"It's okay, I know you've been busy and hard lately......"

An Ran was still a little sleepy. She opened her eyes slightly and her voice was very magnetic.

This early in the morning, An Ran's gentleness made Lin Xian feel as warm as a spring breeze. He couldn't help but hugged An Ran into his arms and kissed her heavily.

Just when An Ran was intoxicated with Lin Xian's love, Lin Xian's cell phone suddenly rang.

Lin Xian got up with some annoyance, walked to the bedside table and picked up his mobile phone. When he saw Professor Dai written on the caller ID, his brows relaxed a little.

"Hello, Professor Dai. Lin

Xian said first when he picked up the phone.

When he heard that Lin Xian was answering the call from a professor at his college, An Ran, who was a little angry at first, eased his bad mood a little.

"Lin Xian, I remember you came back today, right? Are you already in the Magic City now?"

Professor Dai asked over the phone, but his tone sounded hesitant and hesitant to speak.

"I'm back. I came back last night. Lin

Xian replied. In fact, at this time, he could probably think of what Professor Dai was looking for.

"Didn’t you notice the previous hot searches about you receiving the award in Stockholm?"

Professor Dai continued to ask, and it turned out to be exactly what Lin Xian had thought.

"I noticed it, but is it really necessary to pay attention to that kind of news? Lin

Xian said, in his opinion, these people in the media like to make up some random news to attract everyone's attention. If they can elicit a response from the parties involved, wouldn't it be more of what they want?

"Lin Xian, I understand your character and your level. I know that these research results must be from your own thinking, and it is really easy for you. But for those who have been engaged in academic research all their lives but cannot get any satisfactory results, they naturally cannot understand it."

Professor Dai said earnestly. As Lin Xian's mentor, he certainly knows Lin Xian's strength.

"People who understand me like you will naturally understand. As for those people, I really don’t need to explain to them......."

Lin Xian still said that he did not want to mention this matter again, it was unnecessary.

"In fact, when this incident happened, the college leaders called everyone for a meeting, but at that time I knew that you were going to France soon, so I explained the situation to the leaders without disturbing you. This matter has a bad impact on you and our college. Why don't we stand up and tell the truth, so that those who are not well-intentioned can suffer and walk around."

After all, Professor Dai had guaranteed his vote in front of the college leaders. He said that he would definitely convince Lin Xian after he returned from France, so now he can only use all his strength to convince Lin Xian.

"Okay, then you can decide the time, place and method of clarification and let me know."

Listening to Professor Dai repeatedly persuading him, Lin Xian could also feel that Professor Dai must have something to hide. Since this was the case, there was nothing wrong with standing up and telling the truth, so he compromised.

"Well, then you should have a good rest first. I will discuss it with the college and contact you."

Hearing that Lin Xian finally agreed, Professor Dai said happily.

After that, the two of them hung up the phone.......

"It's the college professor's phone number."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xian turned around and found that An Ran was fully dressed and sitting quietly, so he explained

"Hmm, is it still the hotly searched thing last time?"

An Ran was not angry or unhappy, but asked softly

"Yes, the college hopes that I can come forward to clarify. This matter may also have some bad effects on the college. Lin

Xian said

"In fact, I also think it should be clarified. If you silently say nothing, it is as if you have acquiesced to this matter. Then whenever you are mentioned in the future, you will be labeled with this bad label, and you will want to tear it off. I'm afraid it's not that easy."

An Ran also expressed his views very calmly.

"Okay, I have agreed. Let’s wait for the notification from the college. Lin

Xian said, and then he lay down next to An Ran, nestling in the warm and comfortable quilt without wanting to get up.

An Ran also naturally leaned into Lin Xian's arms. After waiting for him for so long, he could finally be quiet again. Alone.

As a ray of sunlight shone into the room, An Ran and Lin Xian seemed to be sleepy again, and their eyelids began to fight.......

Just when Lin Xian and An Ran were sleeping comfortably again, Lin Xian's cell phone rang again.

"hold head high......Your phone rang......"

After hearing the sound, An Ran opened his eyes drowsily, then handed the phone to Lin Xian

"Maybe it's the college again......."

Lin Xian said impatiently

"Hello. Lin

Xian answered the phone, his tone full of boredom.

"Forehead......Did I disturb your rest?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a gentle and delicate female voice. After hearing Lin Xian's tone, she said apologetically.

When Lin Xian heard this voice, he sobered up a little. He stood up and put the phone away. He took a look at it and saw the three words"Ding Yurong" on the screen, which made him wake up instantly.

Ding Yurong, the captain of Lin Xian's private yacht team and the manager of Lin Xian's League of Legends team.

After receiving her call, It should mean that something went wrong with one of the two teams.

Because Ding Yurong can be said to be a very independent person with strong working ability, after handing over these two teams to her, Lin Xian almost I didn't bother too much, she was all in charge.

"It's okay. If you have anything to say, just tell me. Is the problem on the yacht side or the League of Legends team?"

Lin Xian immediately corrected his not very good attitude just now, and his tone became much softer.

After hearing Lin Xian's obvious change in tone, An Ran on the side also became energetic. Because through the phone receiver, An Ran Ran Neng could probably tell that it was a woman's voice, and it was quite pleasant. Coupled with Lin Xian's sudden soft tone, An Ran was quite curious about who the person on the phone was.

"I know you are very busy recently, and I didn’t want to disturb you, but at present I feel that there is a problem with the status of our League of Legends team, and it may be a problem that I cannot solve myself, so I can only contact you."

Ding Yurong said helplessly.

"what is the problem? Lin

Xian asked

"Because our team has not yet developed very maturely, I have been constantly thinking of ways to train the players, hoping to complete team building as soon as possible. But recently......"......

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