I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 201: Ghost face peach blossom demon. (Second! Seeking subscription!)

Lu Xuan suddenly felt the shock of his soul, he did not dare to neglect, and with a wave of the five-color mandala in his hand, the invisible fluctuations slowly waved away, forming a vague halo around him, blocking the impact, from among the many branches, one Rushed past.

Lu Xuan had just stepped into Hualin with his front foot, Pei Ling had arrived with his back foot, Hualin laughed again, but his body was boiling, but he was not affected at all!

The two rushed into the flower forest one after another, the smell of the living being like drops of water dripping into a tumbling oil pan, the flower monsters in the forest woke up one after another, and immediately entered a predatory state.

The dreamlike ghost face peach blossom that was originally in full bloom had dense scarlet teeth popping out of the center of the stamen, and the knotted branches and leaves also gave birth to sharp poisonous thorns at the same time.

Then, the branches and leaves flapped.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sky full of poisonous thorns is like a rainstorm, shooting at both Pei Ling and Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan snorted coldly, and shook the five-color mandala gently, condensing a poison shield to block the poisonous thorns coming towards him.

Pei Ling frowned, his blood ghost escape method could avoid the stinger, but the time to dodge like that was enough for Lu Xuan to distance himself!

Thinking of this, Pei Ling couldn't avoid it, swinging a long knife, a **** waterfall of sword energy, straight to the surrounding flower demon!

Immediately afterwards, he took out the poisonous fire and blood dragon stick, and the dragon's first spewed poisonous fire, burning all nearby vegetation.

Click, click, click, click...The seemingly terrifying branches and leaves, in front of the sword energy holding the infinite will, there is no force to fight back, almost instantly, the branches and leaves fall, and countless petals are falling like a rain of mourning. .

The next moment the poisonous fire arrived, the scream of the fairy became more and more high-pitched. In the raging fire, Pei Ling did not look back, holding a knife in one hand and a stick in the other, and continued to chase Lu Xuan into the depths of the flower forest.

The sword was full of energy, and the poisonous fire was raging. Under the chase, Lu Xuan still stunned his head and fled, but Hualin was killed or injured, and countless plant spirits died tragically.

At this moment, a bunch of vines suddenly pulled out from below. The vines were like iron in color, with star-like spots. Although they were plants, when they broke through the sky, they made a heavy whistling sound like gold and iron!

"What a courage!" At the same time, a woman's sharp voice came from below, "How dare to harm my children so much!"

Lu Xuan sneered when he heard the words, and ran away without stopping under his feet or looking back.

Pei Ling wanted to chase, but was blocked by the vines that were pulled out one after another from below.

Upon seeing this, Pei Ling's face sank, he turned over the knife, and chopped it down!

The **** sword was as polished as it was practiced. When it fell, only the sound of countless branches breaking, mixed with the screams of spirits and monsters, instantly cleared a large area, and suddenly revealed a ghost-faced peach blossom tree surrounded by several people.

The flowers are blooming, the branches are knotted, and the tree body opens a pair of eyes, the branches on both sides are twisted and twisted together, holding a handful of vines, as a long whip, is pulling at Peiling fiercely!

Pei Ling's bone knives were swiped and swiped, and several knives slashed straight down.

Clang clang clang! ! !

The two sides fought a few tricks, but they were evenly divided!

"He is tracking a great enemy, if you can open it, you will have to thank you again in the future!" Pei Ling said immediately.

With his current strength, he is completely not afraid of this base-building flower demon.

But just for a while, Lu Xuan was gone. If this ghost-faced peach blossom demon entangled with him a few more tricks, he would definitely lose this great opportunity to kill Lu Xuan!

"Die to me!" the ghost face peach blossom demon said angrily, dozens of vines rose from the ground, like a sharp arrow, stabs towards Pei Ling!

Pei Ling's face turned cold, and the blood surging around her body, used the blood ghost escape method to avoid all the spurs.

The ghost face peach blossom demon fell through the air, and the huge canopy suddenly shook gently, and instantly gave birth to countless flower buds, which bloomed quickly, and a strange floral scent suddenly appeared in the air.

This floral fragrance appeared abruptly, but extremely domineering, almost filled the audience with a finger.

Pei Ling immediately took out the anti-drug pill and took it, while holding his breath, wrapped the whole body with cold fire to prevent the flower poison from infiltrating his body without knowing it.

Seeing this situation, the branches under the ghost face peach blossom demon suddenly grew, instantly elevating the figure of the flower demon by more than ten feet, and hundreds of branches stretched out from its back, stabs directly towards Pei Ling.

Puff puff……

Pei Ling used the blood ghost escape method again to dodge all attacks. Taking advantage of the gap of the flower demon's move, Tisheng Knife instantly swung more than 20 knives, and more than 20 swords suddenly slashed towards the flower demon!

Boom boom boom...

You come and I meet on both sides, quickly fighting dozens of moves, but within a short period of time, no one can do anything about it.

Pei Ling couldn't help sighing inwardly, missed this opportunity, and then wanted to kill Lu Xuan again, I was afraid it would not be so easy.

Thinking about this, he immediately decided to retreat for the time being. Lu Xuan had already fled, and it didn't make any sense for him to fight the ghost face peach blossom demon again.

In the unlikely event that the two defeats in the fight are hurt, but they are picked up by others, it will be more than worth the loss.

After making up his mind, Pei Ling glanced at the crystal mirror hanging around her waist, and suddenly her eyes condensed. The red dot in the mirror did not disappear. Lu Xuan was still here, and very close to him!


Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Pei Ling had just escaped a vine thorn from the flower demon. At this moment, her feet hadn't landed, and it was too late to hide for the second time. She didn't hesitate at the moment, she twisted her waist suddenly, and was tired of cutting her back with the knife!


The Five Poison Fingers were smashed by Pei Ling's sword qi, but at this time, Lu Xuan had already raided in front of him, slapped his chest with a palm!

At the same time, the five thorns of the flower demon also pointed directly at Pei Ling's heart!

At this moment when the enemy was attacked, Pei Ling was extremely calm. He didn't evade Lu Xuan's poisonous palm, and he slashed at the opponent's head with a hatred of life!

With the sword's intent moving forward, he seemed to cut Lu Xuan in half with a single knife at the cost of a serious injury!

Lu Xuan's face changed slightly, and he quickly retracted his palms and backed away.


The sword qi brushed Lu Xuan's face, and fell in the flower forest not far away, and suddenly there was another wailing whine of a fairy.

Puff puff……

The ghost face peach blossom demon was furious when seeing his heirs frequently breaking and falling, and the five vine thorns accelerated to fall. Pei Ling's blood ghost escape method worked to the extreme, avoiding four of the vine thorns when he couldn't let his hair go. But the shot just now made his figure a little stagnant, but the fifth thorn pierced his back firmly!


With a sound of jade, the vine thorn was blocked by the jade bone!

Feeling the heart-piercing pain on his back, Pei Ling did not hesitate, and the blood ghost escape method was urged to the extreme, and instantly escaped outside the Hualin!

"Run fast!" Lu Xuan smiled coldly, then looked at the ghost face peach blossom demon, this demon can vomit, and his intelligence is obviously not low. He has an enemy with Pei Ling, and the other party is also like Pei Ling just now. Like the Bijing Blood Wolf King, establish a cooperative relationship?

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan arched his hands towards the flower demon and said, "Junior Lu Xuan is a disciple of the Eastern Outer Sect of Zhongming Sect..."

However, before Lu Xuan finished speaking, dozens of vine thorns had already strangled him!

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