breakthrough and reaches the level equal to that of Demon Venerable, his strength will probably be even higher than that of Demon Venerable!

At that time, what else can they do but wait to die?

"Master Mozun, this subordinate has a plan, I don't know..."

Su Yiming had the guts to speak up at this moment because he was not a member of the Tianmo Cult after all.

Mozun glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Su Yiming broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Old Devil Chen... Chen, Chen Tianxing, he is doing a lot of things in the Holy Realm in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm. The subordinates think that there is a reason for this."

Swallowing his saliva, he said again: "Master Mozun didn't know that not long ago, more than 30,000 elite monks gathered in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, and they wanted to attack the Demon Realm!"


As soon as this remark came out, a stern light flashed across Mozun's eyes, "That bull-nosed Ye Changsheng, is he impatient?"

Su Yiming trembled, and then continued: "That was very strange..."

As he said that, he recounted the details of the last time the Sanctuary attacked the Demon Realm, and Luo Beihai inevitably added some details.

Hearing this, Mozun frowned more and more deeply.

"You mean, old man Ye led people to fight against Demon Realm, but in the end he left without even farting?"

He looked thoughtful, "This doesn't look like old man Ye."

Su Yiming replied: "Yes, and it was Chen Tianxing who personally ordered me not to pursue him. It can be regarded as that he let the Sanctuary go. If not, the Zhongzhou Sanctuary would be seriously injured!"


At the beginning, my subordinates couldn't understand why Chen Tianxing would do this, but not long after this incident, he began to implement new regulations in the Tianmo Sect, and he wanted to come between the two..."

Mozun glanced at him again, and said coldly: "So you mean, what kind of tacit understanding did Tian Xing have with Old Man Ye in the process of fighting alone?"

What happened to Chen Tianxing and Ye Changsheng in the grove that night is still a mystery on the Moyu side.

But later, the teaching rules of the Tianmo Sect were greatly changed, and there was an intention to make people positive and good.

Therefore, there have been speculations among the demon sects in the Demon Realm, but no one dared to ask Chen Tianxing.

"Tianxing colluded secretly with Sanctuary?"

Mozun sneered, "Why would he do that?"


Su Yiming hesitated for a moment, and said: "My subordinates don't know, but now is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!"

Mozun frowned, "Let's listen."


Su Yiming didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately said: "For more than ten years, Chen Tianxing has been eager for quick success and has attacked the sanctuary several times, so that all the sects in the sanctuary hated him to the bone."

"Then we can secretly send someone to spread the news that Chen Tianxing has been expelled from the Demon Realm, and then secretly observe the reaction from the Saint Realm."

"If Sanctuary's reaction to this is indifferent, then it is almost certain that Chen Tianxing has colluded with Sanyu."

"But if the sanctuary receives the news and wants to seek revenge from Chen Tianxing, then we have nothing to lose, which is equivalent to..."

"Equivalent to..."

I can't go on talking about it here.

On the other hand, Mozun sneered and said, "Equivalently, the Moyu and the Sanctuary joined forces to hunt down and kill Chen Tianxing?"

"Do you think that Chen Tianxing can't be dealt with with the strength of this deity, or do you think it can't be done without that sanctuary?"

Su Yiming was shocked when he heard it, he fell to his knees with a plop, and said anxiously: "This subordinate didn't mean that, please learn from me, my lord!"

"Sub... This subordinate just thinks that Chen Tianxing is very scheming. If more people search for him, the chances of finding him are higher. They don't mean to be disrespectful to Lord Mozun!"

"Yes, it's because the subordinates didn't think carefully!"

In desperation, he wished he could give Mozun two kowtows.

Mozun stared at him coldly, and said for a while, "I think your plan is good, so let's do it this way."


Su Yiming was numb.

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