I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 232 Mathematics is more interesting than life

Huang Weifeng, 39 years old, is a professor at a famous Chinese university. It is not uncommon for him to win the Shiingshen Chern Mathematics Award.

Shen Qi is 21 years old. He is a postgraduate student in a famous international university. It is quite rare for him to win the Chern Mathematics Prize in Chinese mathematics circles.

Is there anyone who questioned Shen Qi?

Is there anyone who is jealous of Shen Qi?

Of course there is.

It is a courageous and courageous decision for the Chinese Mathematical Society to present this award to Shen Qi.

Of course, this also has higher-level strategic considerations.

At the national level, encouraging young scientific researchers to get involved in major scientific research projects as soon as possible is a long-term solution.

The longer the academic life span, the longer the contribution to the country, which is a truth that ordinary people can understand.

For a major project that enriches the country and strengthens the army, from preliminary research to formal project approval, then to implementation, verification, and finally to completion and putting into use, it will not be uncertain for more than ten years or even decades.

The core members of the scientific research team change frequently, which is not conducive to project research and implementation.

Therefore, scientific research workers with earlier academic maturity can participate in or even preside over major national scientific research projects in their youth, which is a matter of great benefit to the country and the people.

Fortunately, this kind of academically mature young scientific researchers is showing a growing trend. Designers born in the 1980s have become the backbone of the C919 project, and engineers born in the 1990s have participated in the research and development of the new aircraft carrier drive system. They are China's precious wealth.

The most expensive thing in the 21st century is talent.

It's just that Shen Qi is really too young, which also shows the determination and courage of the Chinese Mathematical Society.

Shen Qi stepped onto the stage in a suit and leather shoes, his face was solemn and steady, and his eyes were reverent and reverent.

To put on a show with the reporters, you can gag and pretend to be B, but Shen Qi dare not make mistakes in front of the mathematics experts all over China.

"What the hell is math? I think she's a woman who deserves our love."

This is Shen Qi's opening remarks.

"Of course, he can also be a man, worthy of our love." Shen Qi added.

The audience was in an uproar and then agreed, yes, there are also female mathematicians, and mathematics is their man.

"If you don't love her, how can you spend your whole life without complaints or regrets? I love my woman very much, yes, I love her, and I have no complaints or regrets." Shen Qi paused for a few seconds when he said this, but there was a lot of darkness in the audience. It was impossible to distinguish faces.

In the auditorium, Sun Erxiong, Ou Ye, and Zhou Yu'an took their seats in succession.

Ouye was originally physically weak, but now his face was radiant. She was joyful and proud, delighted in love, proud of her man.

Zhou Yu'an couldn't help applauding. The buddy who used to be in the dormitory is now on the stage to accept the award. This is the dream of every person who loves mathematics.

"If Mathematics is really a woman, then Shen Qi, you are too bothered..." Zhou Yuan muttered to himself while applauding.

"You don't care about him, you only love men and not mathematics, so there is a gap between you and him." Zhou Yu'an whispered to Ouye, "I even began to miss the calculation girl who used to be, the three-none girl who had no humanity at all. is the most powerful."

"I don't regret it." Ouye did not hate Zhou Yu'an as usual, and then added: "Besides, I also love mathematics."

"Excessive words, huh, woman." Zhou Yu'an shook her head and continued to listen to Shen Qi's acceptance speech.

"I'm telling the truth..." Ou Yexin said, my love for mathematics is called normal love, he, he is crazy about mathematics.

Shen Qi walked back and forth on the stage, walking slowly: "I'm not a math prodigy, the subject I hated the most when I was young was math, until one day, I realized that I had to learn math well, because if I can't do it well, the college entrance examination must be miserable .”

"The door to a new world opened, and I fell in love with mathematics."

"Someone asked me, is math boring?"

"I asked him, will life be boring day after day?"

"He was speechless."

"I told him that math is more fun than life."

"Thank you. My speech is over. I would like to thank the Chinese Mathematical Society for awarding me this award. Thank you!"

Shen Qi bowed to express his thanks, and the acceptance speech was finished.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and Shen Qi's speech came from the bottom of his heart, affecting most of the people present.

After the meeting, some media published an article: "21-year-old mathematics genius Shen Qi: There is a love called mathematics, which is more interesting than life."

Shen Qi returned to the hotel, took a shower, and went to bed.

"Your speech today was very emotional." Ouye said lying on the bed.

"Yeah, just say something from your heart." Shen Qi lay beside Ouye and said, "My dad will come to Hong Kong tomorrow, let's have a meal together."

"Oh." Ouye was nervous, and asked cautiously, "What does Uncle Shen like?"

Shen Qi: "Businessmen like money."

"Then..." Ouye was speechless but felt that it made sense, she was very embarrassed: "Then I can't, give your dad a bank card?"

"Hahaha, you are so humorous, come on, give me a kiss." Shen Qi rolled on the bed sheet with a smile, rolled and kissed Ouye.

"We met for the first time, I have to give your dad a gift, just a little thought." Mrs. Ou was stubborn, and asked again: "Besides money, he always has hobbies, right?"

"Ouye, you are too polite. I am very embarrassed. I have met your father several times, and I didn't give you anything. He even bought me a bottle of Pulse. Girlfriends don't come in, so they don't need to bring gifts. Yes, this is the rule of our old Shen family. It’s just a light meal, it’s that simple, my dad is easy to talk to.”

"Okay." Ouye agreed verbally, but he was still uneasy. Would it be embarrassing to see such things as parents? If the performance is not good, will points be deducted...

"Don't think so much, go to sleep." Shen Qi comforted, and then rolled on the bed sheet with Ouye.

"Bad guy...every day...well...take it easy...it hurts..."


Young men and women who have just tasted human affairs will have the second and third times after the first time. After the sublimation of love, the passion is the most full.

The two parties get to know each other more deeply, and they can tell the people around them about the distress that they can’t talk about outside, and share the joy of harvest with the people around them. The two work hard for the same goal, and work together towards the end of happiness.

Shen Qi has a very good physique and amazing stamina, and he is in high spirits even if he doesn't suffer from jet lag. He closed his eyes at one o'clock, got up at six o'clock, and reviewed the report materials of today's academic seminar.

The morning after the passion, Ouye didn't get up, and was paralyzed from exhaustion.

Shen Qi called for breakfast, fed Ouye milk, and peeled an egg.

Ouye's body needs further conditioning, too intense and frequent sex, she can't bear it. She psychologically accepted Shen Qi's stormy passion, but her body couldn't bear it.

"I'm sorry, little leaf, it's my fault."

"It's okay, let's go to the meeting."

The schedule is very tight. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the academic seminar begins.

There were two main venues, and intense and friendly academic exchanges centered around the two winners.

The venue where Shen Qi is located is mainly experts in the field of number theory.

In fact, Shen Qi knew very well that he published 11 papers when he was in college. In the eyes of these experts, there was only one paper that could really be shown off, which was the paper "Diophantus" published in the four major journals during his graduate studies in Princeton. A Proof of the Equation Walsh Conjecture".

Shen Qi holds a PPT page presenter, and plays the core content of the Walsh conjecture proof on the big screen.

"When c is different from the above value, the problem of the number of integer points on the curve determined by the equation aX^4-bY^2=c, or the upper bound of the number of integer points, is a very difficult problem. I solved This problem proves Walsh's conjecture, and next, I will focus on reporting on the solution to this problem." Shen Qi was full of passion and talked eloquently.

"Wait a minute, I have a question." At this moment, an expert interrupted Shen Qi's report, and he pointed out: "I think the preconditions you defined are not sufficient, and it is worth discussing."

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