"It doesn't matter, the rain will stop eventually."When Lin Xian said this, he put his hand directly on hers.

At this time, Zhuang Tong, who was still looking at the rain falling on the car window, also She turned her head directly and looked at Lin Xian who was driving a vehicle beside her. In fact, in today's situation, if it weren't for Lin Xian helping her, Zhuang Tong would have been unable to hold on long ago.

Although outside now The wind was strong and it was pouring rain, but in fact, her heart was more or less warmed by Lin Xian.

In this way, after driving slowly for a while, the two of them finally arrived at the hospital again.

When they came out of the restaurant just now, the rain had just started to fall.

When they arrived at the hospital, the rain outside became more violent.

For a while, the bumpy ground outside suddenly became It was filled up by the sudden rain.

If the rain continues to fall as it is now, I'm afraid it won't survive tonight. All the rainwater accumulated on the road can be used for swimming.

Just when the rain was getting heavier, Lin Xian and Zhuang Tong returned to Zhuang's father's ward.

At this time, Zhuang's father had come to his senses.

And the nurse aunt who was looking after him here, Always taking care of him

"Dad, you wake up."

Zhuang Tong, who had just pushed the door open and saw Father Zhuang with his eyes open and lying on the hospital bed, ran over and spoke excitedly.

Now this is the second time that Father Zhuang has He woke up, but could not speak at this time.

Therefore, when Zhuang Tong and Lin Xian appeared next to him one after another, Zhuang's father worked very hard towards them and slightly nodded. He shook his head and gestured.

Even though Father Zhuang couldn't say a word now, his consciousness was in a completely awake state.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

Even though Zhuang Tong was beside Father Zhuang and kept talking, the nurse aunt suddenly brought over a basin of water.

When seeing this scene, Lin Xian at the side asked curiously stand up

"It has been eight hours since the patient's surgery. His body now needs a little more water, so I took a basin of pure warm water."

"But didn't the doctor say that my father should not be able to drink water due to his current condition?

Just when Lin Xian was about to respond to her words, Zhuang, who was sitting next to Zhuang's father, raised his head and looked at the nurse aunt and said stand up.

Yes, but you can use a towel dipped in warm water and gently wipe the patient's lips, which can alleviate the lack of water in his body."

While the nurse aunt was talking, she put a clean small square towel into the warm water basin and gently dipped it in a little bit of warm water.

"It turns out it can still be like this!"After Zhuang Tong listened to her explanation, he understood immediately.

Next, the nurse aunt temporarily took off Father Zhuang's oxygen mask.

After that, she took the small square that had been wetted with water just now. He slowly wiped the towel on his lips.

Regarding patient care, Lin Xian and Zhuang Tong were indeed not as professional as the nurse aunt, so during the whole process, the two of them only Being able to watch helplessly and do nothing.

After the nurse aunt put a little water on Father Zhuang's lips, she gave him a full set of body care.

Because now Father Zhuang's body is only He was a little better just now, so the nurse aunt only gave him the most basic care.

By the time this set of professional care was over, the night was already deep.

And the heavy rain that had been falling outside was crackling all day long. One night.

When it dawned the next day, all the dark clouds in the sky finally dispersed.

This situation is what is said in legend, when the clouds and mist are cleared and the sky is clear.

Lin Xian, who had been up early, arrived. In the corridor outside the hospital.

When he accidentally looked up at the sky outside, he saw a colorful rainbow hanging in the mid-air not far away.

"The rainbow is out!"

While he was sighing to himself about this sentence, he quickly ran back to the ward and called Zhuang Tong over.

Then, he took Zhuang Tong to where he was just now.

Next In just one second, he directly raised his hands and covered Zhuang Tong's eyes.

At this time, Zhuang Tong was a little confused by his sudden move.

When Lin Xian asked her to come over just now, He never said what it was about. Until now, Zhuang Tong, who was kept in the dark, still didn't know what he was going to do.

"Um? Lin Xian, what are you?……"

Just when she was about to ask Lin Xian what he was going to do, he just asked Zhuang Tong to raise his head.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xian removed his hands from her eyes.

"Tongtong, look!"

When he just finished speaking, Zhuang Tong also opened his eyes dimly.


Just when Zhuang Tong said these two words, she saw a beautiful rainbow hanging diagonally in front of her.

"Wow...it's a rainbow!"

The moment she saw the rainbow, the corners of Zhuang Tong's mouth involuntarily raised by forty-five degrees.

This time, she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

After all, the rainstorm had stopped, and Father Zhuang was fine. The inexplicable force that suppressed Zhuang Tong disappeared along with the new rainbow.

Everything has cleared up after the rain.


In the next two or three days, Lin Xian accompanied Zhuang Tong and took care of Zhuang's father in the hospital.

Now, the hospital they are in has a series of the most professional nursing staff and medical machinery.

In addition, the VIP ward they are staying in now has ten times more professional care than ordinary patients, so Father Zhuang's physical recovery is much better than previously expected.

After all, the effects between the two are mutual.

When more energy, time, and money are invested in taking care of patients' bodies than ordinary people, then their body mechanisms will naturally improve quickly. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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