I Just Want To Be a Shrew After Wearing a Book

Chapter 68 068: Straight male cancer

"Don't mention it, I thought there were two big boys living in my house, but I didn't expect it to be two lovely little girls."

"Isn't the little girl bad? Even college students can teach Zhou Li's culture class."

Zhou Dani looked disgusted, "Forget it, my Zhou Li is pretty good, but don't let them be squeamish."

Han Wen scratched her fish scales and glanced at her, "What, did you mess with you again?"

"It's nothing but a little too squeamish. What's wrong with washing your face with cold water today? Why do you have to use hot water?"

Han Wen has also started to wash her face with hot water now, and she can understand them quite well. "It can't be said that they are squeamish, it can only be said that they can take care of them. You can see if their faces are white and tender."

Hearing Han Wen say this, Wang Dani also reacted, "Don't say it, it's true."

Han Wen: "Don't be reluctant to give up that little firewood in the future. You should use hot water when Zhou Li should use it."

"Don't worry, that's my pro-girl. I can still abuse her."

Han Wen: "Who is afraid that you will abuse her, because you are afraid that you will not be able to bear that little firewood."

"I can still tell the difference. Your Wang Hao hasn't come back yet?"

Han Wen: "Not yet, said to be back this afternoon."

"That's good."

Han Wen scraped off the fish scales, picked up the fish and said to Wang Dani, "Help me pour the water into the vegetable field."

Wang Dani picked up the basin and poured the water under the well, and then started to help Han Wen press the water.

"There are so many people in your family, can you still go tomorrow?" Han Wen asked.

"You can go, but Zhou Li hasn't been in class these days, so she can't make mistakes at home."

"When will the three children of your family be picked up?" Han Wen asked.

Of Wang Dani's four children, the third eldest, Zhou Li, is in front of her, and the others are in their hometown.

Said that Wang Dani was obviously very happy, "Next month, our school over there is also closed now. The eldest and the second will come over after helping his grandma to plant the land."

Han Wen was also happy, "That's good, your family is reunited, what about the fourth child? She won't come?"

"The fourth is not here, and the primary school is still open, so let her stay at home with the elderly."

The two chatted for a while and then Wang Dani left. After all, there were two more people in their family at noon, so they had to go back to cook first.

At noon, Han Wen made a braised fish, and the mother and three were full. This time, the two children did not quarrel to go out. The three played at home for a while, then took a nap, and waited for Han Wen to wake up. have gone to school.

In the afternoon, when Han Wen had nothing to do at home, she planned to make a chicken cake by herself. After all, what the supply and marketing agency sold was really bad.

Making chicken cakes is very simple. Han Wen made a pot after more than an hour of busy work. Xiaolong tasted it first and was full of praise.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Han Wen sat in the living room with Hu Zi doing homework, but it was very quiet outside, and Han Wen was a little worried that Wang Hao would not be able to come back today.

At ten o'clock in the evening, before Wang Hao came back, Han Wen didn't plan to wait for him. She drove the two children back to sleep, and went out to lock the door with a flashlight.

As soon as she came out of the yard, she heard a rustling sound coming from the door. Han Wen was startled, thinking that she had offended those students yesterday, and today they will come to take revenge.

He found a broom for sweeping the yard and walked cautiously towards the door with his hand in hand, ready to slap him on the face if something happened.

At this time, there was another sound from outside, and Han Wen listened carefully for a while, but did not hear the sound of smashing the door, and her anxiety eased a little.

As a result, as soon as she walked to the door, there was a rhythmic knock on the door. Han Wen was taken aback and asked, "Who is it!"

Then came a low male voice, "It's me, Wang Hao."

Hearing that it was Wang Hao and Han Wen's tense heart, he relaxed, put the broom aside, and then went to open the door, "Why did you come back so late?"

As soon as the door opened, I saw Wang Hao standing outside, sweating profusely, followed by two bulging sacks, which looked very bulky. I thought that the sound I heard just now was coming from this thing.

Han Wen winked and didn't say much. She opened the door completely and wanted to go out to help. Unexpectedly, Wang Hao didn't need her at all, and carried a sack in one hand directly into the yard.

Han Wen didn't go out idle either. She looked around and saw that no one was closing the door.

Back at the house, the two children were already asleep, and Han Wen didn't tell them that they could see it tomorrow.

Wang Hao was obviously very tired. He put his things on the ground, turned around and took a glass of white water from the table and drank it. He drank two glasses of water before stopping.

Han Wen glanced at the cup and then changed her gaze, because she just used up the cup.

"Is there anything to eat at home?" Wang Hao asked in a hoarse voice.

Han Wen: "Yes."

Because Wang Hao said that he would be back today when he left, Han Wen cooked a lot of food in the afternoon.

"I'm going to warm you up."

Wang Hao: "No need to heat, it's not cold today, it's good to eat cold."

Han Wen didn't hold back with him. After all, he was the one who ate. When he walked to the kitchen to bring the dishes out and put them on the table, Wang Hao just wiped his hands and came in from outside.

Seeing Han Wen's cooking, her eyes lit up, she strode forward and sat down to eat.

Han Wen has never seen him like this, so she joked, "Are you on a business trip or are you starving."

Wang Hao ate a few mouthfuls of vegetables and steamed buns before he slowed down. He glanced at Han Wen, raised his eyebrows and said, "In order to be able to come back today, I didn't eat for a day."

Han Wen...

"Then you eat more." Han Wen pushed the plate towards Wang Hao, and poured a glass of water for it. After all, if she hadn't said she was going out on Saturday, Wang Hao wouldn't have to hurry.

For Han Wen's sudden hospitality, Wang Hao naturally enjoyed it.

"What's in your two sacks?" Han Wen asked directly because she knew Wang Hao well.

"It's all rice, flour, grain and oil. I didn't see much of our family last time, so I got a little bit by the way. Please clean up first!"

"Oh." As Han Wen agreed, she got up to untie the sack's rope. When she opened it, she saw two small bags of flour and a bucket of oil inside.

Han Wen was a little surprised, but her face remained calm, and then she went to unpack another sack. The contents in this sack were much messier and had everything.

But what Han Wen likes most is the two pieces of cloth. Last time, the cloth could only be used for pants, but this time she can also make tops together.

One was pure white, the other was army green, just a shirt and a coat. Han Wen glanced at Wang Hao, thinking that maybe he had already matched it.

However, Wang Hao just took it casually.

Looking further down, there are small things, a pack of cakes, two toys, a flashlight, a pack of brown sugar, and a few books at the bottom.

Han Wen picked it up and found it was a novel, and asked in surprise, "Why did you bring this here when you went out?"

Wang Hao: "Didn't you say every day that you are about to finish reading that book and want to find some new ones?"

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