I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 291: This is my luck! (First one! Please subscribe!)

After half an hour, Meishan Trail.

This is a path sandwiched between the cliffs of the mountain wall, opened up forcibly by people with great magic power, and can be used by strange animals to travel.

The name comes from the clusters of rose-red wildflowers that can be seen from time to time along the roadside.

This kind of nameless flower is useless to monks, so it's born all over the mountains and no one cares about it.

The carriage stopped before a blood stain.

In the car, Huo Zhaojing slowly opened his eyes. According to his induction, he finally arrived at the place where the four previous juniors and younger sisters died in battle.

Unlike the three of Lu Yanni, this time the other party obviously has no time to deal with the traces.

He got out of the carriage and walked around for a while, probably guessing how the same door died.

The knife marks in the four directions clearly showed that the juniors and sisters were very obedient.

There was no negligence at all, and when he sensed that the Chongming Sect disciple was about to take action, he immediately dispersed and fled.

However, from the perspective of distance, their actions just slightly delayed the speed of the other party's slaughter.

Among the marks of the knife, the bitter and domineering intent of the knife remained.

No corpses were seen around, but blood stains appeared.

Four knives.

The disciple of Chongmingzong only took four knives to solve his four juniors!

This was a unilateral crush, and the four Zhongchun disciples were born to teach that in front of the opponent, there was no power to fight back!

Huo Zhaojing's face was gloomy, and his thoughts turned.

The question now is that he crossed the dangerous place from the Yinfengkou and entered the Meishan Trail. Why didn't he encounter the Mei's motorcade on this road?

It stands to reason that Mei's motorcade escorted the three winged wolves and Huang Quanmu with limited speed, and it was impossible for them to pass the Yinfengkou in such a short time.

Could it be that I ran back?

Thinking of this, Huo Zhaojing frowned. With this strength, he was already qualified to fight him, but he didn't know why the Chongming Sect disciple would avoid him?

At this moment, the natural teaching disciples on the third road arrived.

"Big Brother!" Seeing Huo Zhaojing, everyone hurriedly saluted.

Huo Zhaojing nodded slightly, and immediately said, "The disciple of Chongmingzong, he should have ran back."

"We are catching up now, and we may not be able to stop them before they return to the exit of Meishan Trail."

"By then, they will inevitably choose the other two paths."

"I don't like playing this kind of hide-and-seek game."

Speaking of this, Huo Zhaojing sneered coldly, "They are escorting the Mei's motorcade, that is to say, no matter how they change lanes or hide their traces on the way, they will eventually go to the Mei's ancestral house!"

"In that case, we are waiting at the Mei's ancestral house!"

"Yes!" Many inborn disciples responded quickly.

Huo Zhaojing sat back in the carriage and glanced at the knife mark underneath, a chill flashed in his eyes.

The strength of the Chongmingzong came this time is good, but unfortunately, the opponent shouldn't be an enemy of him!


After taking many healing elixirs, Mei Keqiu's injury has recovered more than half.

However, on the surface, there is no joy, but worryingly looking at the three winged wolves and Huang Quanmu in the convoy.

After struggling for a long time, Mei Keqiu gritted his teeth, speeded up his pace, and walked to Pei Ling's side, thinking of the ancestor's instructions before leaving.

Seeing Mei Keqiu approaching, Peiling immediately asked: "What's the matter?"

"Master Pei Mai." Mei Keqiu calmed down, showing a painful expression, but still whispered, "The ancestor...actually ordered that if the road is too dangerous. Huang Quanmu...you can let it out!"

After speaking, he hurriedly added, "As long as the three winged wolves can be transported back to the clan intact, this mission will still be completed!"

Hearing this, Pei Ling said slightly.

The Mei family now has no one to succeed. Once the foundation-building old Patriarch's life is gone, there will be no second foundation-building force among the big clan!

In this case, the decline of the family is trivial, and if one is not good, the disaster of family destruction is imminent.

Therefore, compared to the resources that Huangquanmu can nurture the descendants of the clan, but are difficult to achieve in a short time, the tangible foundation-building power of the three-headed wolves is naturally more important.

The old man from the Mei family who built the foundation can see clearly and is willing.

However, there are already seven disciples of the Tianshengjiao who are now dead in his hands.

A yellow spring tree wants to let the other party stop, but it is impossible anyway!

"I have my own decision." Pei Ling said indifferently, the Tianshengjiao who was chasing them now should be Huo Zhaojing in the late stage of foundation building.

As long as you avoid this person, other natural teaching disciples can't help him!

In that case, why give up the treasure and bow your head for mercy?

Seeing Peiling's firm attitude, Mei Keqiu didn't dare to say anything, so he had to return to the team.

Next, the team continued to drive at full speed. Pei Ling had to guard against Huo Zhaojing from behind, so he put away the blood puppet sedan, and just like Jin Sumian and the three, stood by the side of the team.

So as not to be too late to meet the enemy.

A few hours later, the convoy returned to the entrance of Meishan Trail smoothly.

Without saying anything, Pei Ling took everyone to Xuanjiapu.

From the back of Xuanjiabao, across the star field, walk the Queji Gorge, and after a detour, you can also reach the Mei family's ancestral house.

Moreover, the location of Xuanjiapu is already the site of the Chongming Sect.

Even if Huo Zhaojing dared to chase after him, he would definitely be jealous and dare not entangle him.

This road, the most worrying thing is whether Huo Zhaojing will overtake him before arriving at Xuanjiapu.

Therefore, for the next five days, whether Pei Ling or Jin Sumian, the rest of the Mei clan... are all tense.

But the Tianshengjiao seemed to disappear suddenly, until they had completely entered the realm of the Chongming Sect, and they were only a day or two away from the Mei family, but no one came after them.

How is this going?

Is it possible that after seven people have been killed, they are afraid of being killed?

Not only did Peiling feel weird, but the atmosphere of the entire team was gradually relaxed from the previous depression.

Mei Keqiu looked at Pei Ling in awe: "Master Pei Mai is really a young talent!"

"Natural education pays attention to heels and feet, and those with good backgrounds boast that they have noble blood. They have always only allowed me to bear others, and no one is allowed to bear me."

"It can be said to be a must report."

"It's really rare that I don't want to be deterred by the main **** Pei Mai today, and hesitate to move forward!"

"My Mei family can get the help of Pei Mai Lord this time, it is really Fu Zuo unfailing, and my luck is continuous!"

"This is my Mei's fortune!"

Hearing this, Dai Baishi said: "The power of the pulse master, I go up and down the outer door of the holy sect, it is obvious to all. Erme's ability to work hard to come here is indeed the ancestor's accumulation of virtue."

"Not bad!" Yan Yuming said immediately, "Although the Tianshengjiao is on the same level as my Saint Sect, it also depends on who my Saint Sect is from this time! Compared to the strength of the main cultivation level, the so-called Senior Brother Chuntan, but in this way!"

The two of you said a word to me, and in an instant, they dazzled the hype that Peiling touted.

Jin Sumian didn't say a word, lowered his head, and arranged the Yingluo fairy whale-riding gemstone ring hanging from his waist.

After getting along these days, she suddenly felt that although Pei Ling often performed incomprehensible behaviors, his strength was really outstanding.

With the power of one person, he can retreat from the natural and powerful enemy who is also the giant of the magic door, which is amazing!

Moreover, he was extremely responsible. After taking over the task, instead of being bewitched by Dai Baishi and Yan Yuming, he turned to poison Mei, but tried his best to shelter the convoy.

Thinking of what Senior Sister Ouyang revealed privately before leaving, Pei Ling had just built a foundation and did not want to leave the sect, but she heard that she was in urgent need of pill fire, so she made an exception and promised to take this trip.

Sushou tore the ribbon ring around, feeling very uncomfortable for a while, Jin Sumian suddenly felt that the previous rumors about her and Pei Ling from the outer door seemed to be less nasty...

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