In this large gallery, there are all kinds of paintings, including oil paintings, prints, pencil drawings, etc., a dazzling array of paintings.

And these come from all over the world.

Of course, under these famous paintings, there are also some less famous but extremely distinctive paintings on display.

Now Lin Xian and Shangguan Xueer were walking leisurely along the long gallery.

Every time I walk next to a work, I will look at it carefully and appreciate it for a while.

"Um?"The Woman in Green"》?"

After admiring many paintings, Lin Xian suddenly stopped.

Shangguan Xueer, who was originally about to continue walking forward, returned to Lin Xian's side after seeing him stop.

"Do you know this painting too?"

"certainly! The author of this painting is Claude Monet! Although there are the darkest shadows at the edge of his painting, it can also bring shocking colors."

"If you carefully appreciate this place, it will really give people a unique feeling."

Lin Xian raised his head and pointed at the unique colors in the corners next to the"Woman in Green".

Shangguan Xueer crossed her hands on her chest, and then blinked quickly, there was something meaningful He nodded deeply.

You must know that Claude Monet is a representative of the Impressionism School. All his paintings depict fleeting momentary impressions obtained from nature.

And all paintings On the subject, even the darkest, darkest and most inconspicuous painting area will still seep out unique colors.

He is the first artist to explore this kind of issue in depth from the visual line upward.

It was precisely because of this reason that Lin Xian stopped and appreciated this painting more deeply.

Just when Lin Xian was deeply attracted by Monet's"Woman in Green" While he was sleeping, Mu Wanqing suddenly appeared next to him.

"Xueer, junior fellow student, what are you two looking at, so fascinated?"

Lin Xian turned around to look at him, then raised his head again to gesture to the painting in front of him.

"Senior sister, you actually made this painting, okay!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but give his thumbs up.

After receiving his praise, Mu Wanqing glanced at the painting"Woman in Green", and then responded with a smile on her face:"Do you like it? There is also a finale work in this exhibition"

"Really?"When he heard this, Lin Xian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, with a trace of expectation flashing in his eyes.

"Wan Qing, are you talking about the most expensive painting in this exhibition?"

Before Mu Wanqing had time to answer his words, Shangguan Xueer started asking.

Mu Wanqing nodded seriously at her.

"Senior sister, you two should stop suing here. Where is that painting? Shangguan Xueer explained to him:"We have just visited two-thirds of the venue, and the most precious painting is in the remaining place!""

When she said that, Mu Wanqing nodded in agreement.

"So what are we waiting for here now? Let’s go and have a look."

Then, Mu Wanqing and Shangguan Xueer took him to the most precious painting.

Now the painting that they two said is the most precious, although the area of ​​​​the painting is not here. It is the largest among the international art exhibitions in Zhongchang, but it is the most meaningful, the most valuable, and the most eye-catching.

Before the three of them arrived in front of this famous painting, Lin Xian had already glanced at it. I saw it among the dazzling array of paintings.

"Is this the painting you are talking about?"

Mu Wanqing and Shangguan Xueer nodded in unison.

"How about it, junior fellow student, are you surprised? Lin

Xian couldn't help but nodded, and then fixed his eyes tightly on the painting.

"This is Salvador Dali's"The Persistence of Memory"》"

The first time he saw this painting, Lin Xian recognized who painted it.

"How come you are so good at recognizing this painting by Dali at a glance?"

Shangguan Xue'er, who was standing aside, didn't expect that Lin Xian knew more about painting than she thought.

You know, some paintings are not something that everyone can recognize casually.

And just now I was visiting and admiring this gallery. When looking at the paintings on display, whether they are famous or somewhat unpopular paintings, Lin Xian can quickly tell the name and artist of the painting. With this kind of experience, I am afraid that even someone with thirty years of experience can Older artists over 20 years old cannot reach this level.

"Because I had seen Salvador Dali’s paintings in an art museum before, I was already familiar with them."

"So this is ah!"

"How about it? Isn't this painting great?"Just when Shangguan Xueer nodded solemnly, indicating her acquiescence, Mu Wanqing stepped forward and started talking.

Lin Xian, who was originally standing here, now deliberately took a few steps forward..

At this time, the distance between him and the painting was a little closer.

After he reflected all the scenes in the painting in his pupils, he began to talk.

"Um! As we all know, this painting"The Eternity of Memory" depicts a dead and quiet wilderness."

"And every object that appears in this wilderness intentionally or unintentionally reflects the painful and helpless reality of life."

"Although these are incomplete beauties, they fully demonstrate the charm of surrealist painting at that time."

"This kind of charm makes people yearn for it."

When he said this, the invisible sadness seemed to have pulled Lin Xian into this painting.

In addition, even those who were admiring this painting"The Eternity of Memory" 》The people who transformed into it all began to feel sad involuntarily.

These bursts of emotions that can inspire people from the side may be the charm of these artworks.

It is precisely because of the existence of these charms that the value of these artworks will be people discovered.

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