I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 704 Thank you for your understanding, thank you for your cooperation

Han Meng began to edit the SHANK3 gene of rats. At this time, the nucleotide sub-chain of the rat had not been methylated, while the complementary parent chain contained methylated groups.

These methylations were nonmutated and had the same pairing properties as normal nucleotides in rats.

Since there is a time lag between DNA replication and the methylation of the sub-strand, Han Meng has the opportunity to scan for mismatched bases.

Using DNA as a template in an in vitro cell-free system to mimic the genes that control transcription in an organism is very expensive.

Expensive precision instruments are laboratory fixed assets that depreciate over time. In addition to the consumption of various raw materials, consumables, water and electricity, five experimenters will spend tens of thousands of dollars for one day's experiment, regardless of whether there is any result.

As the progress of the experiment progresses, more and more money will be burned.

The scientific research budget of the Central Biology Laboratory this year is 300 million yuan, and the first quarter has just ended, and it has already spent more than 100 million yuan.

Burning money may not necessarily produce results, which may be the meaning of the four major pits around the biochemical material ring.

The five experimenters were foolishly confused about the scientific research funding given by the state and the sponsorship Shen Qi got outside. What they knew was that the cost of this laboratory was at an international level.

Huahan Genomics' laboratory burns even more money, and the degree of burning money is N times that of Shen Qi's laboratory.

But the laboratory in the university cannot be compared with the enterprise outside, this is incomparable.

For biological research, if there is no sufficient funds, researchers will not be able to realize their academic ideals and life dreams.

One of the most important tasks of the boss of a laboratory is to make money.

The five experimenters can understand that it is not easy for Director Shen, and Director Shen is under pressure. In order to get more money to maintain the operation of the biological laboratory, Director Shen is running around and working tirelessly.

The Central Physics Laboratory has achieved break-even at present, and the value of the patents they created has recovered the input cost, and there is even a small surplus.

Chemical laboratories mainly research chemical drugs, and they have a long period of cost recovery, and are now in a stage of struggle where input exceeds output.

What the five biological dogs in the center can do now is to come up with some valuable research results that are widely recognized by the biological community and can create wealth as soon as possible.

Han Meng's desire to produce results is the strongest. He calmly and meticulously operates the instrument and observes the progress of the experiment at the molecular level.

"MutS recognizes mismatched bases, and MutH recognizes two different single strands by combining with the unmethylated 5'-GATC-3' sequence...MutL's role is not obvious, it should be to coordinate the other two protein activity, biased by MutH binding near mismatch sites recognized by MutS?"

The process of Han Meng's laboratory is also a process of continuous thinking. There are many difficulties and puzzles in the project of studying rat IQ genes.

To solve the difficulties and solve the puzzles, the experimenters need to sum up experience from a large amount of experimental data, and keenly discover the key key.

If one path doesn't work, try another.

The mismatch editing method is also adopted, but Han Meng's editing path has been adjusted. He controls MutH to cut off the 5' phosphate bond of the G base connected to the methylated sequence, and the DNA helicase unwinds the double strand, and then the exonuclease degrades the exposed single strand until the mismatch position point downstream.

The other four brothers used different editing methods to try different experimental routes, supplemented by computer analysis, and each came up with a preliminary plan that they thought was feasible.

Whether it is really effective, you need to invite rats to play.

Rats are white rats, and Shen Qi's team breeds Wistar rats, which are most widely used in animal experiments.

The breeding room is next to the biological laboratory, where the temperature and humidity are constant, there is food and drink, and the living conditions and quality of life of the rats are maintained at a high level.

Wistar female rats are very aggressive during lactation, and often actively bite the hands of the staff who put them into the cage when they are feeding.

However, under normal circumstances, these rats are relatively docile and can be raised in large numbers in one cage.

Han Meng and other five experimenters entered the breeding room, and the rats in the smart group were about to move, rubbing their front paws off the ground, as if trying to please them.

The rats in the normal group rolled their small eyes and sniffed something with their small noses. They sensed the arrival of creatures of a different kind.

The rats in the stupid group huddled together in a daze, indifferent.

All things have spirituality, and those who study animals must first understand animals.

Cui Hualin observed the rats in the normal group in front of their cages. He suggested: "Before gene editing them, please treat them to a good meal."

"It should be." Han Meng nodded, and arranged for the rats to eat well.

There are national standards for the feed of experimental white mice, and these rats usually eat white mouse feed that meets the national standard.

Although the feed for white mice is rich in nutrition, there are few flavors to choose from, and there are only one or two flavors to eat.

The favorite foods of these rats are fresh cabbage, cucumbers, apples, sunflower seeds, black currants, cherries and other fruits and vegetables.

Five experimenters each selected a cage of normal group rats, and asked their little friends to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

The rats in the normal group who ate delicious food were very happy. They jumped back and forth and laughed heartily.

Although they all sound like squeaks, if you carefully identify them, you will find that squeaks with different frequencies represent different emotional states of the rats.

"Eat, eat more." Cui Hualin continued to feed his boys fresh fruits and vegetables. He has studied and worked in biology for so many years, and he has more than one rat life on his shoulders.

The other four brothers had more mouse lives. They did many experiments with white mice. They respected these small animals and life. If the rats had to be killed, they tried to choose the least painful treatment method.

Compared with the white mice that undertake drug experiments, bacterial experiments, virus experiments, radiation experiments, and pathological experiments, these white mice used for IQ gene experiments hardly feel pain in their short lives.

"Have you finished eating?" Han Meng asked the little friend in the cage.

The friends replied: "Squeak!"

"Then shall we start the experiment?"


"Thank you for your understanding, thank you for your cooperation."

The five experimenters invited their little friends out of the cage and moved to the biology laboratory next door.

The rats were first anesthetized on the experimental bench, and then the experimenters operated the gene editing equipment to edit the SHANK3 gene on the rats.

According to the experimental plan he obtained in the in vitro cell-free system, Han Meng conducted biological experiments on the experimental mice he selected.

"Identify the target base..."

"Excision of unmethylated strands..."

"Correction of mismatched bases..."

The experiment went well.

The experimental mice were subjected to SHANK3 gene editing surgery by the experimenters while they were sleeping.

"I'm done."

"I'm done too."

"Next, let us look forward to a miracle."

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