Ding Yurong, the manager, is managing them.

No matter how outstanding Ding Yurong is, she used to manage all women. Now facing five of them, who are also in a new profession like professional players, it is really difficult to resist, so the current situation has emerged.

Five minutes later, they appeared in front of Lin Xian one by one. Seeing Lin Xian's angry eyes, none of them dared to raise their heads.

"Tell me, what do you mean? Lin

Xian asked

"I......We just feel that since we have been training here for so long, we are weak at the beginning and need to strengthen our training, that’s okay. But it’s been so long and we’re all very proficient, so why does the training intensity still have to be so high? This is unreasonable."

The one who spoke was the young man who was impatient to open the door just now. His name is Zhang Meng. Although there is a big difference between his appearance and his name, looking at his reckless appearance now, he is indeed quite fierce.

When he first saw Lin Xian's At that time, they were really shocked. After all, in their hearts, Lin Xian was their big boss, a very majestic person, and naturally quite timid.

But as he talked, he seemed to feel that his reasons were sufficient. , so I became tough.

"Do you know who you are talking to?"

Looking at Zhang Meng's unruly look, Lin Xian felt angry and funny.

He was angry that Zhang Meng dared to talk to him like this, but he was laughing because this young man was too ignorant.

"this......No matter who you talk to, this is the case, right?"

Zhang Meng obviously felt guilty, but he didn't know what kind of arrogance was at work in his heart. He still tried his best to respond calmly.

"You should know very well what kind of treatment you enjoy in my team. Why do I give you such good treatment? Because you are handsome? Or is it because you are greedy, sleepy and disobedient to discipline? Lin

Xian sneered.

After hearing what Lin Xian said, Zhang Meng finally didn't say anything anymore.

"Let me tell you, I, Lin Xian, am building this League of Legends team just to make it the best and top-notch. Manager Ding is the most suitable manager I selected. Since I stay in this team, I must obey the management of the manager. Don't say that your current level is not good enough. Even if you reach a level where you can win with your eyes closed, Manager Ding asked you to give me high-intensity training, and you must endure it. Do you understand?"

Lin Xian said, he said that he does not want people who disobey discipline. Although he is usually busy and does not have so much energy to worry about the team's affairs, he has great faith in Ding Yurong's ability and requires the team members to obey Ding Yurong. All orders of Rong


The voices of four people who were not very neat came from the opposite side. Only the Zhang Meng who just did not say a word.

"You can pack your bags and leave."

Lin Xian was too lazy to talk nonsense to this person anymore. He was obviously unable to hold himself up to the wall. Lin Xian pointed at Zhang Meng with his right index finger and said

"ah? I am the best among the five of us, why should I leave?"

Zhang Meng asked in confusion.

In the usual training process, Zhang Meng's level is indeed better than the other four team members. It is probably for this reason that he thinks he is so important that Talk back to Lin Xian directly

"There are so many reasons why, it’s enough that I despise you. You are just the highest level among these five people. You don't seem to be a rare talent, right? Lin

Xian said.

Zhang Meng usually behaves very arrogantly in front of everyone. This time, he instigated the entire team's disobedience to Ding Yurong's discipline. Therefore, Lin Xian, who didn't have a very good impression of Zhang Meng, Xian, through these brief ten minutes of getting along, became more convinced that this person could not be kept.

Zhang Meng, who was used to being arrogant in front of his teammates, felt very embarrassed after being suddenly hit by Lin Xian's words.

He knew very well in his heart that he He was originally a person with little ability, but he finally joined Lin Xian's team because of his good game skills. Once he left, he would never find such a comfortable and well-paid job again.

But Lin Xian's words made him This person who cares about his own face has lost all his face. He has no way out. He can only turn around and pack up his luggage and leave.

"Is there anyone else who wants to go with him as much as he does? Lin

Xian asked the remaining four people.

But no one dared to say anything.

"Since you have no intention of leaving, you must abide by the rules every day you stay here. I usually don't have so many opportunities to get along with you, so everything must be arranged by Manager Ding. Otherwise, just pack up and leave."

No one on the other side said anything. Lin Xian knew that Zhang Meng was mainly responsible for everything that happened recently, so he was unwilling to hold other people responsible. He just used Zhang Meng's incident to warn them. After that, the remaining four Individuals took the initiative to go to the training hall. They didn't even wait for Lin Xian and Ding Yurong to arrange tasks for them. They also didn't go to eat first and went straight to the training hall.

"Or my management ability is too weak, and I need you to make a trip to solve this problem in person."

Ding Yurong said apologetically.

Her apology was not polite on the surface. She felt from the bottom of her heart that there was a problem with her management ability, which led to such a situation.

Ding Yurong has been extremely demanding of herself since she was a child. A strict person, she always requires herself to complete the same or more difficult tasks as others quickly and well, and does not even allow herself to fail.

Faced with the problems within the team this time, Ding Yu, as a manager, Rong blames herself very much because she is too independent and wants to be strong.

"It is normal that you have no experience in this area before. I hope this can give you a better understanding of this industry and these professional players. And this is obviously a problem with Zhang Meng's mentality. This kind of person starts to swell without even playing a game. When he really achieves results in the future, I guess I won't even take him seriously?"

Seeing Ding Yurong blaming herself so much, Lin Xian couldn't help but smile and comfort her.

Although such a problem occurred this time, Lin Xian knew very well that Ding Yurong was an excellent subordinate and an excellent manager. He has always trusted her very much.

Ever since Ding Yurong took over Lin Xian's League of Legends team, under her management, the team has indeed become better and better. What happened this time was completely due to Zhang Meng. It was caused by stability factors, Ding Yurong has no responsibility

"I will definitely manage this team more carefully in the future."

Ding Yurong said.

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