I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 102 Not much to say, Ignite the battle song (fourth update on the first day)

What can Zhao Dezhu do?

All he knows is one thing, brushing orders.

Originally, it was suggested that Boss Tang and his franchisees should use normal transfer and delivery instead of ordering. This was the only solution he could come up with.

People don't want to make the effort, or don't believe it at all.

Once you ask someone to swipe the order, it will cost you money, causing speculation about whether it is a liar.

Then simply come by yourself.

Doesn't Zhao Dezhu have a lot of young people who have nothing to do all day?

Just do it.

Isn't there a large number of industries in later generations that revolve around swiping orders, swiping credit, swiping reviews, and even engaging in the fan economy?

Zhao Dezhu decided to try this first.

Ask him to do a grand and upright career, he really doesn't know how to do it.

And you have to understand a person's way of thinking, which must have a lot to do with his childhood family, education, and growth environment.

Zhao Dezhu is used to not following the right path. He has never worked part-time, let alone started a business and worked hard in production.

It's nice to think about being self-reliant.

He didn't even bother to think about whether this matter was a bit illegal.

But I still took the time to call and ask Police Officer Zeng.

Of course, he must have asked Yu Blind, and Zeng Nan stuttered: "This, this, I am not very familiar with the Internet, but there have been Internet scams recently, you should not engage in these false things."

Zhao Dezhu described: "You open a milk tea shop, and no one comes to drink it. I come to pretend to line up with Cheng Ting and others every day. Others think it must be delicious, so the business slowly picks up. This can only be regarded as a sales technique and not a crime Bar?"

Zeng Nan actually said: "Oh, now I really want to open a small shop, it's so different from the policeman I imagined when I was young."

Zhao Dezhu encouraged her in turn: "You have no sense of accomplishment. After you have done a few things and are proud of your career, you won't think so."

Zeng Nan sighed: "I'm so miserable, I don't get enough sleep every day..."

Then I was a little happy: "Today I went on patrol, guarding the stele, and many people surrounded me to watch!"

Zhao Dezhu laughed loudly and hurriedly hung up the phone.

I was really busy, and I didn't know until I got back to school that there were more than one hundred computers in the computer room, although they could all be turned on.

Most of them are 486 old machines for display. They can type at most, and a few can draw CAD.

Zhao Dezhu had to spend money to bring a broadband line to come here.

This also makes the students who sign up for the brushing class flock in groups.

The school dean must ask what is going on.

Zhao Dezhu blocked it when he said that the students would make up the computer class at night, and then called Long Zhiyu to solve it.

Who dares to compare the teachers and staff of this kind of crappy school with the students with Ferraris.

Laolong also came to see Zhao Dezhu, who had installed a fiber-optic broadband for the school classrooms for free, and left without saying a word, probably afraid that Zhao Dezhu would ask him to share the installation fee.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu really thought about spending hundreds of thousands to set up an Internet cafe outside the school gate.

Firstly, the cost of renovating and installing equipment is still a bit high, and he might not have enough money in his hand. Secondly, he doesn’t think it’s a good thing to have an Internet cafe outside the school, including that he was once addicted to online games and gambling, so he should stay away.

He simply used the old computer in the computer room, just right.

Opening a webpage is trembling, so don’t even think about playing games. Being able to fight the red police online makes the boys very happy.

And it was only after I really started to use this brushing order that I discovered a wonderful thing.

Doesn't this thing need to enter the courier number?

Zhao Dezhu has his own express store.

Some are single numbers...

It can also help him achieve express performance.

It's like there are people pretending to line up on both sides.

So when this online store opened, there were a lot of things to do.

Zhao Dezhu's characteristic is like this, he doesn't know how to do it, but when others do it, he can point fingers and beeps a lot after watching it.

Huang Panpan and Yang Qian quickly split into two.

Yang Qian continued to manage the project of selling trucks. The first batch of two tons of clothes was shipped back and piled up in the classroom. She mobilized a large group of girls to sort them out, and each person was given 20 yuan a day.

In the end, the girls who didn't know how to work abroad finished sorting out more than 3,000 pieces of clothes in one day...

From shirts to windbreakers, trousers, skirts, a few coats and coats.

The average piece is worth less than four yuan!

It is said that many girls from the villages and towns rushed to buy hundreds of pieces at the scene, and even 20 yuan for each piece!

Still fighting!

Yang Qian was also a little dazed, she asked the boy to fight, and warned not to buy it internally, and stopped yelling and scolding, and couldn't hold back the scene.

In the end, Zhao Dezhu had to be found.

He solved it in one sentence: "Each person is limited to two pieces at most, but I warn you, there may be a steady stream of better-looking clothes in the future, and you won't have a chance to buy them at that time."

The inexplicable sense of anticipation really brought the situation under control.

Zhao Dezhu didn't look for Sister Xia either, and directly asked the vice president of planning who had a meeting before, and contacted him to buy three double-cab microcars.

Although the cargo compartment is only the size of a palm and can only hold half a ton of goods, the key point is that it can take five people to the countryside at once, ensuring that the entire sales team can legally follow the car.

The original price of more than 40,000 cars was rebuilt for 36,000, and they were sent to the school.

The students on the freight project were so excited that they couldn't sleep.

I scrambled to join the first three sales groups.

The reason why Huang Panpan is in charge of managing the online store team is that Zhao Dezhu decided to re-take all the photos of the clothes on the way back.

It's not that they didn't shoot well, but that they weren't down-to-earth enough!

His train of thought is already more than ten or twenty years later in the style of a certain sound.

Tang Yuhua and the others still used foreign models to pose in branded clothes.

Zhao Dezhu only glanced at the online store, and then flipped through Feng Xiaoting's collection of various brand product catalogs in the past two years, and felt that it was too far away from the people.


A certain treasure wind, a certain sound wind, let's go!

The most important thing is to put Ferrari on the homepage!

All model photos must be taken with Ferrari, but the shooting technique is not so important.

Huang Panpan and Yang Qian also knew a little about photography studios and the like.

Contact the price and come over. Is it enough for twenty models to shoot together?

There's nothing wrong with us here, except that there are many beauties in the golf class.

Gao Yuxin has a hanger figure, even Li Yuanyuan and Shen Jianing's heights are definitely suitable for being a certain treasure model.

The key is that they are happy. Zhao Dezhu talked about it in class, but he hasn't talked about salary yet.

The girls were so happy that they almost hugged him and kissed him.

"Pillars are great!"

"When do you choose your clothes?"

"Are there many clothes to choose from?"

"How many days can I wear it?"

"Do you want to make up, that kind of beautiful makeup!"

It really doesn't matter if it's money or not. At this time, tell them that each of them has a modeling fee of 100 yuan.

In turn, Zhao Dezhu was ridiculed by the group: "I heard from my senior, you are supporting your business again, and you must pay for everything yourself."

"You do something, and we still need to charge money?"

"Then what is it if you buy us clothes? Are you reminding us that we haven't given you the money for the class clothes yet?"

Even an iceberg girl like Chen Yanling is quite lethal when she speaks eloquently.

Zhao Dezhu just acted like a kind father: "Okay, okay, these clothes will always be with us, you can wear them if you like..."

Dare he go to set up a franchise online store and bring a lot of unsalable styles of clothing from the past two years, just to serve as public wardrobes for the girls in the golf class?

The girls in other classes in the college are so sour.

Look at the squad leader...

But wait for the girls in the golf class to wear these fashions.

The other girls had no choice but to say, look at her figure...

Compared to anyone who is young, anyone can wear that kind of JK outfit.

This kind of fashionable lady's clothing still needs a little body foundation.

Girls in the golf class basically despise other ordinary majors in terms of height, and then maintain a healthy body.

Wear these styles that basically copy the Hong Kong version, the European version, and the Japanese and American fashions.

The photographers who rushed over were shocked: "So many models?! Do you have a model training class here?"

The girls didn't bother to pay attention to him, but immediately queued up to the makeup artist.

Huang Panpan and Yang Qian rushed to help as assistants.

Fortunately, Long Zhiyu also taught some basic makeup, but they only have simple lip gloss, eyebrow pencil, and blush.

How can professional makeup artists open their boxes now, and there are all kinds of equipment.

Who doesn't love girls?

The scene truly interprets what is called group female porridge.

It was like a pot of eight-treasure porridge.

The happiness of a woman is as simple as that...

Zhao Dezhu didn't know how to learn routines, so instead of shooting on campus, he went to the dilapidated farmyard opposite.

Let Gao Yuxin wear a skirt copied from MaxMara to stand in the yard with wine barrels, leaning on the Ferrari body, while the old man and a few boys and girls in ordinary clothes sat on the wooden bench behind and laughed silly.

He didn't know how to express such a scene of strong conflict.

But isn't there a lot of music like this? There are always a few messy people watching behind the anchor.

In fact, academically, this is called strengthening the visual center, using the contrast between ordinary shapes and realistic shapes.

Compared with the serious model photos, there are a bit more ridicule and realistic criticism!

Anyway, the photographer was amazed to meet the famous artist and shoot with an attitude of artistic creation.

More than 20 beautiful and chirping girls crowded around to watch, discussing how to be more outstanding.

When taking turns to go into battle, they also reminded each other to help each other, and tried their best to shoot the most beautiful looks.

When playing golf, why don't you see you being so serious?

Let the state of the photography studio be a bit bursting.

It's just that they habitually want to hook up and make an appointment, hand over their business cards and say that they can take a set of artistic photos for free alone.

These girls would laugh and laugh as if they were looking at a pervert: "The monitor said you guys are liars!"

"The squad leader said that this must have no good intentions..."

"If you want to take artistic photos, you must find the monitor, who asked you to take pictures..."

When the photography studio looked at the squad leader driving the Ferrari, a large-scale motion picture must have appeared in his mind.

You can't be too busy, what a dog day!

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