I Just Want To Be Quiet

Chapter 642: Mu Yidian. (The third one! Please subscribe!)

The Lord of Supervision took over the wooden symbol, and didn't even bother to verify it.

This time Pei Ling's true mission, everyone knew that since the Li family had rescued the person now, everything must have been prepared.

In fact, in addition to the supervision of Mingzhu and Wanhua Ming in the mirror of the true biography mission, there is also a contract as a constraint.

The disciple who took over the task, at the time of signing, was equal to a promise to abide by all the regulations stated in the deed.

Once breached, the contract will follow the vows in the dark and hold the cheaters accountable.

But this premise is that the task is proceeding normally.

There is no situation that exceeds the upper limit of the true transmission assessment.

But right now, even the Sect Master is off the court himself, so what else is there to say?

The Lord of the Supervisory Hall put away the things in his hand, and immediately announced that Pei Ling had completed the mission of true teachings, and then said: "Three days later, a true teachings enthronement ceremony will be held in Mu Yi Hall."

Hearing this, Pei Ling was about to nod, and a member of the Li clan behind him suddenly said: "Three days is too long, it will delay the cultivation of the future Saint Child, do it right away!"

Seeing that the members of the Li clan have directly referred to Peiling as the future saint son, the Supervisory Hall Master did not say anything. At the moment, whether it is the Li family, the Su Clan, Si Hong, or his Supervisory Hallmaster, they don’t think that Su Zhenhe still has What qualifications, compete with this Pei Ling.

This son becomes a holy son, it is only a matter of time!

The Master of Supervision said calmly: "There has never been such an example before. I need to ask the Sect Master for instructions."

The Li clan nodded: "There is work."

So, the lord ordered them to sit down and walk into the inner hall by themselves.

After a while, he reappeared and said: "The Sect Master has agreed. Pei Ling can now go to the Mu Yi Temple and begin to pass on the ceremony of the ascension."

"But in such a rush, without enough time to prepare, I am afraid it will be very crude."

"It's okay." The members of the Li clan didn't hesitate. The real purpose of the Li clan was to support Pei Ling to the position of saint son.

It’s just a matter of fact, just a cutscene.

In their view, Pei Ling's time and safety are much more important than a flowery and beautiful ceremony of the ascension to the throne!

The Master of Supervision nodded and said: "I have just given the Su Clan, Si Hong Clan, the two true biography, and other Twelve Channel Masters."

"Now go to Mu Yidian, they just happen to be there."

"There is Palace Master Lao." The Li clan bowed his hand and immediately said to Peiling, "Let's go."

This Mu Yidian, Pei Ling had never heard of it before. At this moment, if it weren't for the Li clan to lead the way, he didn't even know it.

After coming out of the monitoring hall, walking out of the Gu Yuan boundary, the vegetation gradually changed from desolation to protactinium, and soon, a majestic palace appeared in sight.

It is as high as a hundred feet tall, and there are many pillars surrounded by several people.

The high-hanging plaque has three large characters written in cloud seals: "Mu Yi Temple."

The Li clan members who accompanied him casually introduced Pei Ling: “This place is where some ceremonies of the sect are carried out. In addition to the ceremonies of the true pass on the throne, disciples of the inner sect are married together and are often held here.”

"Because of the truth, there is no need to invite fellow witnesses, the original etiquette is not grand."

"I'm afraid it's a bit simpler today, but you don't have to regret it. It's not really a matter of fact."

"The saint son's ascension ceremony, this is the time when you raise your eyebrows and truly become famous."

Pei Ling nodded slightly. He didn't take this ritual seriously.

The Li's resolute and resolute behavior fits his liking.

The group fled to Mu Yi Hall and fell down. After entering the hall, they saw that there were already dozens of people inside.

"Patriarch Sihong." Seeing this, the Li clan members immediately stepped forward to salute, "Everyone, you have work today."

He nodded to several young monks who were standing behind the lord.

Upon seeing this, Pei Ling met with him.

"It's okay." The Patriarch of Si Hong is an old man who looks about 60 or 70 years old. He has gray beard, a brown robe, long hair draped, and a handful of bones in his hand. On it, resentful souls linger and radiate from time to time. There was a low voice of howling ghosts and wolves.

However, the Patriarch of Si Hong himself looked pleasant, as if he was an extremely loving elder.

He looked at Pei Ling with a smile, and said, "It really is a young Junjie. I heard that this child is not yet married?"

The member of the Li clan laughed and said: "Pei Zhen Chuan is fascinated by the way, but he is a careless girl."

Euphemistically rejected the temptation of Si Hong's Patriarch, the Li clan immediately began to introduce Pei Ling's people to the Qi Si Hong family.

The Patriarch of the Si Hong clan came in person, and several clan elders also came. In addition, there were a few outstanding members of the Si Hong clan's younger generation.

The most outstanding, of course, is one of the upper three meridians, Si Honglan, the meridian of the sly spider.

This is a dull young man with a green robe and bamboo crown, simple attire, and seemingly bad at words. He bowed his hand to Peiling and said, "Congratulations."

Immediately there was silence.

It was a young girl behind him who asked Pei Ling about the long and short questions while smilingly smiling, as if paying great attention to him.

It's just that the members of the Li clan were very vigilant, and after a few words, they took over for Pei Ling, lest the girl really got into a pair with Pei Ling, at this critical moment, distracting the future son.

After a while, a group of people came in at the door. Behind him, followed by several expressionless clan elders, and after that, there was Su Zhenhe with a gloomy expression.

After that, there was a beautiful female nun in goose-yellow palace dress surrounded by green beads.

The two eyebrows are quite similar, and one can tell that they are brothers and sisters.

At this moment, the female sister looked quite worried, glanced at Su Zhenhe from time to time, as if worried about him.

After the people of the Su family entered the temple, the headed person was the first to smile, and said loudly: "My holy sect, Fu Zuo is long. A few days ago, the saint was in the right position, and now a young true biography is ushered. It's really gratifying!"

Upon seeing this, the Li clan chuckled, but said nothing.

Although this battle for true biography was ultimately won by the Nine A Li family, the Su family's extraterrestrial move would not be forgotten by the Li family.

Especially the fact that the dignified Sect Master actually ended up personally, whether it was the Sect Master or the Su Clan, both had to pay the price.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to cultivate Pei Ling.

Today's ceremony of the true pass to the throne, let things rest for the time being.

When Pei Ling is the son of the saint in the future, he will settle the account with the pillow stone Su clan carefully!

Therefore, they only introduced to Pei Ling by sound transmission: "This person is the head of the Su family's generation, and his name is Su Qianya."

"However, he is just an incarnation in front of him... The few people around him are all veterans of the Su clan. Su Zhenhe's female cultivator, named Su Zuiqi, is one of the upper three veins, the master of the serpent vein."

Not long after, the Lord of the Supervisory Hall and the twelve pulse masters arrived one after another.

Of the twelve pulse masters, except for Si Honglan, Su Zuiqi, Li Hange, Jin Sutai, and Gu Hong, Pei Ling knew none of them.

It was the Zhaochuan line. After Miao Chengyang was beheaded by him, he now has a new line master and successor.

Right now, these pulse masters looked somewhat dazed and shocked.

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