As soon as the middle-aged woman finished speaking, some of the guests sitting and waiting nearby also stood up to protest.

They believed that they had made reservations to eat at the restaurant long in advance. They had been waiting in line for a long time and their patience was almost exhausted. As a result, at this time, Lin Xian and An Ran were taken directly inside by the restaurant manager to eat, and they suddenly became angry.

"Manager, please go out and take a look. Another customer is making trouble outside the door......."

Feeling that the situation was getting out of hand, a waiter responsible for maintaining order outside the restaurant hurried to the restaurant and asked the manager to come forward to solve the problem.

In fact, due to the special service system of their restaurant, situations like this happen from time to time, so the restaurant waiter said that another customer was making trouble outside the door.

At this time, the restaurant manager is seriously serving his member customer Mr. Lin Xian

"Mr. Lin Xian, there are some things I need to take care of outside. You two can take a look at the menu first."

After Lin Xian nodded in agreement, the restaurant manager hurried to the front hall.

At this time, the front hall was already in a mess and noisy.

"Please be quiet, everyone. I am the manager of this restaurant. Do you have any problems that need to be solved?"

The restaurant manager said loudly to the loudest guests.

"You are the manager. How do you manage your restaurant? We made a reservation long in advance, and when we arrived, we were left waiting in line. I don’t know who the man and woman were just now, but they could go in to eat directly after getting off the elevator. What do you mean?"

The person who stood up and spoke was the middle-aged woman who started the trouble in the first place.


"That’s right, what do you mean?"

"You have gone too far!"

It was quiet for a short time, but after the middle-aged woman finished speaking, it became noisy again.

"Please be quiet, please!"

At this time, even if the restaurant manager screams, no one will calm down and listen to what he has to say.......

"this......What's going on outside?"

Because the sound in the front hall was so loud, An Ran and Lin Xian could hear it even if they were sitting in the booth of the restaurant. An Ran, who was studying the menu carefully, was disrupted and asked.

"I don’t know, I’ll go take a look."

Lin Xian was also a little displeased by the noise. He originally wanted to enjoy the delicious food, but how could he eat in this environment. So, Lin Xian got up and came to the front hall of the restaurant.

From the seat to the front hall of the restaurant On the way, Lin Xian had roughly understood what the people outside were arguing about. After all, the noise was really too loud.

"It's over or not, why are you arguing?"

Lin Xian shouted loudly the moment he opened the door to the front hall. This group of unqualified people really angered him.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Mr. Lin Xian, there are some problems in the front hall of our restaurant. I'm sorry to disturb your meal!"

Seeing Lin Xian coming out so angry, the restaurant manager rushed over to apologize.

You know, there are only fifty people in Sweden who have membership cards in this restaurant, so they naturally treat their members with great respect.

"Wow, isn’t it? This is the attitude towards someone who ignores our answers?"

Seeing the restaurant manager's humble apology to Lin Xian, the middle-aged woman who just made trouble began to attack again.

"Hey, I don’t know who this person is. When I saw this manager, I was about to lie down on the ground and lick his shoes."

After seeing Lin Xian, these people continued to talk out of control, and even used some unpleasant words to attack the restaurant manager and Lin Xian. After all, the reason why they are causing trouble here today is because of Lin Xian, and now Lin Xian is again Appearing there undoubtedly poured more fuel on their fire.

"OK, then I'll tell you who I am. I came from Shanghai to participate in the Crafford Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, but this should not be important to you people. I guess you will never come into contact with these profound things in your life."

Lin Xian first said with great disdain that he was the winner of the Crafford Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and said in a very contemptuous tone that these people here would never be exposed to such profound things in their lives.

"Yeah, what does this have to do with eating here?"

"Come on, if you win a prize, you can jump in line at will?"

"Oh my god, are all young people today like this? Are you talking in such a crazy tone?"

It seems that none of the people here are exposed to these profound things. Not only did they not appreciate the value of Lin Xian, but they started talking one after another.

"Okay, let's talk about why I can go in to eat before you. Don't you know that this restaurant is a membership-only restaurant? As long as you go through the membership procedures, you never need to make a reservation or wait in line at the door. You can come and eat at any time. Lin

Xian said that because he was a member of this restaurant, he could come in and out at will.

"Aren't you just a member? I can do it too"

"That’s right, it’s just a matter of paying a little more dues."

"I'll do it too, otherwise I'd have to wait here and smell the aroma of other people's meals."

When they heard that the reason why Lin Xian could go in without queuing up was because he had become a member, these people couldn't sit still and expressed that they also wanted to become members.

People who can come to this restaurant to eat are actually of a lower economic level. It's still pretty good, so they don't care about the small amount of money like recharging a card to become a member.

"Did you all do it right just now? This is the restaurant manager. You can just go to him directly. I remember that everyone can directly register as a member by paying a membership fee of 150,000 yuan per year, right?"

Looking at the ignorant looks of these people who thought they were rich, Lin Xian pointed to the people who shouted the loudest just now and told them that if they pay a membership fee of 150,000 yuan a year, they can become members immediately and enjoy being with him. The same treatment.

When I heard that a one-year membership costs 150,000 yuan, the front hall suddenly became quiet. The people who had just shouted loudly fell silent for an instant and stood dumbfounded.

Although most of them were economically disadvantaged. Not bad, but not to the point of paying 150,000 yuan in annual membership fees. If it were 150 yuan, they might give it some thought.

"how? Isn’t it just 150,000 yuan to become a member? Why are you still and silent?"

Seeing them standing there stunned, Lin Xian curled his lips and said

"Since you can't afford the money, don't think that others enjoy better treatment than you. My treatment is bought with my own money. If anyone makes loud noises and disturbs me while eating, I will exercise my membership privileges and let them The restaurant kicked you out."

Looking at their dull expressions, Lin Xian didn't bother to talk nonsense to them. He just said that if these people continued to make trouble here, he would ask the restaurant to kick these people out. After all, for the restaurant, To put it bluntly, the small amount of money these people spend here is no match for Lin Xian's expensive membership fee.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Lin Xian, let's go back and order food."

Feeling that the matter had almost calmed down, the restaurant manager said to Lin Xian. Lin Xian didn't say anything more and went straight back to his cubicle.......

"What's the matter? What's going on?"

Seeing that Lin Xian and the restaurant manager were back together, and it seemed quiet outside, An Ran asked

"It's okay, they are just a bunch of vulgar people who think they are rich."

Lin Xian didn't say anything more to An Ran. He just smiled and shook his head. Then he picked up the menu and continued to look at the dishes on it.

After being taught a lesson by Lin Xian, the people outside the door also Be honest, sit quietly and wait for your number to be called

"I'd like a reindeer sashimi, and you can have the rest."

After all, An Ran has never been to such a restaurant. She looked at the menu for a long time before choosing such a dish. She was embarrassed to order other items. After all, she didn't know much about it.

"Wow, you are good at ordering. Reindeer meat sashimi is only sold in this restaurant. It is said to be very fresh and you should try it. Let’s have two portions. I was planning to eat this too."

Lin Xian said.

He was not speaking for An Ran, but reindeer meat sashimi was the specialty of this store, and he had known about it before coming here.

"The reindeer meat we serve here is very fresh and has no peculiar smell, so you can rest assured. Do you need any other snacks?"

The restaurant manager continued to ask while writing down two orders of reindeer meat sashimi in his notebook.

"Two servings of your handmade meatballs, and two servings of mashed potatoes. Lin

Xian flipped through the menu and said.

"Okay, I ate a lot for breakfast and I’m not very hungry yet."

An Ran said

"Okay, let's serve it like this first, and by the way, open a bottle of your best red wine for me, thank you."

After that, Lin Xian returned the menu to the restaurant manager, and then said.

After the restaurant manager took note of the meals they ordered, he hurried to the kitchen to supervise. After all, Lin Xian is a distinguished member, so he must take good care of it. Take care of it.

Since all the dishes are freshly prepared, it took about twenty minutes for the restaurant manager to come over with all the dishes for Lin Xian and An Ran.

"This is a dish for you two, please use it with caution."

After that, he closed the door of the compartment and gave the members a private space.......

"Let me try the reindeer meat sashimi first. It looks really delicious."

An Ran said, staring at the reindeer meat sashimi in front of him.

"Um......The taste of this venison is really tender,"

An Ran said with satisfaction after taking a small bite.

"Because this is not ordinary venison, you must have heard of reindeer, which is the legendary Santa Claus mount. Lin

Xian said jokingly

"Hmm, this reindeer meat sashimi tastes really delicious. I used to be quite averse to eating sashimi, because if it’s not processed well, it will always have a fishy smell, but if it’s processed too much, the original taste and nutritional value will be lost. All will be lost."

An Ran said, An Ran also has some research on eating.

"Yes, you said everything I wanted to say. Lin

Xian said with a hint of a bad smile.

Seeing Lin Xian's expression, An Ran bowed his head in embarrassment and took another bite.

"What are you doing? Are you embarrassed now?"

Lin Xian had no intention of letting An Ran go, he continued.

"Okay, okay, I can’t stop your mouth even if I eat."

After saying that, An Ran scooped up a large spoonful of mashed potatoes and half-stood up and put it into Lin Xian's mouth. Lin Xian's mouth was filled to the brim in an instant.

After the intimate interaction last night, it was obvious that Lin Xian The relationship with An Ran has also become closer.

Before, whether on the plane or during yesterday's trip, the two of them had the feeling of wanting to get close to each other but deliberately keeping a distance. But today, there is no longer any relationship between the two. What distance exists, revealing the ambiguous atmosphere anytime and anywhere?

"Um......This mashed potato also tastes very good and delicate."

After being fed a big mouthful of mashed potatoes by An Ran, Lin Xian had to chew them slowly and swallow them. After tasting them carefully, Lin Xian was also very satisfied with the taste of the mashed potatoes. Watching

Lin Xian enjoy it Looks like, An Ran couldn't help but taste the mashed potatoes in front of him

"It's really, really soft. I seem to taste some vanilla aroma. It's so delicious."

An Ran said

"Well, try this meatball again, this meatball is the real signature dish."

After that, Lin Xian picked up a meatball with a fork and waved it near An Ran's mouth. An Ran just opened his mouth, but to his surprise, Lin Xian made a roundabout way and put the meatball back into his mouth. inside

"You are so naive......"

An Ran, who had been tricked, rolled his eyes helplessly and said, but in fact, his heart was still full of happiness.

Seeing Lin Xian eating so deliciously, she had no choice but to pick up another meatball to try.

"The hand-made meatballs do have a different feel, they are very elastic, as if they were processed and synthesized. Lin

Xian said first

"Yes, I feel very fragrant and elastic."

An Ran also echoed.

Now Lin Xian and An Ran are like two food reviewers, eating the food in front of them bite by bite, and then commenting on the taste of each dish in almost professional language

"Have you booked your flight for today? Are you going back tonight?"

After chatting about what to eat, An Ran asked about their return trip together today.

"We have already arranged for someone to book the flight for around 6pm today. As long as we are not late, we will arrive at around 11pm. Lin

Xian said casually while chewing

"how? Do you still want everyone on the plane to wait for you for an hour or more? It’s so unethical!"

An Ran sighed and said helplessly.

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