In the first half of the program, what impressed Lin Xian the most was a man performing a very charming mechanical dance. Lin Xian, who was sitting in the front row, could even see the clear wrinkles on his face.

With the changing lights and the enthusiastic dancing of the actors, the atmosphere at the entire scene was very exciting, which also made Lin Xian and Jennifer very happy. At the end of the show, the entire bottle of champagne was empty.......

"Oh crap, I forgot we came by car."

After the two walked out of the show, they looked at their red convertible in front of them, Jennifer said.

Her face was slightly red at this time, but her speech and thinking were still very clear, but she had a little more special charm than before drinking.

"It doesn't matter, we can definitely find a driver to take us back. Lin

Xian said. According to Lin Xian's drinking capacity, this is not a problem.

"Why don't we walk back and take a stroll along the road~"

Jennifer didn't seem to be very willing to find a driver to ruin the atmosphere between the two of them. She said she wanted to walk back along the road together. Anyway, the distance is not very far, so we can come along. Take a walk


After that, the two of them walked towards the hotel.

The hotel Jennifer booked for Lin Xian happened to be located near the Eiffel Tower. It would be good to take advantage of the night to see the Eiffel Tower.

Although it is under construction The Eiffel Tower was quite controversial at first, but I have to say that this iron hollow tower is beautiful.

And from dusk to early morning, the tower will flash for the first ten minutes of every hour.

When Lin Xian and Jennifer walked under the Eiffel Tower, it happened to be It was 11:02 at night.

Just because he was really tired today, Lin Xian didn't want to bother climbing the tower anymore. The two of them just paused for a while under the tower. After the flashing ended, they left and returned to the hotel.......

Being tipsy, Jennifer insisted on sending Lin Xian back to the room.

"You had a great time today. When are you going back?"

Maybe it's because she drank some wine, or maybe because she got to know her better after getting along for a while, Jennifer no longer looked as reserved as before. She sat next to Lin Xian and turned around to ask.

"Return tomorrow afternoon. Lin

Xian responded. While he was talking, he stood up and poured water for Jennifer.

"It just so happens that I don’t have any classes tomorrow, so I’ll be your free guide for another day!"

Jennifer said. It seemed like she quite enjoyed spending time with Lin Xian.

"OK, where to go?"

Lin Xian asked. It's also fun to play alone. Wouldn't it be better to have such a beautiful woman to accompany you?

"How about Disney?"

Jennifer thought for a moment and said


Lin Xian readily agreed.


Jennifer frowned slightly, looking like she had some concerns.

"What's wrong? Lin

Xian asked

"But my car is still at the entrance of the show. How are we going to get there tomorrow?"

Jennifer suddenly thought that because she had drunk tonight, her car was still parked in front of the Crazy Horse show. Disney is a long way away, so it is inconvenient not to have a car.

"We just walked back from the show for only ten minutes. I will drive to the show gate tomorrow and pick you up at the school gate on time at eight o'clock."

In Lin Xian's opinion, this matter can be easily solved. The hotel is so close to the show, so he just needs to pick up the car early.

"That's great. I'll leave you the car keys. I'm going back to school first. See you tomorrow!"

After that, Jennifer happily kissed Lin Xian on the left cheek and left to take a taxi back to school.......

Early the next morning, Lin Xian got up early as promised and came to France for two days. The so-called jet lag seemed to not exist for him at all.

He walked to last night's show, where he could also breathe in the fresh air of Paris in the early morning.

"I've already gotten in the car. It will take about ten minutes to arrive at the gate of your school. Are you ready?"

After getting in the car, Lin Xian first sent a message to Jennifer, saying that he would be arriving soon and to see if Jennifer was ready.

""Uh-huh, I'm ready too, see you later~"

Jennifer quickly replied.

Since Jennifer is an extremely delicate girl, she needs a lot of time to clean herself up before going out.

But after all, she just had a relationship with Lin Xian They had known each other for a short time, and she was embarrassed to have people wait for her, so she got up early, washed and put on makeup. It was almost time and Jennifer arrived at the school gate. At this time, Lin Xian was already waiting for her at the gate.


Jennifer waved towards Lin Xian, and Lin Xian also smiled heartily. He really likes such cheerful girls.

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

Jennifer asked, blinking her big eyes.

"No, I just arrived. Lin

Xian replied.

Today, Jennifer finally no longer wears the kind of clothes that make people nosebleed. She wears a light pink casual outfit and no longer puts on heavy makeup. She looks very pure and cute.

"Eh! Mr. Lin Xian!"

Just when Jennifer and Lin Xian were about to get in the car, Lin Xian suddenly heard someone calling his name from behind, and he stopped.

Lin Xian looked back and found that the person who spoke to him at the mathematics conference yesterday was The old professor is calling him

"Um, hello. Lin

Xian responded with some embarrassment.

"Ah, Professor John?"

Before the professor could speak again, Jennifer, who was following Lin Xian, said

"Jennifer? Why are you with Mr. Lin Xian? Are you going out to play?"

It seems that Professor John and Jennifer know each other.

"Well, today I am working as a tour guide for Mr. Lin Xian, and we are going to Disneyland together."

Jennifer replied

"Ah, let me introduce you first. This is Mr. Lin Xian. He is here to attend the mathematics conference of our school. This is my tutor, Professor John, but it seems like you know each other?"

Seeing Lin Xian standing nearby with a confused look on his face, Jennifer took the initiative to introduce them to them.

It turned out that the old professor who chatted with Lin Xian yesterday was named John. Coincidentally, he turned out to be Jennifer's tutor.

"I attended a mathematics conference yesterday with Mr. Lin Xian. I admire him very much. I didn't expect that you told me before that the foreign guest you were responsible for receiving was Mr. Lin Xian."

Professor John said

"Yeah, yeah."

Jennifer nodded and said. From the communication between her and Professor John, it is not difficult to see that Jennifer should be regarded as a student that Professor John prefers to respect.

"We are so destined. Mr. Lin Xian, Jennifer is the best student in mathematics in the only class I teach."

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